Haunted Wood find me where the wild things are
19 Posts
Ooc —
She approached the invisible barrier with a young raven clutched between her teeth. Overhead was the creatures mate, or parent, she could not be sure. It careened away with a crooked wing, bellowing a low call which could have been labelled a barking of defeat. As the raven rose in to the clouds Jocasta watched it, then dropped her gaze to the forest spanning her periphery. She tosses her dead raven against the frosted earth, watching its limp wings spread against the white. Then, with a low melody humming from her throat, she calls to the wolves who have claimed the area.

683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was round and her young were pounding against her stomach threading to come out in the days ahead. She had been doing a patrol when the call of a wolf came and she promptly headed towards the noise. She saw the raven laid down on the snow and looked up at the wolf who was in front of her. "You are on the borders of nightwalkers. State your business."
”Common” "Spanish"
19 Posts
Ooc —
The wolf that came to meet the call looked quite corpulent; no doubt fattened by the life brewing within. Jo was immediately envious. The woman gave her a harsh look and sharp words, to which she responds, I bring an offering. Do you have space for another? As she asks, Jocasta watches the woman's plump sides and before letting them answer, she adds: You look ready to burst. Have you a midwife? Perhaps she could be of use here.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The female before her spoke and she listened really carefully to the woman. "Yes, we have room in our ranks." She listened on to the next question. "I am the packs medic however as you could tell I will be pretty indisposed for a while. We are in need of medics and hunters." She knew that she wasn't the only one who was expecting pups. "Are you skilled in that area because we have another mother that I know of also going to birth anytime now. What is your name."
”Common” "Spanish"
19 Posts
Ooc —
Names were powerful, and she would not give her's away so readily. But there was always a moment for obstinance and this was not it. So without pause she answers, I am Jo.

And then, I am a capable hunter and ecologist, but I have been around new mothers and can be of service. A flick of an ear, and she smiles but the expression does not warm her eyes. Does that suffice?
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She revealed her name and the dark woman only felt it was necessary to speak hers. "I am serem. Only time will tell if this pack is good for you. I believe you may be a good fit however I can only give my approval. @Hela can give the final decision. She is higher up than I."
”Common” "Spanish"
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
the warlord steps smoothy beside her general, gaze tracing the line of her swollen stomach a moment before falling onto the newcomer, tail arches and auds pressed forward. she'd caught the last of her words, and all of serem's. fighting was not one of the skills she'd offered, and in the past, a mandatory one. but the yearling had come to find that carrying on the tradition of the first spar, and accepting only those with an affinity for fighting made the group as a whole more volatile. and that only bode poorly for herself, and the position she'd seized. 

a scan confirmed that she was fit, healthy, and if she spoke truly, she would be useful. if not -- the melonii had no qualms on turning fang to her and running her out. but the reality of it was that they needed more bodies. "it suffices. welcome." a dip of her muzzle solidifies her consent.
19 Posts
Ooc —
They were to defer to someone else, and Jocasta would wait patiently for the alpha to arrive. When someone did, the woman was surprised to be faced with a cooly confident yearling. Her face betrayed her surprise, and Jo looked to Serem as if for confirmation that this was the group's leader. The girl spoke, and Jo's ears spun to listen. She nodded and kept her thoughts to herself but voiced one last thing: Thank you. I will acclimatize myself - unless you have a task for me? It took effort not to direct her question to the other adult present, as it felt very odd for Jo to speak to this girl as if she were mature. All the same, she would wait for any orders before departing.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
When the girl arrived she listened to what was said and she watched as the other looked to her in surprise and serem remained quiet and diverted her eyes to her paws. With a swift breath serem looked back to the new comer. "I am more than able to show you around and answer any questions you may have or you may seek me out later if you wish." She could care less, the woman either wanted to keep moving or lie down.
”Common” "Spanish"