Weather: 19°F, foggy. Tagging those Dune thinks might be up for a hunt, but all are welcome! ^__^
He returned to Moonspear on a mission: find a few capable wolves and take them out to hunt the herd he had tracked down the day before. @Hydra was first on his list, if only because she had hunted with him before. @Jarilo came to mind since the two of them had gotten along well. @Charon was also a possibility, though Dune thought he might want to stay and make sure the home-front remained secure. With the recent shift in membership, there was no doubt that the leaders would be wary of leaving their home for too terribly long. There was also @Dirge, though Dune was still unsure what to make of him.
With those three in mind, Dune lifted his muzzle and called for any able hunters who might want to join him on his quest. If they all worked together, they might be able to bring down one of the bigger caribous he'd seen in the herd just yesterday.
Remedy#8618 · amwelles · amwelles · human
February 26, 2018, 04:13 AM
Charon had been restless since the day of the betrayal. He'd found out later that Terance and Wraen had gone, too, which left a bitter taste in his mouth. He hadn't actually thought anyone would follow Liffey and Rannoch but there it was; they'd stolen Osprey's children away, too, which was almost as if stealing his actual children. Not quite, of course, but it still stung him greatly for he adored Osprey and he adored her children. Terance and Wraen'd been great additions to Moonspear and now he had lost it all. It also soiled his image of Eshe, the beautiful and loving woman, that he had in his mind. From a Redhawk wolf he should have expected such treachery, but to see Rannoch, Eshe's child pulled along... Perhaps Eshe had not been as great as he had thought. How well had he really known her?
The promise of a hunt drew him in because it meant he could put his thoughts aside and simply be wolf for a while, hunt, kill, feel useful and feel like they were the ones that were missing something, not he. He just hoped that wherever they settled, it was far, far away from him so that he would never have to see their ugly faces again. Charon chuffed as he approached Dune to announce that he would join them in the hunt. Ears fanned back and then forth again uncertainly as he saw the weird thing around Dune's neck. "What's that?" he said, having not seen Dune personally since the betrayal and finding it strange to see him sporting.. something.. While they waited for other hunters he might as well investigate. Charon approached and sniffed the strange thing 'round Dune's neck, then gingerly tested it with his teeth and tongue to see how it tasted as part of the investigation.
The promise of a hunt drew him in because it meant he could put his thoughts aside and simply be wolf for a while, hunt, kill, feel useful and feel like they were the ones that were missing something, not he. He just hoped that wherever they settled, it was far, far away from him so that he would never have to see their ugly faces again. Charon chuffed as he approached Dune to announce that he would join them in the hunt. Ears fanned back and then forth again uncertainly as he saw the weird thing around Dune's neck. "What's that?" he said, having not seen Dune personally since the betrayal and finding it strange to see him sporting.. something.. While they waited for other hunters he might as well investigate. Charon approached and sniffed the strange thing 'round Dune's neck, then gingerly tested it with his teeth and tongue to see how it tasted as part of the investigation.
February 26, 2018, 04:24 PM
As a call rose up for a hunt, Dirge had been sifting through the fog along the gentle slope of the mountain. The winding forest there almost seemed enchanting with the trees still speckled in coats of frost and snow, and the illusion that it was unfamiliar only lingered so long. His interest was already piqued, so venturing on to find out what the hunt entailed went hand in hand well.
When he happened upon the scene, Charon was already, at least apparently, tasting the collar that remained fastened to Dune's neck. A wary sense came over Dirge as he curtailed distance, though it was mild bemusement and confusion that worked its way into his expression. It would seem there was never a dull moment in the company of others.
"Hope it tastes better than it looks," he commented. Whatever it was, anyway; the jury still seemed to be out on that one. Though he did wonder if Dune still thought it a gift...
When he happened upon the scene, Charon was already, at least apparently, tasting the collar that remained fastened to Dune's neck. A wary sense came over Dirge as he curtailed distance, though it was mild bemusement and confusion that worked its way into his expression. It would seem there was never a dull moment in the company of others.
"Hope it tastes better than it looks," he commented. Whatever it was, anyway; the jury still seemed to be out on that one. Though he did wonder if Dune still thought it a gift...
February 26, 2018, 09:27 PM
Dune had all but forgotten about the thing around his neck. Well, that wasn't entirely true. He thought about it whenever something went well... or poorly. The weight of it, he'd gotten used to, for the most part. Others had been asking fewer questions about it. Apparently, Charon hadn't noticed it until just now. Dune thought this odd, if only because he figured one of the others would have told their leader about his... newly acquired accessory. Before Dune had a chance to answer Charon's question, there were teeth upon him, and Dune winced. The teeth weren't on him, but rather the gift. Still, it was rather unsettling to have another wolf with their teeth so close to his neck.
Dirge appeared next, saying something about how the gift tasted, and Dune looked at him blankly, Charon still nibbling on his neck. Carefully, Dune began to back away, and hopefully, Charon would relent. "Hunt caribou," he said, wishing not to get into the whole other thing right now. The gift would not get in the way of that, hopefully.
Dirge appeared next, saying something about how the gift tasted, and Dune looked at him blankly, Charon still nibbling on his neck. Carefully, Dune began to back away, and hopefully, Charon would relent. "Hunt caribou," he said, wishing not to get into the whole other thing right now. The gift would not get in the way of that, hopefully.
Remedy#8618 · amwelles · amwelles · human
February 28, 2018, 02:05 AM
The thing both smelled and tasted odd and Charon didn't know what to make of it. He eyed it warily, completely ignoring Dune's signals of being uncomfortable with him touching it; he needed to inspect it to be sure it was of no threat to the pack. An ear folded back when he heard Dirge's voice and at that moment Dune took a step backwards from him. Charon glanced at Dirge and said, "Do you know what it is?"
Dune seemed to not want any attention on it and did not answer his question, either — but Charon didn't put too much suspicion into that because Dune was gonna be Dune — and instead tried to focus the subject back onto hunting. Charon wasn't too sure they would be able to take anything big down with just the three of them but maybe they would be lucky to find some prey they could handle. He waited for Dune to lead the way; he had called them here, after all.
Dune seemed to not want any attention on it and did not answer his question, either — but Charon didn't put too much suspicion into that because Dune was gonna be Dune — and instead tried to focus the subject back onto hunting. Charon wasn't too sure they would be able to take anything big down with just the three of them but maybe they would be lucky to find some prey they could handle. He waited for Dune to lead the way; he had called them here, after all.
March 02, 2018, 08:53 PM
"A gift, according to him," was all Dirge could say about Dune's fashion. It hadn't seemed to draw any evils towards them yet, but there had enough rogue episodes to last a while. He was just as content to let it drop into nothingness for now as well, because the mention of caribou held a bit more promise than another round of twenty questions.
Dirge gave a look around in the moments that followed, wondering if they'd have the fortune of being joined by others still. But as soon as they were off, he'd be in tow. Though curious if there was to be a herd or just the one, he didn't ask—time would answer that soon enough.
Dirge gave a look around in the moments that followed, wondering if they'd have the fortune of being joined by others still. But as soon as they were off, he'd be in tow. Though curious if there was to be a herd or just the one, he didn't ask—time would answer that soon enough.
Dune shook his head at Charon, and Dirge added his own answer to the mix. Amekaze, while curious about the thing, had seemed less threatened by it. Almost as if she had seen one before.
Both Charon and Dirge seemed ready for the hunt. Dune had not expected to leave right now, but since they were both itching to go, he wasn't going to hold them back. He was confident the three of them could pick off one of the smaller, weaker ungulates. With the two others in tow, Dune began to trot confidently toward the glen just outside Moonspear's home base. He saw no reason to strike up conversation now that he had a task to do, so he made no small talk.
They would cover the ground they needed to quickly, and as they neared, Dune saw the large herd up ahead. They were grazing by digging through the snow, and Dune paused momentarily, slowing his footsteps until he came to a stop. There were a few younger-looking caribou in the herd, and Dune glanced back to Charon and Dirge to make sure they were ready.
Remedy#8618 · amwelles · amwelles · human
A gift. Charon thought all of it rather weird, but in the light of all that had happened surrounding the betrayal he hadn't given it much thought. Deciding to continue this trend, for it seemed not to bother Dune and, for now, neither was it doing anything to bother him, Charon focussed on the topic at hand: hunting. Hopefully there would be something weak among the herd so that they stood a chance to pick something off. They were with three strong adults, but Charon had his doubts they'd be able to go for a stronger one. Round the end of winter there were usually some weaker ones however, weakened by the grip of cold and the icy lands around them.
As Dune came into motion Charon followed by his side until they reached the herd. Charon glanced through the herd as they came to a halt, trying to pick off whether there were any weaker ones. He didn't see any limps, but as it were the herd was still standing still, digging through the snow to look for the grass underneath. They would better see if there were any good ones to hunt once they drew closer and got the herd on the move. Stragglers'd fall behind. Charon nodded at Dune and Dirge, ready to go whenever.
As Dune came into motion Charon followed by his side until they reached the herd. Charon glanced through the herd as they came to a halt, trying to pick off whether there were any weaker ones. He didn't see any limps, but as it were the herd was still standing still, digging through the snow to look for the grass underneath. They would better see if there were any good ones to hunt once they drew closer and got the herd on the move. Stragglers'd fall behind. Charon nodded at Dune and Dirge, ready to go whenever.
March 06, 2018, 02:14 AM
They happened upon the herd soon enough and a quiet stock proceeded without fanfare. The caribou amassed at decent size altogether, but winter had taken its toll. Where they were headed to Dirge could only imagine as finding meager prizes in the snow for their lot would be in scarce supply so close to the natural curve of the mountain. But bundled together and in close quarters Dirge was already cycling through options that would benefit them all as they readied themselves.
Branching out only a few meters from the other two, he changed his perspective as his gaze carried to the front of the herd and back again; he licked at his chops in thought. Perhaps with a little managing he thought, maybe they could steer them to a funnel of sorts in the stones and timber and make their pick from the stragglers.
With a casted glance to Dune, he was primed and ready.
Branching out only a few meters from the other two, he changed his perspective as his gaze carried to the front of the herd and back again; he licked at his chops in thought. Perhaps with a little managing he thought, maybe they could steer them to a funnel of sorts in the stones and timber and make their pick from the stragglers.
With a casted glance to Dune, he was primed and ready.
March 06, 2018, 09:31 AM
Feel free to PP Dune where you need him!
With Charon and Dirge at the ready, Dune began to move forward again, eyes on the prize. His pace began to quicken as they neared the herd, and the caribou panicked, breaking off into a few smaller groups. One of these groups, Dune noted as he pushed himself forward, contained an animal who began to fall behind. What was wrong with it exactly, he did not know, but he did know that it would not make it very far. With Charon and Dirge to back him up, it would only be a matter of time before the healthy ungulates broke off and the sickly one was left behind for the wolves.
Remedy#8618 · amwelles · amwelles · human
March 08, 2018, 09:24 AM
The herd came into motion as the three wolves closed in on them, with intent clear. Charon kept his eyes on the prize, checking out whether there were any caribou that fell behind as the herd moved. They broke into smaller groups but it took a bit for there to be notable stragglers. In one of the groups there was one that fell behind, seemed to have a hobble in his step, as if something was wrong with one of its legs. Charon saw that Dune had seen it too and, assuming Dirge would follow suit, he continued towards that group. Charon placed himself between the main chunk of herd and this group so that it would be further away from the big herd — causing them to run faster and for the straggler to fall behind faster — and drove them off to the side, away from the main chunk of caribou, where the group accelerated and soon the straggler fell further behind. Charon started to move back towards the back of the smaller group, ready to strike soon now that the other caribou were out the way.
March 11, 2018, 02:08 AM
They set off one after the other and he drew up the rear; short work was made to get them moving and to scatter. All it had taken was a couple of warning and alarmed bleats to really put things in motion. Dirge weaved the difference between Charon and Dune with patience, taking stock of their actions before he finally wheeled to trail the alpha male.
Snapping after the hocks of those keen on fleeing was a Moonspear tradition he thought, though it was only to aid in ensuing they would choose to reconvene with their kin later than sooner. By then Charon had already turned back towards the grouping with their prize and as Dirge mirrored him late, he spied Dune's large form moving just as swift through snow pack.
Not wanting to waste a beat, Dirge took that as a sign to close in with haste on the smaller group. His snapping here was only to encourage them to go faster, to weed the able from the lame, and then perhaps he would swing back around on the slimmer pickings.
Snapping after the hocks of those keen on fleeing was a Moonspear tradition he thought, though it was only to aid in ensuing they would choose to reconvene with their kin later than sooner. By then Charon had already turned back towards the grouping with their prize and as Dirge mirrored him late, he spied Dune's large form moving just as swift through snow pack.
Not wanting to waste a beat, Dirge took that as a sign to close in with haste on the smaller group. His snapping here was only to encourage them to go faster, to weed the able from the lame, and then perhaps he would swing back around on the slimmer pickings.
March 11, 2018, 02:47 PM
I rolled for the kill in Discord, so Charon's the winner!
1d3 1: dune, 2: dirge, 3: charon = 3
1d3 1: dune, 2: dirge, 3: charon = 3
Twelve paws pounded the snow-covered ground, hot on the heels of their prey. The thing bleated and cried out for help, but the herd was already moving on. Without their protection, it had no chance. Dune knew it, and he assumed that Dirge and Charon knew it, too. So, with Dune on the left, Charon on the right, and Dirge running right down the middle, it did not take long for the creature to slow, unable to keep up such a pace for very long.
In the end, it was Charon who made the kill, and the bleating eventually gave way to mostly silence. All that Dune could hear now was the three panting wolves and the sound of hooves rumbling off in the distance.
Remedy#8618 · amwelles · amwelles · human
March 13, 2018, 04:04 AM
As the rest of the herd broke off and the caribou fell behind further Charon made his way back to the side of the creature. Adrenaline surged through his veins as he stayed on its right, waiting for the right moment to strike. The caribou slowed further and further. It kicked at the wolves a few times then, but it was a half-hearted attempt for it was losing strength quickly. Charon managed to avoid the kicks and jumped at the creature's throat then, causing it to fall to the ground with a high-pitched bleating that announced its death, until eventually it fell silent.
Charon let go of the creature's throat then and licked his lips before he hungrily started to eat, making sure he was first to eat before making place for Dirge and Dune. The rest, they could bring some of to Amekaze and leave the rest of the pack to it, cache some if necessary.
Charon let go of the creature's throat then and licked his lips before he hungrily started to eat, making sure he was first to eat before making place for Dirge and Dune. The rest, they could bring some of to Amekaze and leave the rest of the pack to it, cache some if necessary.
March 13, 2018, 04:26 PM
They made quick work of dispatching the caribou that had been singled out, and the short time it took for Charon to snuff its life out was about as much of a breather as Dirge needed. It was his hunger that was enticed now, his tongue snaking out to lick his chops in wait. He dared to close a bit of that distance between himself and their quarry, eyes shifting between Charon and Dune shrewdly. As soon as the opportunity arose and he was allowed, Dirge dug in for his cut.
The still warm meat was tender amd tasteful, a far better cry than the random pickings Dirge had bothered to secure for himself as of late. He didn't eat more than he could handle—this meal had to and would sustain more than just their trio—before moving off to roll in the snow contentedly. He'd linger now, waiting on Dune to finish before helping in whatever sort of interring to a cache they'd perform.
The still warm meat was tender amd tasteful, a far better cry than the random pickings Dirge had bothered to secure for himself as of late. He didn't eat more than he could handle—this meal had to and would sustain more than just their trio—before moving off to roll in the snow contentedly. He'd linger now, waiting on Dune to finish before helping in whatever sort of interring to a cache they'd perform.
March 14, 2018, 08:36 AM
Dune filled his stomach to capacity once it was his turn, allowing the two higher-ranked wolves to eat before him. It was the first time he had hunted with either of them, even though he had sought to hunt a mountain goat with Charon once previously. Unfortunately, that day had been a wash when it was deemed too dangerous for either of them to risk their lives. Here on level ground, they'd had much more luck.
Bloated and content, Dune lazed by the carcass even as the crows began to swoop in for their fill. The birds would eventually pick the carcass clean if the three allowed it to go on forever. Lethargy crept in, and Dune fought to keep his eyes open. He knew that if he lay here much longer, he would slip into slumber, so the white wolf rose to his feet, stretched his legs, and began to rip off a portion of the caribou's haunch. This would be his gift to the pack, stored in the ground until it was needed.
Bloated and content, Dune lazed by the carcass even as the crows began to swoop in for their fill. The birds would eventually pick the carcass clean if the three allowed it to go on forever. Lethargy crept in, and Dune fought to keep his eyes open. He knew that if he lay here much longer, he would slip into slumber, so the white wolf rose to his feet, stretched his legs, and began to rip off a portion of the caribou's haunch. This would be his gift to the pack, stored in the ground until it was needed.
Remedy#8618 · amwelles · amwelles · human
March 16, 2018, 03:20 AM
"I'll bring Ame a part," said Charon after they had all eaten their fill. It was important she stay fed and strong now that she was growing children once more. They were at the halfway point and she seemed to be doing well enough, but he would take no chances. Needless to say the rest of them could cache a part, or share with those of the pack interested.
After tearing off a leg Charon chuffed a brief good bye at Dirge and Dune before he set off towards the forested area where he would no doubt find Amekaze, perhaps preparing the whelping den for as far as it was yet possible considering the freezing.
After tearing off a leg Charon chuffed a brief good bye at Dirge and Dune before he set off towards the forested area where he would no doubt find Amekaze, perhaps preparing the whelping den for as far as it was yet possible considering the freezing.
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