Broken Antler Fen Rewrite your history
850 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
Bridget stood up on the rise where now three bodies laid beneath the earth and was looking, without any real focus, at the trees. She'd brought Ibis back and buried her here, next to Wraen, with flowers blooming around and open skies overhead. It was a lovely place.

And, potentially, a mistake. Bridget knew that there was no way to foresee all of this, or to avoid it, but so much death so quickly. If she believed in signs, or in the tales of siabhra, there were no doubt a few here causing this. Her mother would have been in a frenzy.

She'd let @Teya know, informed Maia and @Eljay as well. She'd also told any of the others she'd met that she'd thought would like to know; @Akavir and @Livia, the only other adults here. She hadn't managed to hunt down Arcturus and assumed he'd simply left. It made sense, as far as she knew, Wraen had been his only tie. She'd tried to be friendly as she could but he hadn't seemed particularly receptive in more than a distantly polite way.

She should do something for Teya. It had been a hard few weeks for all of them. The idea made her feel instantly better, and she set about thinking on it with determination. Any ideas? she asked the air around with a small smile. Of course there wasn't an answer, but she liked to think they'd contribute somehow. Maybe the idea would just come to her.
16 Posts
Ooc —
The past several days had gone by so quickly, such that she was not even sure how she felt about the events that had taken place in that time. It seemed ironic that such dark things would come to pass right after her return to Brecheliant, and she could not help but wonder what path to take next. If ever there was a reason to leave, it was this, all this death.

But she could also choose to stay.

She wanted to see the graves, though she barely knew the deceased. She was headed that way when a soft sound cut through the tangled threads of her thoughts. Any ideas?

Livia approached the woman she knew to be Bridget. They had exchanged obligatory greetings in passing, but they had yet to speak in any meaningful way. "What do you need ideas for?" she asked flatly, though with a tilt of her head she revealed her genuine curiosity.
850 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget was surprised when a voice answered, and after a moment, she recognized that it had to be the woman she hadn't really met yet. She cracked a grin as she turned. Not going to lie, I was not expecting an answer there. Had me thinking ghosts were real.

You could argue it was too soon, but Bridget was always the laugh vs cry over it type.

Ideas for gifts. A friend of mine has has a pretty rough go of it, lately. I was trying to think of something nice to do for her. Problem is, I'm not sure what she likes. That went a little deeper than gift-wise, but she didn't let that on. Instead she cocked her head and turned so that she was better facing the woman. Nice to meet you, by the way. I'm Bridget.