Phantom Hollow They’re trying to find it in someone
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Around 22:00, atmosphere is foggy/gloomy ;)
For @Dreven <3

One day he had returned to Blackwater — to his oceanic dwelling — only to find everyone absent. 

He wonders, Had I been gone for that long? 

No. He thinks afterwards. The borders — the scent — it’s still fresh enough to smell. 

It makes him think…

Was Blackwater ever real? Had every person been a figment of his imagination? No, that can’t be. Tulok was there, so it must’ve been real. 

Thoughts like these wrack his mind as he wonders once more. Down, down, down into the flatlands south of the island. And only when the need to devour strikes like a steak in his chest, does he allow the thoughts to fade. 

A doe.

All alone in the mist. Legs folded beneath her elegantly as she rests for the night.

Well, she is not safe. 

The hellhound lowers his massive body, sets his sights on her mottled, rust colored fur and those big, black eyes. Her ears swivel, searching for predators…the forest is so eerily quiet. Perhaps she’ll get lucky and hear him approach. 

She does not.

By the time the brindled beast darts out into a sprint, it’s already too late. She startles, struggling to untangle her gangly legs to make a run for it. She does make it that far and, soon enough, a chase breaks out with death following close behind her. But she’s not quick enough. Even as she attempts to wade into the shallow waters of the mist topped river. 

Alduin moves after her, cold water soaking his shoulders down. It splashes and ripples as his powerful form parts the running water with one single thought going through his mind…

[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
-Peace in your Violence-
379 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Shadows kiss along his russet fur. Large paws silent through the loose soil. Water nearby. Drip, Dripping. A heaviness to his coat as he traverses through the fogs. Heavy. Suffocating. Refreshing. How can it be all these things, the beast doesn't know. He gives a might shake, watching the drops as the fall. Fall down, down to the bottom.

Shadows morph and move among the fog. Some real, some just pretend. He sees his memories there, his horrors. He lets a small whine leave his maw. The silence pressing, compressing, pushing. Holding him still. Suddenly the silence is broken by rushing, running, fleeing, panting. Splashing.

Dreven sees the deer coming coming, and behind her death upon hell hound feet. He steps in front and she quickly swervers, giving the monster behind her a chance to fall upon her with his might jaws and rip her throat asunder.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Yooo omg your writing is so good!

The chase continues through the wading water. Most of a dark brindled coat is soaked through, revealing thick, rippling muscle underneath. He expects to catch her soon and with the confidence of a thousand suns, his legs move faster, his paws take further strides even as the water weighs them down.

Until more splashing hits his ears and even the reaper himself becomes curious as to why the deer halts so suddenly. A sneer crosses his own scarred visage and a snarl wrinkles whiskered lips as well as show a deadly set of teeth that have already taken too many souls to count. 

And just ahead of the predator and prey, lies a second hunter. A man just as large and battle hardened as Alduin himself. Such a sudden appearance gives him mixed feelings. A harsh rush of territorial irritation crosses his mind and he even contemplates snapping at the other, even though it appears he might be helping. Though Alduin is rash at times, he knows he cannot let his prey get away. Even in the presence of another. And if the other ends up attempting to steal his food, then he will treat him the same as the deer. Simple as that.

So when he finally acts, large, black paws skid to a slippery halt against the stony visage of the rivers bottom. Claws dull against the onslaught of pebbles and moss covered rocks, but eventually he catches his footing and shifts his angle to snap out at the fumbling creature. 

His paws splash water as he lunges, head lowered and aiming for the animals hind legs. Then, a snap of his jaws… 


Saliva and water drip from shimmering black lips and snarling maw, a growl rumbles from his throat as hot pools of lava zero in on his prey. More splashes of water and the smell of panic permeate the air as death falls right onto the deers heels. Finally, he lunges once more, all while keeping an occasional eye on the scarred stranger. 

This is the feeling he’s been waiting for. The glory of victory starts early, with a hard thump and a splash, the deer is knocked into the river, barely able to keeps her head above water. Her spindly legs kick out, they strike him in a muscular, barreled chest, but it does little to keep the hellhounds teeth away. 

Very little in fact.

He moves over his target, four strong limbs caging her in as the river rushes over her. She screams as Alduin drops his head partly into the water to snatch up her neck. A soaked pelt ripples with muscle as he throws his body into a harsh shake that produces a dull cracking sound from the poor animal. Her screams die out, her body breathes no longer, her legs unable to kick to defend herself. She’s gone, ready to be devoured.

The hellhound, soaked to the bone, drops her body back into the shallows of the river while crimson drops from a black tongue. Said tongue lulls from a dripping maw to pant, ribs soft expand and shrink as he breathes. And just like that, he remembers that he has company. 

Lowering his head once more, the hellhound laps at his muzzle and slips a tongue over bloodied teeth. Those hellfire red eyes meet the others own, also a deep crimson, just like his own. A low growl falls from a slightly low anting maw.

“I hope you don’t plan to steal it.” He warns lowly, making a show of eyeing him down from head to toe. “You might end up just like her.” But perhaps the other male might find the soft sarcasm laced into his voice at the end. Or perhaps he won’t and another fight will break out. One can only wait and see.
-Peace in your Violence-
379 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thank you. Your's is amazing also. <3

Body built for death, honed to perfection came upon where he stood. Dreven took it all in one glance. Handsome face. Well-built body. Built for murder, but also for pleasure. Dreven knew how to please this one too. He was dominant, alpha, he would prefer control, though he'd also like to be controlled sometimes. This was not unknown to the warrior consort.

Dreven wrinkled his own maw over sharp teeth. His own savage, deep growl penetrating the cold silence, save or the sound of the fleeing.The dying. There is nothing Dreven wants here. For now.

Dreven hid a snicker and a smile at the cretures loss of their prey. His teeth snapping air. Scarred beast simply moved into sight again, causing the doe to roll her eyes in fear.

Dreven enjoyed the sight. A sense of deep longing pooled along his back and deep into his neck. Though he quickly squirreled it away. What was one to do when they were made to pleasure others, except take their own. Display of death, unfurled in front of him. Gasping. Panting. Screaming. So many throes. Panic. Then acceptance. Then death. The doe no longer shuddered, and blood swirled along the water turning it crimson as it flowed away. to be clear in hours time.

Dreven met his gaze with his own, a smirk dancing along his muzzle. You could try, but I don't kill as easily. Gravelly voice. Thick, husky. Full bodied. Years of ill use turned it rough. Grating.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
The stare down continues even as Alduin’s low warning sounds out between them. It’s this moment Alduin takes in even more of the gigantic man. A man riddled with scars, a muscular build, and just as big as the hellhound himself. A worthy opponent — a deadly one too. The fight would be intense and bloody, he almost wants to test the other just to see what it’s like. 

It seems there will be no need though, perhaps unless the brindled beast starts it. Yet, when the other male speaks, 

You could try, but I don't kill as easily.

his gravelly voice throws out any thought that was circulating through his head. It’s deep, strong, and masculine — it demands attention and fortunately for him, Alduin may be willing to give him an ounce.

The man is even bold enough to gaze back towards him with a smirk lining those lips. Alduin’s eyes linger on it for a few seconds before flicking back up to eyes much like his own, but perhaps with a touch more life sprinkled within. 

I’m reply, the hellhound squints his eyes and lifts a pale, circular brow. Oh? Shall we find out?” He practically purrs in that deep, smokey voice of his. “Or perhaps you’d like to share this meal together like civil men and find out later?” Now, these words come out with a touch of drab sarcasm. Though his tone might color him humored, his eyes remain dead and a handsome face remains stale and emotionless.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
-Peace in your Violence-
379 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dreven knew that were they to fight. One would die. Which one well that was up to fate, not him or the other. Though it would be a fun one. Though the brown wolf, could think of other ways to try the stamina and fortitude of the wolf in front of him, but that was neither here nor there.

Dreven knew his voice could stir others to many things. He had used it to do so. Even the queen could be told what to do in moments of high pleasure or panic. Though he did not excercise that gift often. He did not wish to bear more scars from her. The wins he had were enough.

Dreven lifts meaty brown, paw. Pink tongue darting out to lick the blood between his paw pads, before he lifts a gaze again, long pink swirl against muzzle. A snick of teeth.

I do aim to please.

He nods. Very well. I will share this meal with you. Though civilized I am not.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
After Alduin’s half taunt-half offer, he watches the male lap a pink tongue between the toes of a large paw. Dark eyes follow the motion, as well as the motion of his tongue thereafter. Only to be met with that smirk once more. 

I aim to please. 

Alduin tilts his head to him a fraction all while raising a brow once more. 

Very well. I will share this meal with you. Though civilized I am not.

“Mm,” The hellhound hums absentmindedly, lowering his head to the kill in preparation to drag it to dry land. His eyes never leave the other man’s scarred visage though. “Then that makes two of us.” He supplies back drably.

He finally drops his gaze to wrap teeth around her ruined neck once more. A soaked pelt reveals the thick muscle underneath as he hobbles back to shore and drops her there. A simple gaze back up to his only living company signals the okay for him to come near.

Before the hellhound takes a bite though, he attempts to hold the other man’s eyes. “What’s your name, stranger?” He drawls in a rasping tone, looking upon him with muted curiosity but his expression tells nothing more.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
-Peace in your Violence-
379 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dreven knew very well he was playing with fire. Once upon a time he wouldn't have been so bold to another, but he had no master now. He was a free man. And free men, men with nothing to lose. Well, the tended to do things differently than most. And if nothing else. Dreven was a man with nothing to lose but his life. And well it wasn't worth much, he had learned that.

This man continued to stare, which under his gaze Dreven's eyes lowered half-lidded, but he kept the smirk ever present. A dry chuckle left his throat.

Good Company then.

Dreven moved closer still. Taking a deep inhale, taking in the other's scent and visage, closer now. Red eyes like his. Blank face. Devoid of emotion. What things this man must have seen. Much like Dreven himself.

Dreven lifted his head, with arched brow. I have gone by many things, and have three. But my first is Dreven. He would not share the rest of his name with this one yet. Only the one thing his mother had seen fit to give him that was his alone. He had been the only slave with a name.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Playing with fire or not, Alduin is usually not one for games. Not unless his more cynical nature decides to show its face and usually he has to be in quite a good mood for that to happen. Though, nowadays, he can’t classify or tell what mood he is in unless it is fiery hot anger that strikes his chest. It seems that and lust are the only things he feels now. Or at least the only things he can differentiate between the usual emotionless cuffs his mind has chained him in. He wonders where the key has gone, but he knows he lost it a long time ago.

Either way, the man seems humorous in the face of death himself. The hellhound will give him kudos for that — a man who seems just as fearless as he. A man who also has nothing to lose, for Alduin expects only one outcome in this life and it’s an early death. 

So even as he stares before dragging the doe to shore, he notices the laziness of the others eyes — the smirk that still paints a handsome face littered with scars just as much as the rest of his form. 

He looks down — ignores it — carries on with his task to have a decent meal. Probably the first he’s had in a few days despite endlessly killing, but only eating less than half of said kills. 

Then, as he drags her his voice rings out once more,

Good company then. Alduin allows a rush of air to fall from a wet nose — a noise that could be considered a humorless laugh. 

After, the large man moves forward, finally approaching. Alduin eyes him down the whole way with a massive head level with wide shoulders. Suddenly a thought strikes him — a memory. 

A memory of Sayf. 

His brows would furrow at the context in which the coy comes to mind. Until he allows his eyes to leave the other’s face and trail down a neck of full fur, then to a well muscled chest, and further to strong limbs. 

Ah, so it’s gonna be like that, huh?

He’s pulled from his distracting thoughts when the other male begins introducing himself. Flicking his eyes back up to his face the entirety of his introduction.


A man of many names but gives only one. Alduin can relate to that, but it is common to give all three names to different people he meets. He doesn’t like to be identified as easily. 

He hums again, finally dipping his head to inspect the doe for a good spot to rip into. 

“Malacath.” He supplies one of his names in a rasping voice. Eyes peer back up to him. “Tell me, have you made somewhere your home yet?” He asks it with veiled disinterest, but he thinks…thinks that perhaps he could use a man with nothing but his life to lose.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
-Peace in your Violence-
379 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dreven was multipurpose like that. The Queen had sometimes liked games. She was a queer creature and he had been unsure often what was going to happen. Were he to resist what she wanted, it was usually back to the pit, and Dreven hated the pit. Neverending darkness, sadness. So many wolves down there. He wasn't even certain how she had dug it. Perhaps it had always been there. Bodies after bodies, those eating others, babies born from god all kinds of things. Dreven probably had babies down there. She was gone now. All were gone, flames had done their job and the few that managed to get away. They were long gone.

Dreven didn't fear death. He had faced it too many times. Cloaked in shadows. Oppressive, but peace. There had been a sense of peace. But she always brought him back from the brink. Not wanting to lose her pet.

The warrior laughed. And Dreven listened. It was not a full bodied laugh. But it was a start.

There is a quiet curiosity, to the other's persual, but Dreven doesn't move. He is well aware of his condition, and the effect it had on others. But what they didn't know were the things he could do. That was when he ensnared them, because he had been taught much to early how to please. 

The shadow kissed man studied his face as he spoke. Dreven kept his eyes on him, there was no challenge there only open curiosity as the same with the other.

.Dreven will wait for his turn to eat. He did not kill the doe, so this Malacath 
get's first bite.

Dreven lowers red eyes again, half-lidded, listening lazily to the other speak. He hears what he is saying. I haven't. Just got here.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Whereas the other was taught to please, Alduin never became the kind of man to bend down to another’s will. Unless it benefits him of course, and even then, half of the time he’s too stubborn and prideful to even do that much. That is why he was able to live in Blackwater. He only held allegiance to one person — the listener — even despite there being others in the pack above him. 

Not only that, but the hellhound does not respect anyone unless they’ve proven they’re worthy of such. It’s a cruel world and Alduin exists to take those out who are too weak to live in it. It’s simple really.

But this man, Dreven, does not seem weak in the slightest. It looks like he has fought for his place in this life and Alduin respects that, but he will not base his opinion on the man in such a way. No, he must prove himself just like everyone else.

He can’t be that bad though, it seems the man has manners at least. That’s more than the hellhound can say for himself. He allows the brindled beast to eat first, and while he rips sinew and tendons, he mentions that he has no home. 


After those words are spoken, Alduin flicks bloody pools for eyes up to meet the others own before swallowing the chunk of flesh he hardly chewed. Lifting a massive head, he watches him silently for a few seconds.

“Would you say you’ve been…” A soft pause sounds between them as the hellhound gazes towards the other man emotionlessly. “forsaken?” He inquires in a rasping hum and a touch of a rising brow for added humor. 

“If so, I may have the place for you…” 
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
-Peace in your Violence-
379 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dreven was taught many things besides. But pleasure was at the top of the list.
Though Dreven was interested in learning how to not be so giving. He was a slave no longer.

The scarred man could speak of cruelty all day, every day. He knew it intimately, physically, mentally.

Dreven stand still under the perusal a brow raised. Though his smirk isn't present, it wouldn't take him long to drum one up. Though for now he simply waits.

Dreven chuckled darkly. Since the day I was born.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Since the day I was born. He says.

Alduin finds humor in it. So he laughs. A rasping, crackling sort of noise, short and sweet, but elongated at the end. An open mouthed smile present for about a second and then he’s right back to that usual emotionless visage, but crimson eyes still old the touch of entertainment excised by the other’s words. 

“Mm, then perhaps you would join with another unfortunate man.” He hums, finally backing up from the meal to allow the other man to have a bite. “I’ve made home in a forest burnt to ash and soot. Sound appealing?” The last words are a purr as he drawls out the last syllable.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
-Peace in your Violence-
379 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dreven is pleasantly surprised and his own smile glances along his face, devilish, charming and deadly. Then it flits away. Thoigh his eyes still crinkled at the corners, despite their lack of light.

Dreven listened ears forward. He made a soft hmm noise. What would be expected of me?

He was interested, but he wanted to know what was expected of him first.

Dreven nodded. A damn sight better than where I'm from I assure you.

He took a small mannerly bite.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
The male his own smile to tilt his lips upward at Alduin’s dark laugh. The other steps up to the carcass, prepares to eat and even asks what is expected of him. He even seems to approve of the living space the brindled beast painted for him. Good. 

Alduin would lower his haunches to the ground, folding his legs into a sit, but he looks anything but regal. More gargoyle than anything — an omen — foreboding and dangerous, deranged and sick.

“To kill.” He answers back to what is expected of him. “You will be your own man, free to do as you desire. But with a few…” A dangerous, humorously contemplative pause. “stipulations.”

Another moment of silence passes and Alduin tilts his head to his company as red eyes gleam in the sickly light of the moon. “Perhaps even as my right hand.” He purrs.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
-Peace in your Violence-
379 Posts
Ooc — Danni
just darkly delcious

Dreven listened calmly chewing as the other spoke. He tilted ears forward, eyes on the beast. He lowered himself to a sit and Dreven followed.

He made a dark picture, amongst and even darker night. But Dreven was comfortable. He didn't have much self preservation.

Dreven dipped his head. That won't be a problem i have done it before.

And he had his scars to prove it. I have murdered, maimed, kidnapped and came close to death multiple times

Dreven grinned sharp and volatile. Very well. I accept these terms.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
yesssss >;> also would you be down for another thread at the heartwood for formation threads?

It seems the other is contemplative for a moment, rolling over his options. Chewing and crunching on his food, he replies saying that he’s done things such as that before. He doesn’t stop there, no, he even gives an itemized list of the dark deeds his done. All of which has Alduin nodding slowly in a fairly accepting manner. 

Good. He thinks. High morals would be a problem for the things Alduin might have planned. 

And finally, that rough voice accepts the terms Alduin has laid out for him. A low hum rumbling within the others chest. “Then that makes two of us.” He adds deeply. Then purrs, “Welcome to The Forsaken.” 

Standing, he steps close to the carcass, possibly even close to the other male as well. Lowering his head, he chomps down on the the does hind leg and throws his body into a shake, completely separating the leg at the hip. 

Holding the limb in strong jaws, he nods to the other male. “Take the other one and follow me.”
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
-Peace in your Violence-
379 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Gladly :)

So close the other is. Dreven could lean over and brush him if he wished, but he didn't. Instead he focused on the orders.

With a dip of his head he grasped the leg and gave his own vicious shake. The crack that broke the silence swirled and tickled his ears. He lifted it and moved into paw step with the other.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Sweet, I’ll start!

From then, they would traverse back to the heartwood, leaving the rest of the kill for some poor, unfortunate, starving soul in need of a quick meal.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]