Silver Moraine like a wild fox
242 Posts
Ooc — Bees
All Welcome 
for a couple days now she'd been feeling awful, hot beyond the effects of the weather. it felt as if someone left a still-burning cigar somewhere in the depths of her cunt, and diesel grew convinced that a bug had crawled in there while she slept.


fuckin' magnificent.

she lumbered trough the coarse, lumpy earth of the nature-made road. there was a... a lake, she was certain, that way which she was headed. maybe the cold water could cool her fever, make her feel less dizzy and craving.

whatever the fuck it was she had a craving for.
74 Posts
Ooc — The System
Curiosity got the better of him. The scent before him was not one he had ever smelled before in his life, but something about it drew him onward. He slunk along, ears angled back, following the trail. It led him to one of the strangest creatures he had ever seen; it was neither wolf nor coyote, and yet, it smelled similar. Lucius gave a quick yap, keeping a very safe distance between him and it. He wondered if it was friendly.
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
242 Posts
Ooc — Bees
the yap made her head whip around, revealing the ruined side of her face, loose skin flapping.

a motherfucking yote.

she'd chased plenty of those fucks away from mereo's borders and away from their kills in the past few months. in a way, she liked them. wolves small enough for her to bully.

although this one was more likely to get a beating. she felt a certain draw to its - his - scent that surely meant she wanted to whoop his ass.

letting the natural droop of her features conceal her intentions, the mastiff barked back and popped into a casual play-bow, inviting him closer.
74 Posts
Ooc — The System
The other creature whipped about at his yap, and he recoiled when he saw her face. It was a face unlike anything he had ever seen — and what was worse, she was battle-scarred and missing a lip. Lucius stared at her, then she loosed her own bark and bowed, inviting him closer with play.

His heart began to thud against his chest, and he swallowed nervously, taking a hesitant step closer. "H-hello," he greeted her nervously, his tail wagging slightly, held close to his body. "Are you... a wolf?" He didn't dare move closer, not yet.
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
242 Posts
Ooc — Bees
it seemed her wrinkled appeal'd failed to attract him any closer than just-out-of-reach.

she sneered at his wimpy little hello, his question.

"i eh sho'ething 'etter than 'olf." from the bow she dropped and rolled onto her backside, revealing her enchanting belly. 

"e'er sheen a dog, kiddo?" she spoke while stretching her legs and giving him an upside-down grin, heavily affected by the gravity's effect on her facial wrinkles.
74 Posts
Ooc — The System
She spoke, but her words were difficult to understand; he caught that she was something called a "dog", and as he gazed at her, he wished he hadn't laid eyes on her. It was... a lot to take in. Forcing a nervous chuckle, the boy admitted, "No, I've... I've never seen a — a dog before." Lucius swallowed roughly, eyeing her mangled face. "Who did that to you?" He took a step closer; he hadn't been chased off yet.
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
242 Posts
Ooc — Bees
the bitch snickered when he admitted that no, he'd never seen someone like her before. she'd need to teach him that anatomically, they're pretty fucking similar despite it.

he took another step, and diesel rolled onto her belly. there was an ugly grin splitting her face.

"a 'hite, shcar'ached cunt." the expression persisted even as she spat. "-ig, 'uilt like a truck, not that you kno' 'hat that ish. got 'ee thice."

"shee the neck?" the wrinkles there flapped, the chain collar bounced, rusted links not concealing the wide scar beneath. "that 'ash the 'irsht ti- tih-- hany 'onths 'ack. she threw 'ee a 'elcome harty. thish 'ash her giht." the mastiff put a paw to her flesh necklace, then raised it to gesture at the missing fold above her right brow. "thish too. 'oth got inhected. 'ash 'etty 'ad."

"shecond 'ash a cou- coh-- two 'onths ago. a'bushed 'ee, real har hram here." her head pointed at the sunspires. "she and her 'oytoy. 'other'uckersh." diesel paused. "hhhhatherhhhackersh." her forehead scrunched. couldn't even say her favourite cursewords out loud. 


"any'aysh, tore ohh 'y lih. the end."
74 Posts
Ooc — The System
Lucius had a hard time understanding her; he edged forward a few more paces, angling his ears towards her, the better to hear. He got the gist of it all — some scar-faced, giant wolf and her toy had ravaged the creature before him. Lucius winced, and when he looked at her again, he felt very sorry for her.

"I... I'm sorry that happened to you," the coyote breathed. He had moved much closer now — not quite within reach, but close enough that it mattered. Lucius had no real skills, nothing to offer but his sympathies. He swallowed, then asked, "What will you do now?"
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
242 Posts
Ooc — Bees
diesel stretched her forelegs, kneading the hot dirt. as she yawned, one eye opened a slit, to watch the 'yote come closer.

"-ell," tongue squeezed out to wet the exposed mouthflesh, mean smile pushing her wrinkles. "i 'lan to shohday kill the cunt." she coolly rose to her feet. the tongue slithered out again. 

the mastiff attempted to pass by the fleaman, brush her smooth coat against his. "-ut hirsht, i need to get sho' hhyshical practiche in." heard turned around. something hungry sparked in her pallid eyes.
74 Posts
Ooc — The System
Lucius shivered slightly at her words; violence had never been his answer to things. No, his response to confrontation was simply to flee. He watched her nervously as she got to her feet, and he stood, pinned in place, as she moved to brush her pelt against his. He let loose a nervous laugh at mention of practice, and he stammered, "I — I don't know. I'm n-not very good at... at fighting..." What if it hurt? He looked at her, feeling very much like a deer in headlights.
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
242 Posts
Ooc — Bees
now she was certain, that hotblooded feeling was her itching to kick a person's ass - not just wrangle badgers or get stuck full of porcupine needles.

the hunger grew and the mouth split into a grin. 

she lunged, to shut her jaws about his tiny yowler snout.
74 Posts
Ooc — The System
She didn't give him a choice. Her great, flappy muzzle closed over his snout, and the coyote reeled backwards with a frightened yelp. He was just a boy, after all, and he knew nothing of fighting. He didn't want to get close enough to attack, either; he just slunk back at first, ears pinning as his eyes searched her face, looking for hostility. Was this a truly friendly match? He decided he didn't want to learn the hard way.

He did something that surprised himself — he lurched forward, aiming to barrel into her side. If she wanted practice, maybe he could get some in, too.

Lucius HP is now 26. Rolled an 8 for damage!
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
242 Posts
Ooc — Bees
HP is at 22 now. diesel deals a measly 2

the wiry little rat slipped out her bite and retreated, but the dog was feverish with bloodthirst and charged after.

her jaws shut around empty air when he dodged again, and as she rose to her hindlegs and twisted her body in attempt to pound down on him with her forepaws - her balance was ruined by the pipsqueak running into her instead.

it toppled the mastiff, but as she fell a hindleg kicked up and caught the boy, tossing him onto herself.
74 Posts
Ooc — The System
Giggling so hard ngl

Lucius was grabbed by a flailing hindleg and dumped onto the dog. He cringed back, snapping at her and then aiming to put distance between them, not caring what he trampled or scratched to get out of the way. That was far too close for his liking, especially during a fight. Hackles raised, he growled at her, pacing to and fro.

Lucius HP is 24. Rolled a 7 for damage!
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
242 Posts
Ooc — Bees
15 HP. finally got a 9 lmao

why was this fart of a boy so difficult to beat up??

she attempted to lock him in place with her arms, but he peppered her with bites, some of which reopened her scars. that she could deal with.

but when his clawed foot kicked her in a tit, she yowled and let go of him.

now she was pissed for real. rolling onto her feet she immediately charged at the 'yote anew, her face horrid.
74 Posts
Ooc — The System
Lucius HP is 15! Rolled a 2 for dmg!

He had freedom, or so he thought. Diesel lunged at him, and despite his attempt to dodge, felt sharp teeth digging into his side. With a yelp, he started biting whatever he could reach, anything it took to get free. He was afraid now, and all he wanted was to flee.
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
242 Posts
Ooc — Bees
13 HP. 11 damage.

his baby bites barely left scratches - he'd already done damage. the tender, torn skin of her lip was retorn and blood sipped down her jaw and into the holes of her missing molars. 

( at no point did she become aware of the same dripping out from beneath her tail )

diesel snarled with pure hate at this stunted little dipshit refusing to drop dead at the sight of her.

now, she aimed to ruin his pissy little face.

she did need to get her practice in, before she ripped the white cunt's mug in half.
74 Posts
Ooc — The System
Lucius HP is 4, rolled a 5 for dmg, and he is now trying to flee!

Teeth met his face, and the yearling let out a yowl of pain and terror. He ducked his head and bolted, shoving into her and snapping at her. If he was lucky, she would fall and he could secure his escape. All he wanted was to flee, to be left alone. He wished he'd never encountered this beast.
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
242 Posts
Ooc — Bees
there was no force in him that could topple her, she let out a half-laugh at his attempt. she dove in for the face again.

teeth snapped over empty air, so near the hackles of the kid, who dodged under her neck and slithered along her side.

the bitch let out a snarl and bounded after the brat, barking, drool flying out her flapping wrinkles, the scent of her own body maddening her.

she won't catch him! btw i rolled a 4 so *shimmies*
74 Posts
Ooc — The System
The coyote ran, as far and as fast as his paws could possible carry him. He stumbled once or twice in his haste, scraping a foreleg so badly that it bled. He had more stamina than the other creature, and luckily, made it out without any other injuries. He would be lucky if he never saw her again.

Last from Luci, tysm for the thread! <3
"Common." · "Norwegian."

Physical Health (100/100)

Lucius is healthy.

Mental Health (90/100)

Lucius is currently experiencing some anxiety.
242 Posts
Ooc — Bees
( bad fucking dumbass dipshit muzzle no air just snot and drool fuck shit fuck )

she followed him all the way out the dry riverbank or whatever this dusty (  dust dust in her jowls little bits of sands crunching between her teeth fuck fuck this retarded face build  ) ravine was, but once she rolled her great self over onto higher ground, her airways were more drool than air.

choking and coughing, wheezing and once farting, the mastiff ended up toppling down to her belly, limbs splayed as coughs wracked her body.

it took her a while to calm, but once she did - she began laugh.

blood seeped from her scars in tiny, but potent rivulets. the kid left her with nothing new, just refreshed what a better woman already made. thing was; diesel was sure, she was the first to let the little shit feel proper jaw and teeth.

still snorting with amusement, the mastiff shifted herself into a more comfy position (there was some shade here) and decided to rest, feeling that deep-seated had been sated for the day.

she did not, and would not, notice how beneath her tail, blood dripped in dark, pungent drops.

tysssssm <333 always happy to make more enemies for my awful horrible girl