Kintla Flatlands i won't cry; no, i won't shed a tear
i don't wanna let it go
566 Posts
Ooc — mista
From here, it was a waiting game. Soon enough, Kaistleoki would be full of extra mouths to feed, and after, apprentices to train. Evergreen still felt anxious about becoming a father, yet it was a fact that had begun to settle within him. Winterbourne and he kept busy with patrolling, hunting and overall kept tabs on Ira.
Their adventure today brought them away from Whitefish River. The duo strolled along the side of it towards Whitewater Gorge after they caught the scent of a wounded deer. A large one would make an excellent dinner for the pack. The bear slowed in his pace, nostrils flared, and he glanced towards his mate. The scent was starting to fade for him, perhaps too close to the water’s edge.

Backdated for May 24th. Music & thread title reference
Working on wrapping up current threads!
Two Rivers Isle
232 Posts
Ooc — xynien
He catches Evergreen's glance, eyes flitting to meet the mismatched green of his mate's with a gentle smile on his lips. This is perfect, He says, surprising himself a little with the words; he hadn't meant to say it aloud, but his thoughts have a habit of slipping out unbidden when he's with his mate. I love days like this. The ones where he gets the Count all to himself, and they can lose themselves in whatever adventures they find. Part of him worries they won't get days like this anymore once their children are born — but he's certain experiencing fatherhood with Evergreen will be just as amazing.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
i don't wanna let it go
566 Posts
Ooc — mista
A sappy grin grew broad across the bear’s round cheeks. It was true, today was perfect. The weather was nice, mild. A perfect excuse to stretch legs out underneath the overcast sky on this venture for food. He was able to enjoy the calm quiet; the only sounds were their footfalls, Winterbourne’s rough voice, running water and the distant chirps of birds.
Yeah, won’t be so quiet soon, he jested. Evergreen felt anxious, but boy was the excitement finally starting to overtake it. Together, they would be a family, alongside the people who were most important to him. Kaistleoki bloomed into a pack that he thought he’d only dream of.
Did you lose the scent too? He asked quietly, and lifted his head to scent the air.
Working on wrapping up current threads!
Two Rivers Isle
232 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Evergreen's question quickly captures his attention, and he frowns slightly. No, but it's faint. I think it leads this way... He moves toward the water's edge without thinking, nose dipping. The next moments are so fast they all seem like the same instant to him. He feels the slight shift in the earth below, the sinking feeling of instability beneath his feet — and then he's falling. Evergreen Stay back, he might've said, if he'd only had another second. But time doesn't wait for him. He hits the water, breathless, and the frothing silver current swallows him.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
i don't wanna let it go
566 Posts
Ooc — mista
It all happened suddenly. Their simple adventure took a twist for the morbid with one simple mistake; a slip of feet over the edge.
River! The scream ripped through the bear with such urgency and fear. His heartbeat was loud in his ears. Without hesitation, he lunged forward—unable to sit idle while the love of his life went overboard. He had always been a hero, after all.
His life within Teekon Wilds began at the side of his sister, Thistle. Although adopted and not blood related, the two of them were thick as thieves. Evergreen had been an orphan, a boy placed underneath the tree he was eventually named after. A woman by the name of Oki, blind and kinder than anyone Evergreen has ever met (even more-so than the generous Speedy), found him and took him underneath her wing when the babe needed her most.
He grew up under the gentle care of Oki, her brother Kaisyn, and her daughter—who Thistle just so happened to be. Their relationship at first had been comedical. The bear grew in size and dwarfed the petite roan agouti sister that often attempted to torment him in his youth. Mischief, however, changed into good-natured rivalry and a close bond that was irreplaceable.
Until the day Thistle died.
Evergreen sought to save her that day, but he failed. He had not made it in time before the beast ripped her asunder—twisting her body without a shred of mercy.
Had it not been for his growing friendship with @Ira and a healer named @Sindri that happened upon the scene, then Evergreen would not be here today. Easthollow had nurtured him, but the scar was deep. He could not find his place within the family, no matter how much he strived to feel comfort in the Stone Circle. Eventually, he found his way to across the lands. By pure chance, he found a place that reminded him of home;
Whitefish River began as a group of refugees and misfits. They fit together in such a strange way and yet, the bear found it to be where he ought to be.  He saved lives, and fell in love with the handsomest wolf he ever rested eyes on. Winterbourne had been one of those people that he helped early on, who helped form what Kaistleoki was to be.
The slow burn of their romance ignited a life back into the bear that had almost been lost when disaster struck the home he’d crafted and come to treasure. Even after, with his returning reign as their Count, Kaistleoki adjusted into it’s own being; a place that Evergreen had started but no longer mended with seamlessly.
Winterbourne, Ira, and Speedy, however, kept him going. The desire to protect the people he treasured most was destined to be his downfall.
Evergreen latched onto Winterbourne’s scruff, just as the silver male fell over the edge. His massive paws gripped the ledge in desperation. Mismatched green eyes were narrowed, eyebrows furrowed and nostrils flared with exertion.
He would not let go. He would not fail.
He couldn’t.
The weight tugged him further. His paws slipped centimeter by centimeter. Water edged his eyes, a choked sob ready to spill from his throat. Yet still, the bear would not let go—not this time.
Together they plunged into the water—taken by the river Evergreen loved so much.

Goodbye, my bear. Goodbye, sweet prince. I will miss you both
Working on wrapping up current threads!