It was an odd time of year for Calfuray.
Back home she would have spent the season wandering with a man she would briefly take as a mate, holding him down until she disappeared in the spring; but now it was not so easy. She had always been a magnet for scars, but not like this. It hurt to look at herself. She missed her tail.
Her leg made her wary; a sore cut had led to a limp, but the Bearclaw wolves had made it far worse. A part of her blamed Rala. She feared that her fracture would not heal.
Soon she would need to get up, search for a meal; but the scarred woman did not have the energy to do so. Her confidence had been rocked, her ego poured onto the ground. She could not hunt, and she could not very well fight for a carcass.
What was to be done?
Back home she would have spent the season wandering with a man she would briefly take as a mate, holding him down until she disappeared in the spring; but now it was not so easy. She had always been a magnet for scars, but not like this. It hurt to look at herself. She missed her tail.
Her leg made her wary; a sore cut had led to a limp, but the Bearclaw wolves had made it far worse. A part of her blamed Rala. She feared that her fracture would not heal.
Soon she would need to get up, search for a meal; but the scarred woman did not have the energy to do so. Her confidence had been rocked, her ego poured onto the ground. She could not hunt, and she could not very well fight for a carcass.
What was to be done?
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January 07, 2025, 03:27 PM
you could sure hear how happy she was in the jangle of her chain.
gun strutted down the field, the raven proudly lifted in her maw. was a bitch to catch it, but she was one too, and now the brute was eager to find herself a scenic spot to sit and chow down.
meal in mouth, face lifted, she was obliviously to her surroundings, and gave no shits for the noise she was making.
gun strutted down the field, the raven proudly lifted in her maw. was a bitch to catch it, but she was one too, and now the brute was eager to find herself a scenic spot to sit and chow down.
meal in mouth, face lifted, she was obliviously to her surroundings, and gave no shits for the noise she was making.
January 07, 2025, 04:19 PM
A strange sound reaches her ears. Jingle, jangle. It was metallic, confusing - though when she turned to look at the source, the creature it came from was rather strange looking too. Heavily scarred, but Calfuray was as well; it was the flat faced, short-legged, and wrinkled appearance that confused her.
But it was not the strangeness that caught her eye; it was the bird clutched in their jaw. Her mouth watered at the sight.
Rising to her paws without thinking of it, she was quick to scold herself, and yet her legs moved towards the odd canine anyways.
But it was not the strangeness that caught her eye; it was the bird clutched in their jaw. Her mouth watered at the sight.
Rising to her paws without thinking of it, she was quick to scold herself, and yet her legs moved towards the odd canine anyways.
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January 08, 2025, 11:15 AM
the proud strut would have continued way past, had she not cracked one eye open a smidge wider and caught motion out its corner.
she gave a warning growl, but her furrowed brows strangely lifted as the noise faded and she took in the stranger.
lookin' like a chewed up rag, but it was the collar that caught the dog's attention. far as she knew, only her people had those on. this confused gun.
mouth stuffed, gun made a broad shrug motion with her front, which hoped to convey: speak.
ough!the bitch spun, lowering her head like a bull, assuming this was to be a tussle.
she gave a warning growl, but her furrowed brows strangely lifted as the noise faded and she took in the stranger.
lookin' like a chewed up rag, but it was the collar that caught the dog's attention. far as she knew, only her people had those on. this confused gun.
mouth stuffed, gun made a broad shrug motion with her front, which hoped to convey: speak.
January 08, 2025, 11:23 AM
The strange canine spotted her, releasing a growl that stopped Calfuray in her tracks and lowered her head into deference.
After the silence drags for a moment, she nods her head to the raven clutched in the jaws of the other.
Something told Calfuray that this one would not be intimidated out of their meal. But, she always had other methods.
After the silence drags for a moment, she nods her head to the raven clutched in the jaws of the other.
You caught that?She asks, eyes never once leaving the face of the stranger.
Something told Calfuray that this one would not be intimidated out of their meal. But, she always had other methods.
It's impressive. I'm not much of a bird hunter myself.She allows her tail to wave at her hocks.
You must be rather strong.
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January 08, 2025, 12:17 PM
female chewed up rag. gun wondered if she was in season.
gun wondered if she had a chance.
the praise inflated her - head lifting and chest puffing out.
gun dropped the raven, generously sauced with her drool.
the last word she accentuated with a wriggle of her brows.
gun wondered if she had a chance.
the praise inflated her - head lifting and chest puffing out.
hhahghhgh-right. mouth full.
gun dropped the raven, generously sauced with her drool.
yeah i do got hhuscles.she flexed her shoulders.
kinda tiny right no', hhut trusht 'e, they get large.
the last word she accentuated with a wriggle of her brows.
... hhhen i got a gang hhith 'e. you? you hhith a gang?
January 08, 2025, 01:06 PM
They spoke now. Difficult to understand, but Calfuray supposed that would be the case at the sight of their scarred and torn face.
She listens with a smile, her single eye half-lidded.
She listens with a smile, her single eye half-lidded.
Oh no, I'm alone. I would be far better fed otherwise.She feels a sense of quiet pride swell through her own well-toned body. Mauled, maimed, and mangle or not - Calfuray had her charm. She had pulled her fair share of lovers, and had all the children she could be bothered with by now.
Do you have a name?She dares a step closer.
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the brute now looked at the woman a different way, approving way. plain looks, yeah, but the scars added charm, added stories. the fact this one was taller than gun and with meaty limbs were bonuses. she so loved a woman who could crush her.
but let's be honest, it'll go through the other ear so only the nickname remained.
gun.she gave with a grin showing the other half of her teeth.
you, raggy?
but let's be honest, it'll go through the other ear so only the nickname remained.
January 08, 2025, 01:28 PM
Calfuray.She responds, though it did not matter to her what she was called so long as she was fed.
You'll let me eat?She raises an eyebrow as the question is posed. She is hungry. She will continue to feed this woman's ego so long as her belly is filled, and then she will move on.
Maybe it was a bit shameful, but who was here to judge her? Nobody with an opinion she cared for. She could whore herself out for a meal if she so pleased.
But damn, she regretted not asking Rala for a meal.
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January 08, 2025, 01:43 PM
huh?her brain experienced severe lag as gun moved her attention from the woman to the carcass left on the ground. oh! yeah. heh.
oh! yeah. heh,she placed a paw on the raven.
gotta take a girl out to dinner hhirsht, yea?
there was only lechery in her eyes as she pushed it towards calum- caluf- cauliflower- raggy.
January 08, 2025, 01:54 PM
How generous.Her voice is a purr as she pulls the raven towards herself, friendly demeanour fading momentarily as she rips into the bird with the sort of hunger that only a predator could carry.
Drool-covered and feathered or not, it was good to get something down.
She allowed herself to remain ignorant to the looks cast upon her for the time being. They could be dealt with once Calfuray had finished her meal - after all she thought it to be rather well-earned.
Licking her lips, eyes now lifted back to Gun.
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January 08, 2025, 02:23 PM
gun panted and drooled as she watched the lady eat, ripping that bird apart like a teething puppy a slipper.
god i wish that were me.
and the wolfess, she for sure saw that expression, as gun needed some seconds to make herself focus - doing so by shaking her head, spraying saliva to either side.
her pecs flexed in the direction of the thing.
god i wish that were me.
and the wolfess, she for sure saw that expression, as gun needed some seconds to make herself focus - doing so by shaking her head, spraying saliva to either side.
sho,gun got up from the hunched sit she was in while watching, swaying her weight to one side with a tilt of her heavy head. she had that dumb smile on her maw.
you gunna tell 'e hhere you got that collar?
her pecs flexed in the direction of the thing.
January 08, 2025, 02:46 PM
Collar?She asks before looking to where Gun had gestured.
Is that what this is?A paw lifts to the radio collar.
Admittedly, she was not too sure how it had ended up on her.
I've had it since I was pretty young, just about a yearling. Fell asleep one day, and it was there when I woke up.It used to make noise every so often, but it had long stopped. Calfuray had never thought into the thing too much - it had just become a part of her over time.
Others had them too, where I came from.She had accepted them as normal - but a few wolves had bothered her about it since her arrival to the Teekons. Maybe they were less common in these parts.
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January 08, 2025, 03:08 PM
yeah, that'sh 'ow they getcha.gun nodded sagely. happened to her buddy eric once, although he fell asleep one day and woke up with no balls.
shee thish?she sat and leaned back, lifting a paw to hook it under the loose fit of her chain.
got it at a year old. that'sh 'ow i knew i'd 'e a guard dog.still filled her with pride to this day.
alsho showed i had a huhh- huhha-- leasher. could 'e y'all had leashers too, you jusht don't reehh- rehhehhe-- recall.
January 08, 2025, 03:14 PM
To her this was just a lot of confusing nonsense - but she would smile and nod along anyways.
Her paws move to leave, though slowed by her limp. The stranger had served their purpose, and now Calfuray planned to ignore her half of the deal. It had been unspoken, so playing dumb was easy enough.
Maybe, but I suppose I'll never know now.She muses, bringing herself to a stand.
Well,She pauses, eyeing an exit point.
Thanks for the meal. Like I said, real generous of you.
Her paws move to leave, though slowed by her limp. The stranger had served their purpose, and now Calfuray planned to ignore her half of the deal. It had been unspoken, so playing dumb was easy enough.
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January 08, 2025, 03:22 PM
hh- hey- hey!gun tried to get up - leg still in chain. after toppling sideways into slushy snow, she righted herself on all fours and managed to get all the way in front of the wolf.
hey, hey, no rush, no rush... you had your dinner girl, dontcha think i need... gratit'de?that stupid grin, one eyebrow cocked in a suggestive manner, a paw lifted to nearly touch the other.
January 08, 2025, 10:28 PM
She stops as the canine steps in front of her, tail cocking to the side.
Her smile does not return now, but the corner of her remaining eye is narrowed into a friendly expression.
If her and Gun did meet again, she likely would consider it. Calfuray knew well the benefits that came from a good, short-lived loving.
I'm injured right now. Is that such a good idea?She reasons with the raise of an eyebrow.
You won't have much fun with me this way. I'm sure you'll find me again when my leg is healed, so be patient hm?She insists.
Her smile does not return now, but the corner of her remaining eye is narrowed into a friendly expression.
You can manage that much for me.
If her and Gun did meet again, she likely would consider it. Calfuray knew well the benefits that came from a good, short-lived loving.
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January 09, 2025, 03:52 PM
if the sheet of obliviousness had been any less opaque than it was, gun might've felt that she was being spoken to like she was a needy pup.
but as it was about the density of a tarp, there was a long, slack-jawed pause as gun processed what had been said.
then she lowered the hovering paw, flexed her jaw, and spat a mouthful off to the side.
she said, and did not move, continuing to look up at the she-wolf with a face that was near pleading. the folds of her chin quivered pathetically.
but as it was about the density of a tarp, there was a long, slack-jawed pause as gun processed what had been said.
then she lowered the hovering paw, flexed her jaw, and spat a mouthful off to the side.
...shit.the brute shrugged, deflating.
no luck. uh. good luck. get- get 'etter. yeah.
she said, and did not move, continuing to look up at the she-wolf with a face that was near pleading. the folds of her chin quivered pathetically.
feel free to have calfuray take her exit <3
January 10, 2025, 12:05 AM
Tag for ref!
God dammit. She really thought her standards were higher than this.
But, Calfuray has a thing for idiots. It can't be helped. Watching that slack-jawed expression, the deflated posture, she couldn't help herself.
Sighing, she rolls back her shoulders.
Alright, I don't have anywhere to be after this. You'll get your gratitude.She grunts.
Perk up, let's go.
Tapping Gun's flank with her tail, she turns to go back the way she came.
She apologizes to @Rala in the back of her mind, but hey - Calfuray has a long list of lovers, and the snow-coated woman wasn't on it. That was long past, the Bearclaw had missed her chance.
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jesus himself, descending from the skies to a heavenly choir, kobe bryant at his right hand side, could hot have willed this into existence.
awe swept over gun's expression, then morphed into tail-wagging joy. couldn't keep her eyes off the rag-bodied wolf, head swiveling to follow her circling, nearly swaying off-balance as gun's front leaned after the other's retreat.
with a pep in her step and tail victoriously high, she followed raggy, achieving a flawless flying trot show dogs dream of.
gonna get laid today and show this lady a bitch-dog's butch charms~
awe swept over gun's expression, then morphed into tail-wagging joy. couldn't keep her eyes off the rag-bodied wolf, head swiveling to follow her circling, nearly swaying off-balance as gun's front leaned after the other's retreat.
with a pep in her step and tail victoriously high, she followed raggy, achieving a flawless flying trot show dogs dream of.
gonna get laid today and show this lady a bitch-dog's butch charms~
ssdfgh fade, i assume?? take a guess whether cal has a good time
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