Blackfeather Woods [m] They’re looking for it
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
All Welcome 
@Sayf <3
Forward dated maybe like 4-5 days?

The hellhound is finding life hard think think about recently. What with Banesteppe’s constant whispering a in his ear and all. Not to mention the fact that he hasn’t been hating the ghostly figures presence as much as he used to. That’s definitely new. It has him thinking about everything. His purpose here? Why? Why does he walk this earth?

To reap; my sweet, frustrated, cursed boy. Banesteppe had said when he asked him said question not long ago.

His answer only made him think more. He thinks about what he wants. What he is and isn’t doing while he wanders — something he’s been doing a lot lately. He’s met many interesting strangers on those recent travels. They caught his eye and his interest. 

Will he ever meet them again? He will never know. 

Only that thought — and thoughts of the others he met — have his mind wandering just as frequently as his feet do. He desires death. It’s pleasurable to him. He wants it more than ever — both his own and others. Yet, there are other things he desires too — musings not as frequent as the ones regarding his duty of reaping, but they are of similar stature.

One specific thought comes to mind. Or maybe a specific person…

That grey and red coy wolf thing — Sayf? Was that his name? 

He had floated around Alduin’s mind in both good and bad ways since their heated tangling. Yet, all of a sudden — in the absence of death — he finds himself wanting a different type of pleasure.

So his feet don’t aimlessly wander this time. No, they take him somewhere more specific. The lake — the one he almost drowned at. He moves farther this time. Towards the place he remembered the man gesturing to. 

He moves in the dead of night. He finds himself hating the light nowadays— it sickens him; makes his pupils shrink painfully and his head hurt. He has not seen the light of day in some weeks now and he prefers to keep it that way.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
232 Posts
Ooc — hela
Sayf hadn't left the mesa since the queen died. He was worried what it would look like and, for a while, he truly wanted to stay close. But he was growing more restless every day, and as evening settled over the mesa, and he was dismissed from the priestess, he found himself traveling to the borders and disappearing into the shadows beyond. 

He wasn't sure what made him go to the woods. He had just been walking, letting his paws go wherever they wanted. And now he stood on the outskirts of the forest, staring up in to the trees. He thought he saw something move in the branches of the tree closest to him, and was suddenly taken over by a feeling of unease. He might have turned and left if he hadn't caught the angry man's scent on the breeze. And once he knew the giant was here, he ignored the warning bells in his mind and tracked him down. 

When he found the beast, he realized he had forgotten just how large he was. It sent a jolt of wariness thought his body that was quickly overwhelmed by the much stronger feeling of anticipation. He was starved for touch, and it was clouding his judgement. 

Sayf made a soft sound to alert the other man that was here before moving towards him with ears pressed back in submission. The hebsut bowed his head in greeting once he was close enough. He was at a loss for words; he couldn't seem to come up with a single thing to say, so he was quiet. He waited for the giant to dictate the meeting.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
This forest did give off an eerie vibe in the night. The creaking of trees, the occasional whistle of the wind, and a rare howl of a miscellaneous woodland creature in the distance sound out. Yet, despite all of that, it feels suspiciously quiet, Alduin feels the unease too, but he does not fear the dark or what dwells within it. Be it a cougar or bear, or maybe even just a meager fox, he would bare his teeth and fight anyhow. 

For he is the darkness that dwells in the night and perhaps the feeling Sayf got was for a reason. Alduin prowls about, he might as well be as good as dead already. His future untold but easily predictable with his declining mental health. 

Alduin doesn’t think he will meet the small coyote boy though he had originally come this way to do just that. His mental state is not the best at the moment and he cannot guarantee the other man’s safety in the hellhounds presence. Especially with Banesteppe whispering in his torn ears. He might just feel spicy enough to do something he might regret tonight, but he knows that’s already going to happen. He searches for the coy to replay the same sins he’d committed last time. He regretted it back and then and he’s sure this time will be no different. 

Only, when he feels another presence, he immediately assumes it’s Banesteppe. He would be surprisingly wrong then, for he hears a soft bark — a noise that says look at me, I’m here

And he does.

With his large set head level with his shoulders, his head swivels in the direction of the sound. Small, thick auds cup forward, and those half-lidded, glowing red eyes lock onto the other male’s form. 

His posture almost seems excited, yet cautionary — as he should be. He even closes the distance between then with tell tale signals of submissiveness. This pleases the hellhound enough not to lash out and,  interestingly enough, he doesn’t find himself wanting to just yet. Rather the side of the other male lights a tantalizing fire in his belly. Ruby red eyes rake over his much smaller form blandly, but a spark of muted interest and heat could be found in the swirling depths of blood if one looks hard enough. 

He stops in front of the devil himself, Alduin not having moved an inch since he stopped to look at him. They’re silent. The air is tense even though Alduin is anything but. 

Finally, when it seems the coy has no room for words and Alduin find himself in the same boat, the statuesque hellhound moves. He slinks in a small half circle to face the smaller male and stalk towards him. Those devilish eyes never leaving the others own. They even drop to move over the rest of his lithe body. 

He walks straights towards him, but just barely veers off to the side to circle around him tightly. Their sides brush and Alduin even dips his head to run his nose and muzzle over Sayf’s hips before showing up on his other side. Alduin shamelessly presses their sides together as he leans down to settle those dangerous teeth beside the other large ear.

“Are you scared?” He rasps out in that devilish, bass heavy voice.

It’s not really that playful. It’s a legitimate question, maybe with a touch of dramatic flare and a pinch of dull want for some type of entertainment. Yet, despite everything — the numbing in his mind, the disassociation, the odd thoughts — he finds his arousal stirring steadily in his loins and belly. His heated and sudden fling with the Listener had not satisfied him even though he thought it would. He wanted her so badly after all and yet here he is. Perhaps Alduin craves a different kind of touch, one that doesn’t regard women of any kind.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
232 Posts
Ooc — hela

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: sexual suggestion

The way the beasts eyes roamed over him sent need trickling down his spine—it should have been fear, maybe it was a little bit of both. He could see the want in the depth of the other man's eyes; he knew that look well. 

Sayf held the giant's gaze as he moved around him. The coyote remained still, compliant. He would do whatever the man asked of him. Then he felt the beast's nose against his hip and drew in a soft, shaky breath. When they were side by side again, their sides were pressed together, and he felt like he might combust in the other man's heat. 

Lips and teeth below his ear. And then the quiet, jolting question came and sent a shiver through Sayf's body. Are you scared? He drew in another shaky breath. Yes, he answered truthfully. But my need for you is stronger, he said a moment later, reaching up to daringly nibble at the side of the beast's neck.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Suggestive themes of the sexual kind lmao ;>

The desire to strike fear into any living being he can hits spontaneously throughout his day to day life. Even when he is merely existing, the desire to kill will sweep him to his feet and carry him in the footsteps of death itself. 

Terror and death go hand in hand, but it seems like lust is right there with them. 

The hellhound wouldn’t know the difference. He has only felt fear in his younger years and since then, he’s been numb to anything but his fiery hot hatred. So when he feels and hears the other male let out a quivering breath, it satisfies him. So much so he even thinks about maybe even going easy on him tonight. Which is something they both probably know isn’t going to happen, but it’s the thought that counts, right?

Yet, as he whispers those words into the other’s ear, he is both surprised and not surprised by the reaction he gets.

Another shaky intake of air paired with one word…


A hardly there smile tilts the corners of Alduin’s scarred lips up just a fraction — the motion is malicious yet genuine. 

And then the coy dares to display his own faint confidence in the hound’s presence. With soft, yet sure, words of assurance that have boiling hot pleasure coursing through his veins. Especially when the bravery doesn’t end with just his voice — no, the coy follows it through with actions. Leaning his smaller form up and nibbling at the coarse fur of his neck.

With his massive head tilted down and bloody pools of red staring a holes through Sayf’s body and eyes, a rumble reverberates through his dark, barreled chest. 

“Mm?” The hellhound hums absentmindedly, distracted by his thoughts and the man before him.

Dipping his head, teeth that have already snuffed out many forms of life scrape haphazardly over the coys large auds. His dark whiskers tickle them as a black tongue laps along its edges.

“Then show me.”

Fade to black after your post and continue? ;)
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
232 Posts
Ooc — hela

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: strong sexual suggestion

His touch was allowed, and the coyote leaned more into the heat of the captivating man. A darkness lived within the beast, Sayf could feel it, but he could also feel it start to fade a little with his proximity and brazen affection. He could feel the rumble of the giant's word in every part of his body. He felt the beast's searing gaze on him and heat spread across his skin; fire grew in his stomach.  

And then large teeth moved along his ears, a warm tongue followed. The giant's whiskers brushed feather-light against the taut, sensitive skin there. A shiver ran down his spine, and quiet gasp fell from his lips. 

Then show me, the beast commanded, and Sayf wanted nothing more in this moment than to obey. He would give the giant whatever he wanted, for as long as he wanted. 


Sayf wasn't sure how long it had taken for the other man to be satiated—it felt like both an eternity and heartbeat. He was sore and spent, but neither was an unwelcome feeling. The last time they had been together, the beast had left immediately after. Now the coyote lay beside him, his teeth working gently through the hair of the giant's chest. He would groom him for however long he was allowed. For now, he didn't speak; he wasn't sure it was something the other man wanted from him. He was content to worship the beast for as long as he wished.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Time passes and so does their pleasure. With bodies spent and muscles aching and sore, the men lie beneath the blotchy light of the moon. Their bodies are close, with shared heat in between and no shame to be found (surprisingly enough). And although it seems the hellhound is spent physically, his mind is another story. The enigma that has his deteriorating thoughts in its grasp picks and tears at what little coherency that remains. He is tired, yet his brain refuses to slow — another side effect of his illness it seems. So he has little to distract himself with than the lithe coyote pressed to his side.

The beast lies on his ribs and hips with large, powerful legs kicked out in a relaxed manner before him. With a single elbow to prop himself up, Alduin peers down a short, thick muzzle to the subtle movements and touch of Sayf where he grooms him with tongue and teeth. Bloody pools for eyes are half-lidded and tired, hazy, yet he keeps them open despite the soft breeze that dries them out every so often. They are content, yet fiery, but that fire never dies and now is an example of such. 

And even though Alduin believes he is the most intimidating thing to walk this earth, the way he dips his chin closer to his neck causes rolls of both fluff and thick, loose skin puff out around his cheeks and muscled shoulders. He simply watches as a soft, pink tongue glides over the fur of his chest just over the white diamond painted over his pelt in a sea of harsh ebony.

For a moment, he has the wild urge to do the same, but he does not want to allow himself such pleasantries. He is not meant for niceties like this — he is not meant to be soft — for he is the reaper. He is meant to bring death. And yet, here he is, lying beside this man who whimpered and moaned for him only moments before. A man of all things. He wonders why he came all the way back out here, but he’s found his answer, but it hardly helps him. Especially as he simply looks over the coy. He feels heat grow in his loins once more at his possibly disheveled appearance. He moves from his tail, up his hips, over the soft hump of his ribs. Next he follows the line of his neck which leads him to large, soft, teeth bitten ears and lastly a handsome face.

His mind races.

So, with a desire for both Sayf and the need to keep his mind quiet, he finally moves. It’s subtle, but he bravely shifts forward and allows his intrusive thoughts to win. Dipping his head, his dangerous muzzle finds the male’s neck where teeth and tongue meet it neck. He’s rougher  than the other, but it’s the thought that counts, even as he smooths over the bites with a tongue in a grooming like manner. Something he hasn’t done in a very long time. 

It’s silent. Crimson eyes burn and he finally blinks again as his gaze drifts down the line of the other’s body from his position at his neck. 

A thought strikes him when all this obsessive and, what the hellhound believes to be, useless tenderness between the two.

“Are you afraid?” He asks again, but there is no haunting touch to it. This time it is merely a question despite the way his smokey voice forces it to come out just as rough and intimidating as the first.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]