Northstar Vale I Know, I'm No Superman
222 Posts
Ooc — Impala
All Welcome 
The night was crisp and refreshing and his once abuzz mind was finally at ease. Reiko had willingly accepted his desire to stay within the Empire and even tasked him with making sure she stayed safe. He was concerned that she was under so much duress so early in her pregnancy and found he was more concerned that her scent was not alone most days. She was close to someone...could she not trust that someone? 

 His head laid over his paws and he relaxed in a position that was optimal to be back on his feet should he be summoned by the Empress--or anyone else. 

 He had chosen to create his home only a short distance from her own. He didn't want to find that she was being harmed and it take too long to get to her. He had chosen a spot downwind of her own den and just out of view. He wouldn't permanently choose such a centralized position--but this was a special occasion. 

 He would move to a standing position and bring himself from the cover of darkness his den offered. He sat outside of it and looked up at the dark sky, Clouds mostly inhabited the night, the occasional separation allowing glimmering stars to break through, and Collision sighed. The night was peaceful. Much was he.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
158 Posts
Ooc — Kegana

The night sky had once again drawn the man from his mates side. She slept soundly, comfortable in the safety of their den. But Yuudai, he couldn’t not find slumber in darkening sky. His mind reeling from his altercation with bother Takeshi and Reiko. Something foul clung to the Empire, and Yuudai was anxious thinking of the future and what might happen. His racing thoughts made him restless. So in an effort to not wake his pregnant wife, Yuudai rose quietly and headed out into the darkness of the night.

Subconsciously he headed in the direction of the Empress’ den. Wanting nothing more than to speak with her, as he used to, when they were much younger. Before the world had poison them. Catching himself before he wandered to close, Yuudai turned away. Instead heading in a random direction, seeking for something to do. Something that might distract him, if only for a moment.

With his head down, Yuudai wasn’t fully aware of his surroundings. He caught the scent of his packmates, easily identifying them as friendly. Unknowingly he passed by the den site of one of the latest members. But he would never now, given his head was drooped, deep in thought.
222 Posts
Ooc — Impala
In the still of the night Collision did not expect to hear the shuffling of another. His head would raise and his he would seem to hyper focus on his surroundings. The boy would push himself to his feet and he would wait and he would watch.

 A white silhouette in the darkness came moving through. His head was low, his mind seeming to wander--and if it weren't for the size of the boy Collision knew this scent and had placed it in a number of areas around the Vale. He familiarized it with Reiko--though, had never seen the two together. 

 His head atwixt in curiousity he shakes it away and moves forward. Perhaps there was friendship to be found. It was not only the women that he needed to be present for. So a Brother he would be treated as. 

 "Can't sleep?" Collision's voice is a deep baritone and remains flat. He doesn't want to alarm the foreign man and he doesn't want to wake anyone more than were necessary. What exactly had this gentleman so lost? 

 While the rest of the world had fallen silent--Collision was prepared to simply listen.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
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Ooc — Kegana
OMG i am so so sorry this took so long for me to get back tooooo!

The voice echoed for a moment. Startling Yuu as his head snapped to catch a glimpse of who had spoken. Despite the calm and gentleness of the tone, the samurai was still surprised by his own lack of awareness. Mentally he reprimanded himself. With Takeshi flaunting his power it would not do well for Yuudai to be caught unaware again.

Clearing his throat slightly, he refocused on the topic at hand. The man. Of course he had noticed his scent milling about, particularly close to Reiko. But he had been so preoccupied with Hiromi and preparations for the pups he hadn't yet introduced himself. "No." Yuudai spoke softly, recognizing the hour. He took in the grey toned man, curious. A soldier Yuudai was sure, his physique making it easy to assume. But Yuudai tried to refrain from such conclusions until they were confirmed, through action or speech. "A common trait I see." His lips curled slightly in a friendly smile. He wasn't one for many words but hoped it was enough to start the ball rolling.
222 Posts
Ooc — Impala
It would become common knowledge that nothing Collision did was intended to cause harm. Well, not to those that were within the Vale. His body had stilled when he had decided to speak so there would be no further repurcussion. The white apparition would seem to come to a halt and Collision only waited for the answer that did eventually come. 

 He paired it with a fair observation to boot. 

 Collision rarely slept at night. He found it most easy to take naps on occasion or sleep when Reiko began to eat. From his observation as the pregnancy furhtered post eating she would remain in her den for awhille. Coll assumed to sleep so he did much of the same. 

 Seeing Reiko became scarcer as time seemed to crawl on. He would have thought this pale man to be the one that frequented her den--but the smell wasn't right....

 Collision noted his friendly attempt at a smile and though Collision didn't often reciprocate well he offered a mediocre smile in return. His head gestured towards Reiko's den and he continued what was only the beginning of the meeting, "Reiko has made it clear she's a bit worried about her safety. Staying awake at night ensures there's nothing for her to worry about," Of course, Collision was only worried about outside sources. 

 "I'm being quite rude, I think....My name is Collision. I'm new-ish to the Vale yet. I'm just acting as a Guard to the Empress,"
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
158 Posts
Ooc — Kegana
It was weird the sensation that trickled along his back at the man's words. I'm just acting as a Guard to the Empress....just acting as a Guard... That's where he had been not so long ago, simply a guard, a friend, a confidant. Now look at him. She couldn't even look at him. Couldn't accept his help, and he in turn had been negligent of his own protection duties.

"Ah I see." Yuudai nodded along, he seemed competent enough. "I am Yuudai. It's a pleasure to meet you." He dipped his head in proper greeting, but was lost in thought. What was he to Reiko now? Did she even still want him here? Would she run him off? Would Takeshi? Honestly he wouldn't put it past the man. But what would that mean for Hiromi? What about his children? And then he realized something that he had never thought of before... were the children Reiko carried Takeshi's? The very idea had always sounded so preposterous, surely the chance were far higher that she carried Takeshi's pups. But there was a possibility, a slim one, that they could be his. There might never be a way to know. I'm just acting as a Guard to the Empress....just acting as a Guard... Collision's words came back. If only he too could be a simple guard again.

"How long have you been protecting the Empress?" Despite the crisis that was happening in his thoughts, Yuudai could feel a certain jealousy settle in his stomach. An emotion the samurai wasn't used to. But he forced the feeling aside, there was no indication of Collision's intentions, and therefore no reason for Yuu to act anything other than kind to his packmate.
222 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision always felt so awkward after he spoke. There was an air of uncertainty when it came to friendly manners of anything. Really anything that wasn't him being put to work on something was destined to be a complete train wreck. He was not the social butterfly, and yet, he was friendly as anyone if one should really get down to thinking about it. 

 Yuudai? He had certainly heard the name in passing, though, couldn't say that he had been able to distinguish him from anyone else. Also, to be honest, physically a lot of these wolves were all painted the same way. It was bound to get a bit confusing.

 He asked a question that Collision felt a bit peculiar, but perhaps he was just genuinely curious. He had ever right to know who he shared a home with, and Collision was more than happy to oblige his concerns, "It hasn't been too long. Not long enough to brag on anyways," and getting cocky was how bad things happened! 

"How do you know Reiko? You look like a brother," He was, of course, very far off from base, had absolutely no way of knowing it, and stared at him with all the honesty in the world. The two were both white in color with a certain winter-guarded look. Yuudai much bigger in stature. So--big brother: obviously.

 "I haven't been able to fall asleep. I'm gonna make some rounds and make sure everything is normal. Care to join me?" Of course, it was quite possible the alabaster one had too much on his mind to be concerned with things of this nature.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
158 Posts
Ooc — Kegana
Yuudai nodded, it was odd having been her main source of protection for her entire life, Yuudai suddenly realized that she didn't need him anymore. She had proven that many times over now. The thought left the samurai oddly empty, and devoid of emotion. He knew he was repressing his feeling for her, and it couldn't be healthy at all. But he wasn't exactly sure what else to do. He was backed into a corner, his loyalty now confusingly split between his family and his duty, but somewhere along the way Reiko became his family. Which left him even more confused and hurting, so it was easier to repress them. Pretend they didn't exist.

Collision asked a question of him in return for the answer, a question which made perfect sense. But some how caught Yuudai off guard. A sensation he wasn't used to and found to be exceedingly uncomfortable. His jaw fell slightly as he found the subtle irony of his logic. "Umm I'm definitely not her brother." Of course that was the first thing that came to mind to mention. Suddenly the eloquent marquis was a bumbling idiot. "I — We, grew up in the same pack. I've been her bodyguard since she was born." He couldn't bring himself to phrase it in the past tense. Surely he hadn't been dismissed from his position. He still held his rank. Everything would blow over. It had to.

A walk sounded like the perfect way to calm his mind after such dark thoughts. He knew then and there that sleep would elude him for the rest of the night not matter the length her would go to seek it. No, tonight he would walk with or without a partner. Yuudai dipped his head. "I shall follow your lead." Grateful for the companionship.
222 Posts
Ooc — Impala
If Collision could undertsand the discomfort his question provided it would have made the situation impossible for him, and so the answer was only observed with a simple understanding. That he had only made a poor observation based solely off of physical assets. It made sense that Yuudai came from the same place as Reiko. So did several others in this Empire and each of them seemed to possess similar appearances. Perhaps it was more beneficial where they came from to have such a dense look and be so lacking in color. 

 "I see. You are a good man to keep to your honor so far away from where you came from," He had a lot of respect for the fact the boy upheld his duties even when they were no longer in the place where he had assumed the assignment. 

 Collision was pleased that Yuudai agreed to accompany him. Perhaps they would be able to dismiss the lonliness that the late hours could bring. It was good for them to get to know eachother anyways. Collision beckoned his head and began moving towards the outskirts of the Empire. If something were to go wrong it would likely happen out there before the heart. 

 "Are you continuing being a guard here? There's so many women expecting youth it almost feels daunting," Of course, he assumed he was understood. Expectant mothers plus all of the pups that landed and added recovery time would likely result in an extended period of concern. If something went south then it would always fall on the shoulders of those that could be assumed to be more capable. Of course, Collision did not know that Yuudai was an equally expectant father.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
158 Posts
Ooc — Kegana
Yuudai could think of a few words he could voice in opposition of the man’s claim. He was not a good man. Not be any means of the word. Instead Yuu simply smiled and offered a clip smile that never reached his violet gaze. Following the man as he lead them toward the edge of their claim. The samurai was a quiet one, and so his voice carried barely any louder than his previous whisper but he did speak. “Yes I have sworn to the Empress. I will protect her at any cost.” Regardless of the harsh feelings between them currently Yuudai was still wholeheartedly prepared to die for her. In and instant if necessary.

“I could never abandon the Empire. I’m afraid my wife is rather attached to our imperial leader. Even if I left I doubt she’d follow me. Yuudai offered a small chuckle, laughing at what he said. While amusing it was also the honest truth, Yuu doubted Hiromi would ever think to leave Reiko. No matter the circumstances that ever befell them. Hiromi was the glue that held them all together. “Besides, I want to give my children a stable life. I can’t do that if I’m a loner.” To be allow so near to Reiko’s den, Yuu knew the empress trusted this man. And so as the ever loyal soldier trusted her judgment and saw no harm in revealing himself to the other man.
222 Posts
Ooc — Impala
they were both just men that stood by their birthright. protect with the strength they were blessed with. it was a good motive and a good way to use their skills. not to mention it was ultimately for a greater good and not anything with ill will like so many succumbed to. 

 collision was happy that there was another so willing to lay down his life. it meant that there would always be someone to stand between her and any harm if one of them should fail. perhaps they could bond over a mutual respect to do exactly that. a respect for the pale knight grew. 

 as they moved collision supposed there wasn't much going on. it seemed like it was going to be a quiet night, albeit the inner turmoil he only barely observed about the man. it was not his business and he did not wish to speak on something he would do little to understand, "who is your wife?" collision would make sure, if all else failed, he would silently make sure she was protected if he wasn't there to do so. brothers in arms, right? that was the code the grey man lived by. to the point he assumed all here did and would. 

 "congratulations on becoming a father. i'm sure you're quite excited," there were a number of pregnant women within the vale. and collision knew there were no present whelps running the ground. it only went to assume yuudai was the father of one of the many pregnant women running around. he wondered what the coming months would bring.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
158 Posts
Ooc — Kegana
Yuudai was glad the man did ask about his previous distraction, even though he trusted him because of Reiko he was still a fiercely private man. Instead he stuck with a topic Yuu himself had already broached, and he could feel a liking toward the fellow warrior. Yuu offered him a small smile in acknowledgment of the fact. "Marchioness Hiromi." His smile grew, he truly did love her. Even with everything that was happening with Reiko, Hiromi was still there. He could always rely on her.

"Thank you." Yuudai dipped his head in gratitude. "I'm... cautiously optimistic." There was a lot happening in the pack at the moment. Had Yuu known life would be this hectic he may have tried harder to avoid both the woman he loved during their vulnerability. But, there was not take backs now. No. He would be a father whether her accepted the fact or not. "A lot is happening right now Collision." He wasn't sure what the man knew about the Empire, but there was more going on the many newcomer's truly understood.
222 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Permission to PP so this thread can get closed up!

Yuudai mentioned his wife and Collision couldn't say that he knew who the woman was. Perhaps he should, but he was still so new to this place. Perhaps in due time he would run into the lass and they could exchange whatever pleasantries could be had. He took a liking to Yuudai. Surely the Marchioness would be no different to him. 

 They continued along and though there was a lot of depth to Yuudai's statements Collision didn't want to force him to open whatever can he had until he truthfully felt like it. He would be there whenever he was ready and even if he never were. So, the duo continued exchanging pleasantries and learning small but specific details about one another until they decided to part ways for the evening. They both had things to do and it sounded like Yuudai's wife would probably want him home soon given her present state. 

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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.