Hushed Willows bend and break
Sun Mote Copse
563 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Try as she might to integrate herself to somewhere—anywhere—that could feel like home, Meadow had come to give in to the feeling of nostalgia that tugged at her heart. The silver female came to the borders of Elysium—the place she had left without a backward glance, for there had been nothing here for her. Her father had died, her mother absent for the majority of her youthful months. Her siblings had come and gone—relationships were hard to forge when trust in others dwindled day to day.

And yet there was something about the familiar rustle of the graceful willows in the wind that allowed a surge of relief to grace the young woman. Her rust-masked face tipped upward, delicate features studying the land in quiet scrutiny before she tipped her muzzle up, beckoning for the leaders of Elysium—completely unaware that leadership had shifted to @Sunny.
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
The day had been a lazy one, he had allowed himself that. He had been snoozing when the call woke him and he jolted upright blinking and slowly standing up. He shambled toward the borders and spotted the young girl waiting and immediately felt the pull of memories. This was one of them, one of his Morningsiders but he couldn't place how or why he knew her. He definitely knew she wasn't a sibling but she was achingly familiar...was this the girl he had jumped through flame for? "Hello I'm Sunny..what can I do for you?" he asked his usual but his tone was gentler, a bit off than his usual outgoing friendliness.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
Sun Mote Copse
563 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
@Sunny so sorry for the wait!
Thoughtfully, the girl chewed on her bottom lip in nervous contemplation. What would she say? HOw should she act? Would any of her family still even be here? Her mother had never been a solid presence within the girl's life, and her siblings had always set adrift more often then not as they grew older.

So why did she come here, now?

Glancing up at the greeting, Meadow relaxed visibilywhen she noted the faintly familiar form of Sunny. He did not seem to recognize her, and she offered him a waning smile, her slender face dipping down to reveal submission and a humble greeting. "Sunny?" The question pressed at her lips, but the yearling swallowed her nerves and continued forward. "It's me... Meadow." Would he even remember her name?
1,015 Posts
Ooc — Jay
He stared at her as if he could pry the secret of her identity out with his gaze and sure enough, she shyly introduced herself as Meadow. It shook him a bit, to realise that the girl who had been so young when they had come here was standing here almost fully grown. It was a reunion tinged with sadness as he would have to bear the news that they were the last two remaining Morningsiders beside Dawn and Aditiya. "You're...uh...You're all grown up I didn't even recognize you! Are you coming back?" he asked her gently voice shaking just a bit as he stared at the daughter of his Uncle and Pema, the woman who he had known since he was a little pup.
Birdcatcher: 4/10
Sun Mote Copse
563 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
At the shock on his face, the girl gave a hesitant smile, tipping her rust-tipped face down shyly. “I’d like to,” she replied, resisting the urge to chew at her lip in uncertainty. Diminutive, the silver she-wolf waited for her cousin’s response, her own fiery eyes studying him and the changes that had occurred on his own physique over the time apart. He looked as if the weight of the world was trying to bring him down now, and she realized that the loss of Morningside had left all of them empty.