Dawnlark Plains 'cause i'm a big kid now!
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Ooc —
All Welcome 
It was funny how age could change a person. To think, a month ago, Eventide had his guard up so high that he wouldn't even let another wolf look at him, let alone approach. But now that he was older and he had begun to settle in, the harsh facade that he'd once put up was fading, revealing the goofball that was hidden behind it. 

As he pranced through the territory, branch between his jaws swaying his body to and fro, Eventide found himself brimming with joy. He could only imagine how he must have looked, galloping like a lost fawn. Every few feet, he'd have to stop and take a break to compose himself before he could continue. Tears lined his eyes, his throat was sore from laughter; an outsider might have thought that poor Eventide had finally lost his little mind.
1,325 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
aditya was going about his usual rounds that day, prowling the border. if nothing else but to keep his mind off things--well that, and it was his duty to do so. duty was the only thing keeping him grounded; these past several days had been so turbulent that fleeing seemed the best option.

but he'd promised pema he would help, and he didn't intend to break that promise. he needed to stay faithful to someone, at least.

his spirits lifted as he saw eventide prancing along with a branch, eyes glowing with mischief. it was different from his usual, guarded demeanor, and aditya smiled, trotting his way. he wondered what had happened to alter his mood so; he was joyful to see the boy the happiest he'd seemed since his father's death.

"arrey, bahadur!" aditya called out, giving the boy a playful nudge of his nose. he stared down at eventide, head tilted in curiosity. "you look like you're having fun. kya hua--what's up?"
61 Posts
Ooc —
Seeing Aditya approach only made Eventide laugh harder, so much so that he dropped the stick and almost collapsed into himself. It took the boy a few moments to get over the many, many waves that followed, but he was finally able to calm himself down enough to attempt conversation. I gotta stick, he exclaimed, but I can't — giggle break — I canna stick caus'issto big. It made no sense; if Aditya didn't understand, then Eventide wouldn't have cared. Besides, his Big Boy humor was way ahead of Adi's geriatric jokes.
1,325 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
omg that link <3

eventide was right. it made absolutely no sense to aditya, and yet the boy's giggles were so infectious, he found himself breaking into an open-mouthed grin, laughing along with him. he nudged the stick with his nose, making it roll a few inches before halting, thoroughly unaware it was the source of all this hilarity.

"what's the stick for?" aditya asked, flopping down to the ground and surveying the boy with molten gold eyes, brimming with humor. he took the end of it in his teeth, wiggling it a little before setting it back down. "it is a very big stick," he agreed.
61 Posts
Ooc —
Okay, okay..

He was calm now. Just one deep breath. 

Well, Eventide sighed, releasing one final stray giggle, I dunno. There was no real purpose; it was just a cool stick! Now that he had a moment to really think about it, it's not like there was even anything particularly interesting about the stick, either. It was just, I don't know, big. Play!
1,325 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he cocked his head in intrigue, gazing at the stick with some solemnity. solemnity that turned out to be feigned, for then he grabbed the stick--with a rushed "catch me if you can!"--and took off at a slow lope, rolling his head back to look at eventide with a cheeky grin. he slowed to a trot after a few tail-lengths, waiting for the stubby legs to catch up.

it seemed like everything was getting back to normal, at least if he danced around the subject of his and dawn's infidelities. that was one thing he missed about childhood--the simplicity. being around grayday's litter, and pema's and aviana's newborns, as well, really brought back the joys of just being a kid. he wouldn't trade these moments for the world.
61 Posts
Ooc —
If Adi thought that he had to slow down by even a step for Eventide to catch up, then boy, was he wrong! Despite being small, Ty had enough speed packed in him to keep up for the first few feet, albeit with heavy breaths and little direction. By the time Adi did stop, the boy had tired himself and slowed down a little ways behind, but he started back up as soon as he saw his opportunity arise. I'ma getcha! he cooed through bated breaths as he closed in.
1,325 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he wasn't planning on coddling a pup of a few moons by slowing up, but then life happened, as it had a tendency to at the very wrong times. looking back at eventide instead of watching where he was going, aditya stumbled over a small elevated bit of ground and tumbled over, falling to his knees in the dirt. his body hit the ground with an oomph! expelled from his chest; it took him a couple of moments to catch his breath.

"clumsy adi," he joked, rolling his head over to look at ty, who had surely caught up by now. he laughed, coughing a little before wiggling up to sit in the sphinx position, tail wagging. "i guess you did get me, in the end." no doubt little bahadur would be pleased by this turn of events, if perhaps a little sad that the game had ended so quickly.