Ouroboros Spine Rivers of Eden
496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Early morning

The sunlight tiptoed through the frosted lime of grass and loam. It traced delicate circles on fur of deepest red. The gentle wind sliding kindly kisses on an upturned face. Cheeks of Whitest cloud down on gentle face.

A soft hum deep in chest of winter white. As grass green eyes opened and peered out over the lands of moonglow. The hint of pearly fangs as mouth was widened in yawn. And small paws dipped among the frost and claws dug into brown earth as she stretched

Sitting to her haunches. Gentle gaze pressed into the sun, tilting so it lined the contours of her face. Eyes shut against cheeks of rose as she sighed happily. It was a beautiful and glorious day.
91 Posts
Ooc — bee
her heart felt a little lighter each day. she was- happy? the guilt resided steadily since her conversation with arrluk. galana had reverted back to herself, who sheβ€˜d meant to be before everything turned in strange ways.

❝hello,❞ galana greeted ajei.

she knew of the girl, but had so much to learn of her and her ways. a friend, perhaps. galana yearned to have one. she thought this sweet girl could be the place to start.
[Image: d3jp7hf-0664de4f-6cb0-4493-b8fd-98f26181...0z5sj-61nQ]

496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei was surprised from her m3ditstion and blinked owlishly at the sister of her dearest friends. A small smile at the quiet greeting.

Hello. How are you today?

Ajwi didn't know the grief or the guilt Galana had to go through. But she did know how to be kind. And besides if she was similar to her brothers. They'd get along just fine.
91 Posts
Ooc — bee
❝good! it's- good to be back. real good.❞ her voice took a remorseful tone throughout her response.

❝i know we don't know each other all that well- guess that's on me.❞ she said with diffidence, her jaws remained open as she was stopped up for words. ❝but i know you've been kind to my brothers.❞

galana moved to sit beside her, tail tapping the ground as she looked at the girl. she was pretty.

❝have you been up to anything big since... since i've been gone? my brother's done anything stupid?❞
[Image: d3jp7hf-0664de4f-6cb0-4493-b8fd-98f26181...0z5sj-61nQ]

496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A tilt of her head as Galana voiced about being happy to be back. Ajei really wanted to ask why she left then? But perhaps she had gotten lost or she needed to leave to realize what she wanted. A journey like her brothers perhaps.

Ajei smiled. They are my dearest friends. I adore them. Though, Arrluk and I share more in common. I don't know Kassuq well. He prefers to stick to himself.

It felt strange to have a wolf similar in coloring to her. It wasn't bad just different. She liked her so far. She was probably nice like her brothers.

When at hoome they didn't. I don't know all that transpired while they were away. Hmm.

Well Massaraq and I found a family if skulls once. The earth shook and fell open. We also found the bottoms flooded. The water was so cold it was like ice. Arrluk and I saw space rocks falling once. So much light. Pretty against the sky.

She furrowed her brow. Thinking. A smile then. Oh! And one time when Arrluk and I went to Moontide to visit brother Rodyn there were big big fish. Bigger than the land we walk on. They were called whales. My friend Sobeille says they sing like wolves. But I haven't heard them. Other than that just fishing and exploring. Though they were gone for sometime on their journies of self.
91 Posts
Ooc — bee
she listened with a smile. galana's head leaned forward with enthusiasm as ajei told her stories. she decided that she'd like to see the whales as well- someday. she wished she could have been apart of these stories. the ruddy girl inserted herself into them, what she would have done alongside them had she been there. the day dream was short, her tail stirring the foliage beneath them.

❝next time you make a trip to moontide take me with! are the big whales always there?❞ there was no pause after ajei concluded, galana almost tripped up on her words.

they could make an adventure of it! catch something small, gorge themselves and laze about in the sand. that was casual friend stuff, she hoped. right? galana turned the thought away quickly, instead troubling herself with wondering if there would be sand. she was only mildy upset that it was not the summer months.
[Image: d3jp7hf-0664de4f-6cb0-4493-b8fd-98f26181...0z5sj-61nQ]

496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Galana seemed excited for those stories. Ajei wished sje had been there. Perhaps it would have been nice not to be the only girl on such adventures. Not that she had minded.

A small nod and a smile. Okay. We will go together. It is very pretty. There are small little pools of ocean water where little fishes swims and crabs. Little red things that creep and crawl and pinch. But they taste good.
91 Posts
Ooc — bee
she gave ajei a puzzled look, brows furrowed as she imagined how they might catch these- red, creepy, crawly, things.

❝are they- bugs?❞ galana was slow to trust the idea that they might taste good.

❝never mind that,❞ her tongue stuck outwards in a "blech" expression before she straightened herself out to continue. ❝when can we go? do we have to wait for the snow to melt?! just us girls though, or- er i guess it could be fun if they came. hm.❞

her brother's had ajei all to themselves for so long. it was her turn to get to know her! galana was itching to move, see everything ajei described. she was fascinated with the picture painted in her mind. it had to be as beautiful as her, seeing she talked of it so highly.
[Image: d3jp7hf-0664de4f-6cb0-4493-b8fd-98f26181...0z5sj-61nQ]

496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A shake of downy head. No they are like crayfish except harder shell, and pinchers. Have break shell for the meat.

Ajei laughed delicate and lilting. We can go just girls. The boys went on adventures without me. It will be nice and we can visit my other friend Sobeille. In spring we can go.

The sea was beautiful. It didn't quite reach the besty of the mountains and the rivers, hut it was beautiful.
91 Posts
Ooc — bee
ajei's tone was easy on galana's ears and she didn't find herself stressed at the attention of her eyes. if anything, she'd wanted it. the ruddy girl had surprised herself with how much there was to say, maybe her preference of quieted tongue was simply a result of who she'd found herself around.

❝oh, i guess that sounds good.❞ her tongue moved in her mouth, trying to imagine the taste.

❝they're bigger than crayfish though?❞ she asked, smiling at her acceptance of a 'girl's trip.'  ❝and yeah, just us.❞
[Image: d3jp7hf-0664de4f-6cb0-4493-b8fd-98f26181...0z5sj-61nQ]

496 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei found a sense of solace and belonging on the other girls company. Much like she did with Galana's brothers. It was nice.

Ajei nodded. Some are bigger than my paws. Though I suppose that's not to hsrd to be.

Ahe blushed slightly. Her size didn't always bother her. But sometimes compared to so many others she felt delicate, breakable. Even though she was not. And she found out. Some treated her thusly.

We will have fun. I think you will like it.
91 Posts
Ooc — bee
last from me :) i'm excited for more threads with these two!!

galana laughed. how long had it been since she'd just laughed like that? laughing in true reaction, not as a forced or almost obligated response. she understood ajei's comment all too well.

❝yes... yes, we'll go and feel the sun, eat the... uh? crabs, yeah the crabs.❞ she stiffled a giggle attempting to recall the name, the repression showing as a sweet smile. ❝and we'll see our family in moontide. i mean i haven't met them but- well you know.❞

her tail moved with a new found feeling. she could not put words on it.
[Image: d3jp7hf-0664de4f-6cb0-4493-b8fd-98f26181...0z5sj-61nQ]