Northstar Vale writer
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Ooc —
All Welcome 
maybe @Tamar or @Meadow? :D

the morning air was cold. sharp and chilling right down to her bone! she did her best to work off the worst of it. she bounded after the scent trail of her father (@Arsenio) for some time, humming as she went.

last time she had gazed upon the sky, father had told her about Kunosoura and how aallll the other stars circled it! somehow, in her mind, she thought this of her parents. that they were the Kunosoura of epoch.

and she! she was a star! circling them and learning.

it was with that whimsical thought that she picked up her pace a bit, looking around for somebody to share the thought with before it was gone.
549 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
A yawn escaped her—the cold air blooming before her like a cloud and stirring her to inhale sharply, awakening her more as she strode along the length of the borders. Winter had come upon them now, and in its wake, the world had fallen silent. Little life stirred in the freshest onset of the season—most birds had flown to warmer homes to bear the season, and other animals hibernated.

How fun that must be, she thought wryly, the cold air descending upon her willowy frame and all but soaking her to the bone with chill. To simply hunker down and wait for the warmer air to come upon them.

Needless to say, the copper-tipped woman was not a fan of the colder season—likely, mostly, because it reminded her of a looming mountain and a pair of brothers.

Her nose bent downward—trailing the scent of a herd that had passed here not long before. She huffed quietly, wondering when Epoch would bring its promising future to a pack hunt—surely, Arsenio and Tamar considered their children ready to bear witness to such a thing?
80 Posts
Ooc —
oh! it was miss meadow!

zosime changed course near immediately. bounding through the snowy forest on the trail of the healer. tail whipping behind her and sending some of the top layer of snow up around her. she did absolutely nothing to conceal her arrival!

me'ow! she could say the woman's name proper now, but the nickname clung to her heart still. i have a story! kinda, i think. she giggled, delighted and hoping to weave her way up against the healer.
549 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
‘Me’ow,’ crooned an excited voice, and a smile was upon the silver waif’s features before she even glanced up fully, eyes taking in the beautiful young she-wolf before her as she bounded forward. The girl had much growing to do, still, only being within the first quarter of a year, but it was easy to see the fine lady she would grow into over even the next few months.

Hesitantly, she wondered what her own pups would look like, if she ever had any… If Reyson truly did mean what he said.

A light head tilt offered, her humor sparkling as she slowed her pace, allowing Zosime to sidle up beside her. “Kind of a story?” She teased lightly, her muzzle slipping down to rain affection upon the top of the girl’s head before she beckoned her forward, her pace becoming more playful in the snow now with her jubilant company. “Tell me while we track,” she offered.
80 Posts
Ooc —
do you know about Kunosoura? she asked, although she was prepared to bounce right into the explanation without any answer. even as meadow seemed content for them to work while they talked. it was likely the proper thing, after all, the adults seemed to do it plenty.

it's the most important star! aaaaall the other stars circle it. i think that my parents are Kunosoura, but not with stars. with wolves! in our home. her head nodded as she felt very proud of herself to paint this image.
549 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
As they continued, the girls enthusiasm drew a smile from the woman’s reserved expression. Zosime was able to pull one from the worst of moods, she felt, and so when the girl continued, the story revealing itself to be more of a theory than anything else.

And one that pulled at the Heiros’ heartstrings even more, were it even possible.

“I love that,” she preened to the girl, her tail waving gently through the cold air. “Have you told them as such?” A pause given, an arched brow, and she studied the girl with new consideration. A chronicler in the making perhaps—or a naturalist. “When the moon rises, I would love for you to show it to me.”
80 Posts
Ooc —
not yet! i told you first. such was a good and high honor! one given to the medic woman who held the girl's heart firmly. maybe i show you kunosoura first before i tell them. then you tell me if you see it too!

her head bobbed with an intensity befitting her joy. she bumped happily into meadow whenever allowed.

do you have stories 'bout the stars?
549 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
“Yes! I want to see,” she agreed, tail giving a wave as she encouraged the girl. Once playing with stones as princesses, Zosime was now weaving tales and theories of her own—and already, her creativity was beautiful.

At her question, Meadow gave a gentle shake of her head. “No, though I’ve always loved to look at them. My—friend—Reyson, though, he has stories of the stars. Perhaps he can tell us both some of them, sometime?” For some reason, the thought of calling him her boyfriend did not quite fit what she felt they were.
80 Posts
Ooc —
fade? <3

reyson! she did not know this name, she didn't think. he was not of epoch then, was he?

i must see him! she declared with girlish delight. i will tell him of kunosoura too! then he will tell me of his stories! all of this decided so swiftly! for she trusted meadow would agree and also that the healer would not bring up this man unless he'd also agree!
549 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
“Yes, darling girl. He has many stories of the stars to share,” she murmured, showering Zosime with the affection of kisses upon her brow the way a mother would her own young. It would give the girl a trade to explore—and perhaps, it would offer her soldier a soothing balm, to discuss something he seemed to enjoy, that was a far cry from the bloodshed and heartache he was too familiar with. “Come,” she beckoned, beginning to lead them on a walk. They could walk and scout for the herd together. “Tell me more stories.”