Redtail Rise we have a flair for the shade and the inbetween
water to wine and the finest of sands
40 Posts
Ooc — markab
@Buzzard & @Astraeus :)
loose assumptions on the legion thread. light rain, 68F, 2pm.

they left legion behind them. they'd gotten away without much fuss, given buzzard's history. it would make actually stealing from them so much sweeter when it happened, but as much as he wanted to sneak right back and take everything he could find, they'd be on high alert, now. a shame.

the further they traveled, the more it seemed to rain; it was thoroughly miserable. moreso because now they had another mountain to climb, and instead of at least having vulture's...decent sensibilities to accompany them, all they had now was buzzard, who the rain did not seem to have cleaned at all.

condor might have been impressed, if it was anything other than persistent filth their sibling was carting along with them. and if he wasn't also aware that buzzard was a little...displeased with the outcome of their last encounter.

near the top of the rise, they truly could not take the anticipation anymore.

"all right, darling. i know you've been itching to give me an earful, even though i DID save you from being torn to pieces, so please," condor bowed sarcastically, "be my guest."

77 Posts
Ooc — mutton
Well, that went okayishhhh. Could’ve went a lot better. Like food-in-mouth, stuffing themselves silly kind of better. Now they were still starving and empty-handed. They’d probably have to settle for some soggy scraps. They’re sure Condor would loooove that.

Needless to say, they were kinda salty. They’ve been internally screaming ever since they left that border. They’d been itching to vent, and they seized the opportunity immediately.

I could’ve stole all their shit then and there! But you had to stick your nose in the conversation did you?
omnipotent society of youth
180 Posts
Ooc — wen
feel free to PP him!

Sieve spangled minerals for the small rock girl,
borne a garden that makes the elfin princess impressed yet green,
dally home afore evenfall;
the self-proclaimed prince leaves his dress-up courtiers unwitting as the remnants of the peak panned farther and farther behind. The magnetic pull of familiarity clutches the trepidation weighing in his belly; kindling throbs of adrenaline —

I could’ve stole all their shit then and there!
But you had to stick your nose in the conversation did you?​

Ashen lips part in disbelief, shutting and flapping like window shutters during a squall. Swop such  terms? Well, to be fair the boy has never heard them. And who was he to pass up learning foreign lyric? Blatant curiosity interrupts his berry bush root foraging, and it's ample reason to leave them slick and unkempt as he policed the unfolding bickerfest ( they were blemished anyways ). Artichoke, lackluster peepers make unprecedented for audience. 
Hairs on his posterior perform a rigid standstill as the most odious ogre and his iron club, the air around them deliriously malodorous. There were monstrosities out here. Lusus naturae —!

The breathing nightmare is the incarnation of disgusting. He giggles. Dis-goose-tang.
"that's d-i-s-g-u-s-t-a-n-g!"


water to wine and the finest of sands
40 Posts
Ooc — markab
condor didn't even bother counting. no, buzzard had never been one to wait when an opportunity to complain about a sibling was presented to them, especially when that opportunity involved one of them (usually condor, as he was the one with the brains in this outfit) keeping them from sticking their nose into inescapable trouble. they overestimated themselves, and often, and condor was left to pick up the pieces. and what did they get for it? this. no thanks at all. 

with an exaggerated sigh, condor lifted his chin. "you'd have stolen nothing, and you know it. who was the one who got caught?" he turned his head to the side, one red-pink eye cracked open and focused directly on buzzard's face. "you, if i recall correctly. and i do. feel free to thank me for saving you any time."

fortunately, the conversation – building almost certainly to a boiling point, if condor knew them – was interrupted by a squeaky giggle and accompanying, equally squeaky, voice. condor turned on his heel, eyes narrowed and ears forward, to meet the olive gaze of a ungainly child, of all things. all dark greys and browns, his proportions all wrong. not much of a sight.

and yet he had the gall to call him disgusting

"what, exactly, is disgusting?" condor asked softly, striding forward on stiff legs. "i know you weren't talking to me."
77 Posts
Ooc — mutton
Buzzard gasped as if that was the most absurd thing they’ve ever heard in their life. I am—jesus!—I am offended by your lack of faith! Maybe he was a little right, but come on! He didn’t have to say it to their face.

They didn’t even get a chance to defend themselves (not that that’d do them any good). Some weird-looking kid disrupted them out of nowhere. Buzzard leaned forward to inspect the little rug rat. Wow, they’ve never actually seen one up close before. They usually heeded their parent’s warnings about the stingy ol’ coyotes and turned the other direction. This kid was bold, bold enough to call Condor disgusting.

I think he’s talking about you. Buzzard snickered. They weren’t the biggest fan of wolves, but this one could get a pass just from that alone.
omnipotent society of youth
180 Posts
Ooc — wen
mature mentions: child eaters 

Fables and epics recur to mem'ry, yes, child-eaters.
Whom, through barter and larceny, find victuals upon victuals of newborns, coaxing and fattening them with the semisweet hope of half-eaten veal, lathering their rotund bodies with cloves and other herbs (not ere skinning them with rotting needletooths), spit over a kindling and therein snee'd with silver tines and knives, flesh of quail:
but these are just tales. Surely.

His outbursts elicits the abused note of someone who suffer defamation of their profile, and the entertained bantering of their fellow. The cowbird does not flinch from the (probably pediculous) coywolf with the means to make him recoil, no, he saunters in turn with his chest protruding in a dopey manner.

"yous' are next's to's MY lands now'd! i am talking to both a' yous', big smelly poopy heads!" steadied on springy haunches, he waves his forearms as if he is some wispy spook,
"muhahaha! fear me!"
water to wine and the finest of sands
40 Posts
Ooc — markab
buzzard was goading him. condor knew enough to know when buzzard was goading him. but when it came to self-control in matters of the family he came up painfully short, especially when it was this particular sibling.

anyone else. ANYONE ELSE, and condor wouldn't have to deal with all of this slander, because he'd have long since gotten rid of the problem. but no, it was buzzard. he had no choice but to endure. and what a task it was.

"how unusual of you to refuse a complement," condor said icily as the scrap of a child rose up on his hindlegs, snapping his forearms into the air, and continued to show a stunning lack of awareness about his current situation. which was, in condor's current mood, not good.

"how about this, darling," the word dripped with venom. "i spare this creature's life for daring to talk to me like this, and then we'll trade it back for a meal." condor's nose wrinkled, and he lifted his head pointedly away from the child. "if anyone wants it, that is." then again, wolves did have the worst taste, else they would have gotten rid of this thing already.
77 Posts
Ooc — mutton
Uhhh, ok. This kid was really dumb was he? Like, did he really think he was gonna scare anyone looking like that? Buzzard dropped down to their hands and knees and shook like a leaf. Oh please spare us, o’ short one! Give them an Oscar for that performance!

Condor wasn’t as interested in playing around than his sibling. Surprise surprise, he was butthurt by the baby’s insult, now he’s coming up with wild ideas. Buzzard loved wild ideas. 

Ooooooh, now we’re talking! They jumped up and loomed over the pup. Better run while you can, kid. Not like he’d get away or anything. Buzzard just loved a good chase.
omnipotent society of youth
180 Posts
Ooc — wen
last post from me!

Astraeus' countenance knits into something resembling neutral displeasure. Established on his fours; the silvercloak's pelage bristles; irked: "I am not short! You're short!"
The gravity of his situation fails to manifest in lustrous, viridian sights — not they are not child-eaters but imply to wisk him away, as the ridge of his home fades, fades, fades from fullsights, closer, closer, closer to the way they came, his altar of origin. But, no! Astraeus resolves this is long-going match of tag, one he means to triumph —

"How bout I chase yous', you have three seconds!" goosey; avidly ticking down, "one....twos....threes!"
water to wine and the finest of sands
40 Posts
Ooc — markab
sounds good! this will also be my last <3

at least, in this situation, they had an accord. condor watched with a smirk as buzzard fell to their knees, trembling, and this the impolite little creature could absolutely not stand, scruff finally – finally – rising. was that what it took for him? condor had all but told him directly to his face this was a kidnapping, and it was a slight on his size?

however he decided to respond, it wouldn't be difficult to enact his plan, hastily established or otherwise. this was a child, after all. condor lifted himself up, poised to seize the boy's scruff in his jaws, and then –

and then he started talking.

for a moment, condor couldn't quite believe what he was hearing. wolf or no, child or no, he couldn't possibly

but there he was. not running, and counting down, as though they were playing nothing more than a game. shutting his eyes and blowing a heavy breath through his teeth, condor reversed course, landing heavily on his forepaws with a scowl on his face.

as much as he wanted to show this boy just how incorrect his assumptions were, this fool was about to come along without batting an eye, too stupid to realize what was going on. and it would be better for their prospects if they returned the goods undamaged. 

the burden of intelligence was just so much to bear, sometimes. it was a sad day when he had to give buzzard, of all people, a meaningful look.

tipping his head, condor slid forward, keeping a furious hold of the urge to simply snap around and knock the boy out against a nearby rock. "let's go, darling," he said. "who am i to argue with someone so willing to follow?" someone so stupid, said the dripping sarcasm.

77 Posts
Ooc — mutton
Oh, I’m the short one? They weren’t the tallest coyote in the bunch but come on. Whatever helps you sleep at night, kid.

Now, all kids are dumb, but this boy has a special case of stupid. Like? Did he really think this was a game?? Buzzard glanced at Condor to confirm they weren’t losing their fucking mind aaaand nope. Not crazy.

Well, might as well play along right. Catch me if you can, shorty! they declared before taking off.