Dawnlark Plains as long as i'm living my baby you'll be
But I know every rock and tree and creature
226 Posts
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Pack Activity 

Late in the day Catori had woken from a nap uncomfortable and unsettled and had taken to pacing. Somewhere far beyond there was another shift in the world as well. Catori could nearly feel it. Pulling and shifting, this near monstrous sort of pressure building inside of her. She'd taken to pacing the area around her whelping den because right then all she knew that she needed was a view of the ocean since she could not lay her eyes on her home island. She couldn't see it, she had no eagle-elf eyes to pass her by the ravine and the marsh and then on to the turbulent ocean. 

Finally when she could handle the build of sensation in herself no more she let out a sharp call for @Grayday - she wanted him close but not that close. She needed to know that she wasn't alone at least but she didn't want her mate to be too close to her whelping area. Catori whine as she felt the tension rise in her again, shuffling around the entrance to the whelping den. She knew that there were plenty of things she wanted to do but hadn't had time - and now she was panicking. 

i grew a human and unfortunately as a horrible side effect lost an organ - as such will be slow from time to time.
The Sword of the Morning
Health - 75% (75/100)
1,744 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Grayday had been lingering nearby for several hours, pacing just as restlessly as his wife at times, but mostly lying on his side, anxious and forlorn. He was glad that the children would finally be born, but at this point in time, his strongest bond was with Catori. The pups were yet unknown, and he loved them, but it was impossible to care as much for them as he did for his wife. When he saw their faces it would surely be different, but for now, he just wished she was out of pain, out of danger.

He knew whelping could be a very dangerous thing.

At the sound of her call, the male hopped to his paws and padded into view, several yards outside the den but in line with the enterance. There, he gave a querying woof, not sure what was needed of him beyond simple comfort - if it was comfort at all that she sought.
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
What's Mine is Ours
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
Sunny had just gotten back from digging another cache, the previous one having been filled. He was proud that it had been filled, it meant they were doing well on hunting and would have plenty of food for everyone. 

He had grabbed a fresh chunk of Turkey to drag back to Catori, who has gotten extremely round and looked literally ready to explode if something sharp poked her. He was excited, New siblings to watch and help grow. New siblings to help become Morningside hunters. Just as he felt a thrill of excitement he heard Catori call for his father. Fear and hope made him break into a run and he headed toward the den, ears perked forward and eyes bright. As he arrived he skidded to a halt beside his dad though a few feet away. He gave a low whuff and crouched slightly, wagging his tail slowly and looking up with silent request for permission to stay. If not he'd leave rhe Turkey for when Cat was done and then head off.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
But I know every rock and tree and creature
226 Posts
Ooc —

Catori wasn't surprised by Grayday and his quick approach. He'd kept his sights on her as much as he could, sensing the pickling approach of her labor almost before she did. Miles away her brother paced as she did, although her task was much, much harder. His was patience and vigilance and support, the tasks of husband's through the ages. Hers was to bring new life itself into the world and her endurance and determination would be tested in the process. 

Hours later she wouldn't remember the pain and the way it made her cry out. Hours later she would be tired and suckling her babes, happy as she could be. 

Now was not later, and now - now was growing increasingly painful. She gave a near pitiful whine in response to Grayday's woof but was too concern with where her own feet would be to be comfortable with him entering the whelping den too. Even when Sunny approached the site she was careful to fix him with a clear stare - he was welcome to wait it out and she appreciated him but she didn't want anyone closer. It felt so odd as open as she was to be so guarded but it wasn't her life she was protective of. It was for the little beasts who were currently destroying all sense of normalcy for her. 

It felt like a stretched out eternity before she ever had the urge to push and when she did the effort seemed insurmountable. On the Island her brothers bride labored, sides heaving with the effort even as Catori shook with hers. It took several attempts to free the first child from her body but it came out with a gross wet ooze that almost made her recoil if her instincts weren't so high. She took to cleaning the puppy, overjoyed at the hearty flailing of its tiny appendages and the hack of its cough before it cried out. This puppy would be strong. She could feel it. She only had time to gaze tenderly at the child she placed at her breast before the waves of pain started up again. At least she knew a bit more of what to expect but now there was the added worry of squishing the puppy nestled at her teats. 

If there was a contest between them, as often it was, Chelan would claim he'd won. His four pups to Catori's three would count as a victory to the leader whereas Catori would argue her nieces and nephews were precious, but, her own trio was the most beautiful she'd ever seen. They would bicker and argue relentlessly until the tide left the shore and came back, just to keep praising their own children. Catori felt blessed that her first litter had no casualties either, she'd steeled herself to the reality, but her two sons and her precious daughter breathed steadily and sucked greedily and stole her heart more and more with each passing second. 

"We have two new sons and a daughter," Catori said with a soft sense of awe in her voice. She had no idea how long it had taken but watching @River, @Eventide, and @Kasatka felt like a stretched out eternity she could not imagine more perfect than it was. 

i grew a human and unfortunately as a horrible side effect lost an organ - as such will be slow from time to time.
373 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Aviana heard the curt call, and knew it wasn't for her. Still, it sounded urgent, and Aviana wasn't one to ignore such things. Knowing it was from Catori, she wondered if maybe it was time for the new arrivals. She made her way to the densite, following Grayday's scent. 

When she arrived, she made sure to stay several yards behind the leader and his son, not wanting to crowd them or the mother giving birth in the den. She lowered her body to the ground, trying to make herself look the least intruding possible. It was hard not to focus her ears on the den, wondering if she would be able to hear the sounds of newborn pups crying. She stole a glance at Grayday, knowing he was anxious, and waited to see if he, or even Sunny, might run her off. She certainly wouldn't fault them for it.

Then, she heard Catori's voice. Three new additions! She whined in happiness and her tail wagged, though she did her best not to draw attention to herself. Should Grayday howl the news, Aviana would certainly join in, sharing in the happiness.
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
61 Posts
Ooc —
It was so unfair! Who did the Big Body think she was, whipping Eventide away and using her tongue — her tongue, of all things! — to do gods know what! It was horrible and terrible and absolutely no good, and Eventide wouldn’t stand for it. 

He hadn’t been out in the world for long before learning that screaming got him attention, so in response to the Big Body’s prodding, Eventide sucked in as large a breath as his tiny body could handle and wailed a lament for all of the world to hear (even if he couldn’t).
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
He caught Cat's glare and flattened his ears back, offering a compliant whine to show he wouldn't step forward. He would however drop the Turkey and sit beside his father, staring into the den with a mixture of disgust and awe at the miracle of birth. As Aviana approached he stood up, something making him go on defense despite her timid and submissive posturing. He eyed her and gave a low growl of warning, not to come closer or to go near the den. If she wished to stay she could stay there, that was his input  but he gave his dad a quick side glance to make sure he wasn't overstepping his boundaries already.

An hour or so  later with many gross and weird sounds and scents, he looked up at the sudden wail. He gasped and his face lit up with joy, small keening whimpers leaving his maw. He had New siblings, three of them to help raise and to love and cherish, best yet he would be here for them this time. He would stay and make sure they had a proper older in him. He turned to his father and grinned, eyes misty and bright "Congrats dad."he spoke in a rough voice, unsure if anything else was necessary. Turning to face the den he cleared his throat and spoke warily "Cat? I..I have food. I can drop it in the doorway, or dad can bring it?"he offered.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
The Sword of the Morning
Health - 75% (75/100)
1,744 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Grayday turned to his packmates, grinning widely but clearly agitated. "Okay, clear out guys," he said firmly, jabbing his nose into Sunny's side. "We'll call everyone back when Cat's had time to rest. Feel free to spread the word."

He moved back toward the den, steps hesitant, and hovered several yards away. "They're all healthy?" he asked, his voice rough. He wanted to touch them, trade their tiny bodies with his nose, feel their little pawpads on his tongue - but he wouldn't come any closer until he was given permission. As alluring as the scent of his children was, Catori's hormones were like a battering ram against his instincts. He found himself almost unable to move at all with his face pressed up against the wall of her personal space.
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
What's Mine is Ours
222 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Winterbourne entered the world as a quiet pup; he began unassuming, small and pale and without a single expectation of the world he had been thrust into. He was, for the moment, pure-- free of care, of the burdens of knowledge and choice, and the inevitable sin that would accompany them. The child simply existed. He was, and he breathed, and he lived. For the moment, this brought him peace.
Almost lazily, the newborn twisted towards a teat. All he possessed now was the most primal instinct: he needed to eat. Somewhere within him stirred the beginnings of a higher awareness-- but first, it would need to be nurtured. New as he was to the world, River knew this already. Eager to begin even in these first moments, the pup focused entirely on eating. The world around him went ignored, for now; he had work to do.
Winterbourne's voice is low and raspy due to a throat injury during his childhood, and it can sometimes be difficult to understand him.
But I know every rock and tree and creature
226 Posts
Ooc —

Catori was beyond exhausted. No huge surprise, given she'd just brought life into the world, and miles away Chelan had brought his bride a hefty meal to recover her a bit. She could vaguely smell food nearby but she was just so fixated on the children and ensure everyone latched and was settled that she didn't have it in her to even ask about a meal for herself. "Maybe in a bit, dear." She said tiredly to Sunny's offer, looking across the threshold of the den to the younger Sameth male. When Grayday shooed him off - although he'd said guys and not just Sunny, so who else was there? - she curled in a bit around the babies and gave a soft sigh. 

"Seems that way," She admitted breathlessly in response to Grayday's question about their health; she wasn't an expert with children as one of the youngest on the Island from the Corten line's but there were no casualties and what she did know healthwise they seemed to be good. Everyone was breathing steadily, no huge gasps for air, and already one had latched deep and strong and true on their own. "Come close, but...but curl around me right now. I just...." She shivered a little, still a bit aghast at the rosy hue to her pale fur from birth. "I just want us here, all five of us right now." Mama, Daddy, and their three little ones.

i grew a human and unfortunately as a horrible side effect lost an organ - as such will be slow from time to time.
i want more berries, and that warm summer feeling
104 Posts
Ooc — (✿ ͡◕ ᴗ◕)つ━━✫・*。

to the girl that would very soon be lovingly referred to as kitten, all was well and right with the world.  like all pups she had little awareness of her surroundings — she knew of her brothers and her mother (although unfortunately for daddy, he did not lactate).  

her exit was unceremonious, without dramatics, but still beautiful as all new life was.  surprisingly, she did not cry.  she would suckle for a short while before falling into a deep, dreamless slumber.

Didn't have a dime but I always had a vision
Always had high, high hopes
373 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Aviana dropped to the ground at Sunny's growl, her ears folding on her head and her eyes diverting from his form. She knew that it would be tense, and that she'd made a mistake in coming. Tail tucked well between her legs, she had only paused for a moment before she turned and quickly left the area. She didn't even hear Grayday's words. She only stopped when she felt she was far enough away that no one would chase her. She didn't fault Sunny for being defensive; they were the next generation, after all. 

Last from me!
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
The Sword of the Morning
Health - 75% (75/100)
1,744 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
I'm gonna post to keep this moving
At her command, Grayday moved forward, stepping slowly and carefully to give Catori time to direct him if she saw him about to squish one of their new children. He did not snuffle over them as he dearly wanted to, but did as Catori asked and curled himself around her back, using her flank as a pillow in order to get his head closer to the pups.

The scent of blood soon drew his attention - the male began laving his tongue over a few spots on his wife's haunches, hoping to soothe her sore and tired flesh. "You did good," he offered, although he was not really sure what giving birth actually entailed; Akuti had done just as well, it seemed, but he remembered Amber telling him about their stillborn. He was glad that hadn't happened this time around. "Will you tell me what they look like?"
[Image: CYEyvJP.png?4]
What's Mine is Ours