Broken Antler Fen when the snows fall and the white winds blow
25 Posts
Ooc — Bo
All Welcome 
Down the jagged path from the rocky heights and further down still through the rough base ground that was near the bottom, Jupiter was sore and rather tired when she passed into new land. The fen was remarkably more pleasant to pass through than the heights had been. The fighter watched the foliage shift with curious, dancing eyes. The new terrain was nice, she thought. It would have made for a suitable pack claim. Not that she had any plans for making one of her own anytime soon. When tired from a few days of rough travel, Jupiter used any thoughts she could to keep herself going. 

It was late though; the sun had set hours before she had reached her first mile into the fen. She had not made it much further, as she had stopped to hunt for something to eat. Stars glimmered from a dark blanket overhead. Jupiter felt her spirits lift as she came across a small source of running water - a stream that cut through the trees. The broad she-wolf trotted toward it and bent her head to drink for some time. When she had quenched her thirst - water drizzling from her chin - she looked up to her surroundings and paused. She wondered if she should deviate her path or continue east.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
timelines be damned I'm NABBIN THIS
bein real vague about things

It was a fairly subdued Maia that passed into the fen after coming south from recieving news about their brother.  She really wanted to go see Eljay, but first, she needed to check in with Wraen.  She'd missed her sister as always when she was gone, but this conversation was not one that was going to be fun.  Bad news was the worst sort of news, and yet it was the news she always seemed to get on Ambassador trips.  This would be her third time coming home with news of death.

Before she could find her older sister, she came across a stranger who made her do a double take.  From a distance it could have been anyone, but up close, that tan was unmistakeable.  Maia only knew one wolf who looked like her, though she hadn't seen her baby sister since her last visit home.  A year ago?

What was she doing here?!!!  The news slipped her mind for a moment as pure joy suffused her expression.  HEY!  I KNOW YOU!  Maia hollered, grinning and running towards Jupiter with all the grace of a careening rickshaw.
25 Posts
Ooc — Bo
*screams excitedly*

A familiar voice caused the girl’s ears to turn on her head. Surprise jolted through her and the young fighter turned sharply to latch her eyes on her older sister. Happiness flooded her system and inspired a wagging tail and a playful bow from the burly girl. Before she could stop herself, the young girl set off at a dangerous sprint toward her sibling. A wide smile had spread her features and her tongue lolled from the side of her mouth.
When the large girl had closed much of the distance between herself and Maia, she slowed her pace some and threw her head high into the air in a sign of hello. “Maia!” Jupiter bellowed, love ringing through every sound of her sister’s name. The girl’s tail could not be held still; she spun in circles trying to contain the active energy that had taken hold of her. While she had anticipated that she might run into members of her family there, she had not anticipated it would have been so early on.
Nothing made the girl happier than to see that familiar starlight gaze. It felt good to be with family again.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Jupiter's enthusiasm matched hers and made the moment that much better!  Maia nosed her affectionately and excitedly, both as a sort of hug and a way to make sure she was all fine and good.  Finally she pulled back and grinned.

Jup!  What are you doing here!?  I mean, it's amazing to see you!!!!  But wow!!!  She was a little breathless with excitement.  Did she come with news, or was she here to branch out?  Was anyone with her?  Were they all okay?

So many questions!
25 Posts
Ooc — Bo
Jupiter could hardly stop herself from circling around Maia numerous times, prodding her nose into her sister’s figure and sniffing out all the foreign scents that clung to her cloak. The large she-wolf was thrilled to have found a member of her family so soon after arriving in the wilds that she was rather surprised by it. When Maia asked why she was there, Jupiter gaped at her for a moment and then chuckled warmly.
“Itchy paws I guess you could say. I wanted to go out and make a name for myself, you know? Like the rest of the family has done. Figured it was about time I learned how to use my strength to my advantage,” Jupiter responded with a proud smile. She was eager to develop her skills as a fighter and warrior, but there was something beyond that – she was thrilled at the prospect of being able to prove herself.
“How have you been? Where are you staying right now?”
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
How have you been?. Maia immediately thought of Terance, but made the quick decision not to bring that heaviness in just yet.  She couldn't even remember if her younger siblings had met their older brother, and she was way too happy to want to deal with bringing that in right now.

Heck yeah!  That's awesome, she replied with a small chuckle.  I mean, that's why I left!  Though with any luck you'll make a better one.  She added with a teasing nudge to her shoulder.

Wraen and I actually are settling here!  Sorta.  We're claiming the forest.  Her tail waved proudly.  It's going to be amazing!  Where were you thinking of going?  She asked, and obviously the two weren't unrelated.  She, naturally, wanted to keep her sister here.  But if Jupiter wanted to see more of the wilds and make a name for herself without her big sisters hovering, that was totally fine! Despite the protective, big sister urge Maia might have to immediately insist she stay.
25 Posts
Ooc — Bo
The reunion with her sister was almost overwhelming for the young warrior. She had hoped that she would cross paths with Terance or Wraen in her visit to the wilds – prayed that she might catch a glimpse of familiarity in the sea of unknown – but had not gotten her heart set on it. It had been less than a week and there she was! Maia, her near-twin; Jupiter felt her heart soar with happiness that she could hardly contain. Her hips swayed from side to side with the swinging of her tail, and he had found it rather difficult to hold her frame still during their chat.
Jupiter’s ears pricked up brightly at the sound of her sibling’s prideful statement. She and Wraen were going to claim their own territory and build a pack for themselves. The burly she-wolf glanced around their immediate area as though she were eyeing the choice made by her kin and then her features split into a wide smile and she laughed. “Wow, Maia! That’s so great! Hey maybe I can join you if I haven’t found somewhere else? I’d love to stay with family,” Jupiter admitted, her tone unabashed and unafraid.
Her goal was to become the most prized fighter in the land, but she knew that she would need extensive training for that. Jupiter was aware that her goals were lofty. She knew that as good as she might become at her desired skills, someone would always come along with something better. Instead of disheartening her, this thought fueled her and pushed her forward. She would learn from anyone that she could.
To climb a ladder, one must begin at the bottom.
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia, in turn, was thrilled to hear that!  Yeah!  I mean, no pressure, of course.  She amended quickly.  But heck yes, we'd love to have you!  Wraen and I already have a ton sorted out.  It's gonna be the kind of place that's home, sure, but also anyone can come and go!  We're both really big on traveling, and all.  She didn't want to sell it too hard, but if Jupiter was looking to broaden her horizons, Maia wanted to be sure she knew that wasn't a problem.  She'd be welcome here anytime.

What kind of place are you looking for, though?  I've met a few of the surrounding spots and all, maybe I could help!  That way she wouldn't have to wander completely aimlessly, and potentially run into any creepy guys in the woods.  Not that she was... yknow... that worried.
25 Posts
Ooc — Bo
There was comfort to be found in the presence of her family. And though Jupiter had not yet had the chance to meet her older sister Wraen, she knew that she would likely adore the girl. It said an awful lot that the two sisters were planning on forging together to build a home for themselves. The premise of that foundling pack was tantalizing for Jupiter, who was most eager to prove herself in that world. She wanted to demonstrate her potential; she wanted to show that she was capable and strong, that she knew how to handle herself out there. The young fighter also did not want to lose her curiosity, knowing that it was a driving force in her desire to grow.
“I want to become the best fighter. I want to be a warrior that everyone looks up to! One that they tell tales about for years and years to come,” Jupiter confessed to her sister, a smile crinkled the edges of her gaze as she felt warmth flood her cheeks. The quest was simple enough. The hardest part of her journey would have to be finding those who would be willing to share their wisdom with her. Jupiter was not afraid to admit that she knew only the basics. Her fangs and claws were meant for greater things, she felt.
“So if I can find someone to teach me, or multiple people to teach me – phew… that’s it! That’s all I need for at least a while. Just until I learn more. Do you know anyone who’s got a talent for warrior work?”
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, wow!  Maia couldn't help but be taken back for a moment to her own recent failure, and the shattering of her own visions of herself.  But she didn't let any of that show, and all she held for her younger sister was admiration.  It was a big ask! One that she herself definitely wasn't qualified for, and something that definitely set her apart from both she and Wraen!

I'll start polishing up some tales, then!  If you are providing the inspiration.  She grinned, then turned thoughtful.  I mean... Wraen and I aren't really super into it.  But Towhee and Niamh nearby, they are!  I know they teach some.  She'd never really taken them up on it, but the offer had always been there.  They live in the caldera and are friendly with us, if you ask and say who you are! They might help.  Then i guess there's the Glen.  I know Bronco was going for warrior, and I'm sure he'd know more.  They are north.  Hmm.

Now question.  Moonspear.  There's another pack too.  They... well.  You might not want to mention us to them if you go there.  And you'd definitely want to be careful.  They are pretty intense, and... well.  They threatened Wraen, and me once.  But if they like you, they are definitely warriors.  Maia said, a little tentatively.  She really hoped she'd take that with a grain of salt, but she didn't want to tell her not to go there.  If she wanted to learn, then they were a good resource, and Maia had had friends there before.  She knew more than anyone that a wolf had to make their own calls.
25 Posts
Ooc — Bo
Joy erupted inside of her, like fireworks spattering in her chest. Jupiter could hardly wait to hear what her sister might create after telling her about her feats. She wished that she had already accomplished more! If she had already done great things, she could start Maia off with a taste of it.
It didn’t seem to bother her sister that she was fresh off the boat in the world of fighting. The young girl’s doppelganger was quick to start spouting off places that would likely offer their assistance in Jupiter’s quest to learn. The girl listened with complete intent, filling her head with the prospects that were laid before her. Two packs that were relatively friendly to the family she already had sounded easy. It seemed like it would be a logical choice. The spirited fighter wasn’t sure where the impulse came from, but she beamed at the sound of the last.
“Let me try my hand at that last place, sis. I’d like to see what they’re eating out there to make you think they’re intense,” she said with a chuckle and a wink. “Where are they located?”
1,557 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia laughed.  She'd kind of figured!  And honestly, if Maia were really serious about being a Valkyrie, she'd have gone there ages ago.  Charon had always spoken of their warriors as if they were unmatched, and from what Maia had seen it was nearly true.  

They are on a huge mountain, the biggest in the range.  If you go north around the lake, you shouldn't be able to miss it!  Without the family ties, Jupiter hopefully wouldn't have to worry about any reputation to drag along after tense relationships.  And who knows?  Maybe having her there would even help the situation.  Maia would certainly be visiting her once she got herself established, if that was in fact where she headed.

If they let you in, come back and let me know what you learn?  She asked, giving her a lick on the side of her face.  Otherwise I'm going to worry you climbed up just to float off into the sky.  And no offense, but you don't get to live in the sky without taking me n Wraen with you.  She joked, but the concern was real.  She didn't want to lose track of Jupiter the way she'd let herself lose track of Terance and Sarah.