Ankyra Sound the light you stole
dreamer trapped by your desire
272 Posts
Ooc —
backdated to the 15th @Aditya
Something calls her north, and she can't quite figure out what it is but neither can she ignore the call. She keeps going until she can smell the ocean on the wind, and further still; through a forest, and the sound of crashing waves fills the air around her. There's something else in the air, too. It's faint, but familiar. She can't place it, but the hairs along her spine rise nonetheless.
She breaks the treeline and soil turns to sand beneath her feet — and that's the moment she identifies it. Her heart twists painfully at the realization; the scent is stale, and the one who left it is long gone. Someone she'd all but given up hope of ever seeing again. She approaches the shore quietly, stopping when the water just barely reaches her toes as it comes forward, and howls. The sound is long and low, mournful as the expression written into her features; I'm here, it says, though she knows it's too late, come back to me.
"Common" | "French"
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
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he needed some time away, some time to think. easy's--blackbear's--reappearance had turned his world upside down, and he found himself constantly thinking of her after they parted, worrying over her. adi returned to redtail rise, hoping he could find her there again. . .but his hope was in vain, and after finding no trace, he continued on, though not in the direction he'd came.

the burly wolf soon found himself by the sea, the comforting sound of surf and seagulls ringing through his ears. the summer breeze ruffled his pelt, and he stood a moment in contented, silent solitude before movement down on the sand distracted him. she was dark against the beach, and he wondered for a moment if this was a grimnismal wolf--

but as he approached the border, no sentries came to meet him, and the scent was stale. they were gone. marveling at this development, adi stepped gingerly over the line, proceeding with caution. perhaps not gone, but diminished. he did not want to meet the teeth of the woman with the yellow eyes--not today, not any day. he picked his way down to the beach, where he gave a chuff to the woman.

it was upon further inspection that he realized he recognized her. he'd been curt to her before, but only because she had felt the need to dig into his personal life. now that things were (slightly) more settled, and she was far from his territory, he was more relaxed. adi dipped his head to her, smiling warmly in greeting.
dreamer trapped by your desire
272 Posts
Ooc —
In time, there's hints of another familiar scent on the wind, intensifying as the seconds tick by. Her gaze is focused on the waves, and she contemplates taking her own leave before she's addressed; she holds no particular resentment toward the golden male she can only half-picture from their first meeting, but neither had he particularly endeared himself to her, and she has very little desire for company now. Ultimately the sudden weariness in her bones keeps her rooted, stuck in the tar pit of defeat she's created for herself in this spot.
The quiet greeting is a relief, and she's unexpectedly grateful for his company in this moment. Perhaps that will change, but for now, she turns slightly to welcome him with a worn, failing attempt at a smile. Hello, She offers quietly, turning back to her view of the ocean and sitting where the sand is just barely dry, water still licking at the tips of her front toes rhythmically. For her own part, the yearling is quiet, content to allow the sounds of the sea fill the silence between them. There's something comforting about the wordless presence of another; not as comforting, she thinks, as if he were a friend, but she's no stranger to settling.
"Common" | "French"
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
"hi," he responded, just as quietly. she was gracious, despite the fact that he'd all but chased her away the last time they had met. and he was grateful for that--he wouldn't want any lingering discontent between them, especially since they hadn't really gotten the chance to properly introduce themselves. had she even given her name?

"i'm sorry for the other day," adi continued, bowing his head slightly in apology. "i'm not usually that tense. you came across me at a bad time." he looked out to the sea, remembering some of the last words she had given him. i'm no one. a wanderer. "still wandering?" he asked, watching the waves. "or have you found somewhere to settle?"

there was something different about her scent, multiple new smells layered over her pelt. that, of course, could simply mean that others had been more friendly than he had been, but it was still worth questioning.
dreamer trapped by your desire
272 Posts
Ooc —
The apology is unexpected— she might even call it shocking; from a stranger, who'd had every right to act as he had. She blinks, glancing back to him and studying him only for a moment. You don't need to apologize, She tells him, eyes following something tossing distantly on the waves; driftwood, perhaps. His question makes her pause.
I've settled recently, She admits after some hesitation. It's strange, she wants to say, it's odd and suffocating and thrilling. But he's a stranger, so she takes a breath and swallows the urge. A pack of northerners, not far from your claim. IkKanattuk.
"Common" | "French"
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
when she mentioned a pack of northerners, the first thought that came to mind--as the compass in his mind pointed north--was bracken sanctuary. he was about to grimace when she gave him the unfamiliar name instead, and his awkwardness turned quickly into alarm. he had never heard of this pack before now, and he thought himself familiar with all the packs north of them.

ikkanuttuk. aditya mouthed the word slowly, rolling it over his tongue. could it be. . .

"these wolves, are they family? do they have white pelts?" god help them. he had hoped the pale wolves would settle much farther away, after the clash in the maplewood. now he was presented with this new potential--that they were right on his doorstep. he couldn't help the troubled frown that came to his muzzle, and he looked away, mulling what to do.
dreamer trapped by your desire
272 Posts
Ooc —
His moment of silence prompts her to turn to him again; this time her eyes do not leave his face, watching his expression change. When he speaks, her ears cock back slightly and she frowns. You're familiar with them, She says, more a statement than a question. It's clear from her tone that she's gathered this isn't a positive association. She's quiet for a few moments.
Should I go? She asks after the brief pause, uncertain where this leaves them. The yearling is unwilling to involve herself in the pack's conflicts unless absolutely necessary, at least for now; she may harbor some degree of respect for the two leaders of IkKanattuk, but it has been some time since a wolf has endeared themself to her enough that she will fight their battles in their absence. She won't associate with an enemy of the pack, but neither will she fan the flames.
"Common" | "French"
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
her question made him shake his head quickly. "no, no," he assured her, eyes flashing in worry. "not at all." he sighed, slightly, and gave her a rueful look. "if it's who i'm thinking of, we had a slight altercation in the maplewood regarding hunting grounds," aditya explained. "nothing physical--but some words were exchanged that were less than friendly."

that was an understatement. frankly, adi thought that the pale wolves had overreacted. the big male, especially, painting the morningsiders with the broad brush of--what had he said? "callous." "heartless." he had not endeared himself to aditya with his snap judgments, especially after he had done his best to be kind to the northerners, despite the trouble. they were the strangers, after all.

"i want nothing but friendship between morningside and the other packs in these lands," adi continued, earnest. "i don't know if your leaders feel the same way. but don't feel caught in the middle," he added, the smile returning slightly to his face. "this is not as big of a deal as i might have let on, a moment ago."
dreamer trapped by your desire
272 Posts
Ooc —
Again his words catch her off-guard, and she peers at him curiously. He's terribly good-natured for a stranger, she thinks. It strikes her as suspicious, but she craves the mild interaction. I don't need to trust him, she reminds herself. I see, She says, quiet for a moment, then offers a wry smile. Terribly far above my head, all that.
She's being sarcastic, but in a way she means it; it's a petty dispute, and one she's willing to ignore. You lead Morningside? She wonders, still studying the golden wolf as if there's something greatly puzzling about him. She can see it — he's charismatic, and the aura he carries inspires trust to an extent; as if he's inherently one of the good ones.
Yet, she's learned these wolves are often the most dangerous, and she finds she no longer believes in true goodness. She'll watch Aditya closely, and she'll wait for his mask to slip.
"Common" | "French"
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
adi laughed wryly at her remark. he wished, so badly, that it could be above him, too. once upon a time--when he had been a wanderer, like her--these kinds of intrigues between packs were as foreign to him as anything. it had only been when he was invited into the morningside fold that he began to understand, and it had become duty when the mantle of leadership was placed upon him.

"yes," he responded. "myself and my-- another wolf," he amended, looking sheepish. my mate. when would he get out of the habit of those two words? it had been his reality for so long that it was etched into his vocabulary. for all he enjoyed the newfound freedom, he found himself longing for the day where he could say those two words again in truth rather than error.

aditya sighed, rolling his shoulders. "i ought to extend a peace offering to your leaders," he said quietly. "will you bear witness, if i come soon? i might need some backup." his words were serious, but the smirk on his face lightened them, somewhat.
dreamer trapped by your desire
272 Posts
Ooc —
She raises an eyebrow at his slip, but makes no comment on it. There are many things she can infer, but he's given her nothing solid enough to settle on one — but it's enough, she thinks, to know all is not well with his co-leader. Her gaze doesn't move from him as he continues speaking, though one ear turns slightly to catch a distant sound she can't quite make sense of.
The yearling pauses to consider his request. Hmm. What's in it for me? She asks playfully; she's already decided she will, and she doesn't really mean the question, but perhaps she's making a point here, if only to herself. Selflessness is not in her nature, and she's not so attached to the pack yet that she considers this a benefit to her. She'll do it, but she doesn't know why.
"Common" | "French"
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he blew out his breath in a small, cheerful snort at her response, and swung his head away, looking instead at the waves. "a chance to earn the respect of your new leaders, perhaps," he said mildly, not knowing whether this was the kind of experience she valued. "and. . ." he turned back toward her, blinking softly. watching how her face changed with each word he gave her.

he liked to do that--to watch wolves. some wore everything on the outside; others kept their hearts hidden away, only seldom--if ever--revealing their feelings. she was in the latter category, but he thought that perhaps he'd caught glimpses of what was inside.

"a friend," he continued, after a pause. "i would be very grateful. i suppose you could even say that i'd be indebted to you." adi's eyes sparkled at this last sentiment, smiling cheekily. he knew that she knew what he was speaking of. a favor--cash in any time. aditya was not averse to such agreements between acquaintances, particularly ones that proved themselves loyal.
dreamer trapped by your desire
272 Posts
Ooc —
She watches him with no small measure of curiosity; at first, she finds his response lacking, though she doesn't let it show on her face. It's the and... tacked on the end that pulls her ears forward almost imperceptibly, eager to hear what else he might offer. She's a little startled to meet dark golden eyes a moment later, but she doesn't blink.
A friend isn't anything she'd expected. She's never considered friendship something that can simply be agreed upon or earned with a favor or two, but neither has she ever had many friends. Now she has none. Perhaps he senses it, she thinks; is this predatory or is it pity? She can't decide, but she likes him, or at least his charm.
Well, She says, mockingly reluctant. I suppose there are worse things than having a handsome man in my debt. A playful grin follows her words, scarlet eyes a little brighter. Oh, and friendship — that's alright too. She's fairly certain her humor won't be lost on him — and if it is, well. yolo.
"Common" | "French"
1,360 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
his brows lifted nearly to the heavens at her remark, a smirk coming over his face. "well, if you see that handsome man, tell him hello for me," he shot back, laughing slightly. "he must be lucky to be indebted to a girl like you." his eyes lingered over her face, swept quickly, nonchalantly, over her figure. she was pretty, but awfully young--younger than his last mate, even.

they had many seasons between them, but they vibed well. even if there was no potential of romance, he had more than enough friendship to offer her--and guidance, should she need it. adi knew, from the sharp wit in her scarlet eyes, that she would never ask for it.

"i need to return to morningside," he said, a little reluctantly. "i've already been away for too long. but i will come to your pack's borders and call for you, when the moment is right. okay?" he asked, lifting his muzzle in query.
dreamer trapped by your desire
272 Posts
Ooc —
She offers only a faintly amused smile to his first words, but when he speaks again she nods. Alright. I'll see you then, Aditya — I wish you well. It's time she returns to her own pack as well, so without another word she turns to leave; she takes a path in the opposite direction first, though. She'll take her time getting home, clear her head a bit. If she's going to adapt to her new home, she can't think about her discovery.
"Common" | "French"