Redhawk Caldera listening to the wind and calling it a melody
2 Posts
Ooc —
@Maia @Teya ! Here have a baby

She didn’t quite know how long she had been walking, just that it was a very large number that was more than the amount of toes she had. Her pawpads hurt.

She kept her spirits up with gentle chirping songs, little lullabies her mother taught her, noodling little melodies she came up with on the spot. Georgette tried, oh she tried, but by that day she was wearing thin. All she could do was croak out half notes, her body sore and aching, her head dropped down towards her feet.

Then, she ran into a veritable wall of scent. She paused right before she would have stepped on one of the lines, her tired eyes going wide. The girl picked her head up, ears cupped forward, one paw still poised in the air. What was this?

Who was this?
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia was barely close enough to hear a soft singing. Intrigued by it, but a little nervous too, she walked trepidatiously towards the sound that barely drifted from the border.

They sounded a little odd and… tired? If a song could sound tired. Her expression was still full of curiosity when she laid eyes on the stranger who had apparently come up to their boundaries and stopped.

Oh, hello. Umm… did you, or, were you looking for something? It had been a while since they’d had a visitor she didn’t recognize, and it was one of the last things she’d been expecting to encounter today. She blinked, then suddenly remembered her manners. Sorry! This is Brecheliant. My name is Maia.
2 Posts
Ooc —

Her eyes snapped up, the girl staring at the woman who approached her, before she raised her tired head.

I’m Georgette! Oh, I didn’t mean to get so close to a claim without announcing myself, I’m ever so sorry! She had half a mind to beg forgiveness.

No, no, I’m not looking for anyone, I was just walking and walking and poof! Here I am!
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
<3 I usually try to get joining threads pushed through faster, apologies! If she's def interested, lmk and I can title her and add her so you aren't blocked by us finishing this out. There's no way she won't make it in as long as she doesn't randomly attack or something!

She seemed a little distracted, but friendly all the same. Maia relaxed despite herself when she saw no threat - she'd learned a lesson a while ago that this couldn't always be trusted, but it wasn't one that had stuck around to the extent she thought it might.

It's no problem, you haven't bothered us. she responded a little sheepishly. I didn't mean to make it sound that way. You just seemed like you might have been... well. Most who come this way are looking for something or someone. She finished with a small shrug and an apologetic smile.

Are you alright, though? She seemed tired, at the very least, and looked to be running on reserves. If they could help then Maia definitely wanted to offer it.