Swiftcurrent Creek Family Found Once
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Absolutely throwing family at @Akavir :D But @Lestan can answer instead if he so pleases

Amalia made it to the creek again. Her restelessness ebbing into a tight feeling in her chest. She blamed it on her loner life, upon the fact she was still adjusting. When she knew it was a lie. She had always roved, even as a babe. There was something about here, that just couldn't sit still. Her father blamed his blood, her mother blamed her spirit. All Amalia knew was that she was the way she was, because she simply was.

Green eyes took in the surrounding area, the smell stronger now. So she settled her large body near the border and lifted her nose to howl out a short burst of a hello. She would love to see Lestan, but if someone else come, well she wouldn't mind finding out about them too.
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I'll send a boulder to keep you entertained until they come XD

A greeting came from the border, on a light and airy voice. Not that it meant much to Moss- it simply meant that someone was there, and that they needed to be dealt with. Perhaps it was one of the wandering scoundrels who was waiting for them to slip up so that they could be hounded out of their claim- but with each passing day, the threat seemed less and less real. 

The woman who had come to the borders smelled of a pack, though she was not from Kvarsheim. She was lean and tall, dark-furred and had evergreen eyes that gave her a youthful look. In comparison, Moss was broad and bulky, and had a rather lackluster expression. Like a bear scenting the wind and deciding what to do, she uttered a soft chuff and came to a halt, assuming the woman would explain herself without being prompted.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I'm game! :D

A woman, a gigantic woman met Amalia at the borders. Though her eyes were very pretty. Her throat went tight and her  mouth dry for a moment. Who was this wolf, she was huge. Amalia had never seen a femme this large, and she herself was no shirking violet. Goodness. Then she realized fast she was being rude. So she cleared her throat.

Hello! I'm Amalia Willow. My friend Lestan lives here. I just came to say hello. How do you do?

Then Amalia waited with her tail curled around her paws. The picture of demure and innocent, which she was, but she didn't want to get on this she wolf bad side.
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She was being stared at, though not in a way that felt hostile at all. The appraisal felt awkward but ended soon enough that it didn't really rouse her suspicions. Yet another young woman who was looking for Lestan; Lestan certainly was popular, especially with women it seemed. Pretty women with feminine names. Perhaps he had a type. She was prim and pleasant, though the stern guardian remained unphased. 

"Fine." She responded with a grunt. It was odd to be asked 'how do you do.' Moss was so distanced from her own state of being that there wasn't really much way to tell how she actually felt. "Where're you from?" She asked, brows furrowed slightly.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia wasn't quite sure how to take this wolf, but the more she eyed her. The prettier she seemed. She had a grace about her, that was hard to pair with her large size. Amalia was trying to remember if she could find any of those stones that matched those eyes. They would be pretty decoration.

Oh I'm from Brechiliant. You have really pretty eyes! They remind me of that rock Lapis lazulie i think it is. But anyway, yea.

Amalia shifted and wagged her tail, happy and carefree. I was from Natigvik, but Lestan and our pack sort of disbanded. So I went to Moonglow with the, but we weren't happy there. Then he wanted to go back to Natigivik and well I was his friend I couldn't let him go alone, but then we went our separate ways anyway. So I just like to check on him now and again.

A gentle feminine shrug. And a happy smile on her face.
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Brecheliant. Another pack name she did not know, but would remember. On friendly terms, she supposed, though she might have to confirm with one of the others. In part, she suspected that perhaps Amalia was a spy for the crew she'd been warned about. She would have fit the part perfectly; a pleasant looking woman, but one who also had strength to her build. Polite, friendly- and quick to change the topic from her personal information, and pass over a compliment. Moss didn't allow her suspicion to show, and remained calm. There was an equal chance that Amalia was exactly who she claimed to be, and Brecheliant could be a friendly pack. 

She'd remain cold until she knew for sure. And then she'd likely remain cold. Why would she break that habit now?

She began to lean toward believing Amalia when she offered more of her own history...Though because she knew nothing of Lestan, this could all be an elaborate story. All these facts could be a diversion. Her glance passed by the woman and off into the trees; she appeared to be alone. 

Her story was a bit...Confusing, to say the least. She couldn't make her mind up whether Amalia actually wanted more from Lestan, or if she was actually content to be separated from him. Apparently they'd parted ways even though she'd wanted to keep him company. Perhaps there was some form of unrequited affection. She didn't want to get into that. Too much emotional baggage. 

"Brecheliant better than Moonglow?" She asked.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia would have been scandalized were she to find out the femme in front of her thought her a spy. She also may have been a little hurt about it. Because she was exactly who she was. She acted no different around anyone as she did around friends. It was just who she was.

Amalia's eyes sparkled as the she wolf moved closer and she seemed to at least take some of her words at face value. She seemed nervous, but perhaps that was normal. After all, she was a guard, a sentry it was her job.

A frown marred her pretty countenance. I don't know about one being better than another. Brechliant is better for me than Moonglow was. I was not peaceful there, always on edge. Not that they were bad in anyway. I just didn't like the changes and my former leaders were so sad to disband, it was painful to be around them all the time.
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Amalia didn't hesitate to reply, which meant she might not have been making things up as she went along. It also could mean that she was clever, and was actually a very skilled spy. It was a tough call- but thus far, she was beginning to tip the balance in favour of her simply being a well-meaning visitor. She seemed genuinely upset about the disbanding of her previous pack, which again led Moss to believe that she was being sincere. 

"Brecheliant is peaceful, then?" She asked. It would likely be an easier topic than delving into the reasoning behind Natigvik disbanding.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia could happily chat all day, and this wolf was a very good listener. She hadn't told her her name, had she. She paused for a moment to think about it.

You didn't tell me your name? Then she just continued on, happily chunnering away.

It is. So was Natigvik though. It was just too small to support ourselves and there was the issue where one leader got called back to his former home, and then he was back, but things weren't the same and there was a girl he bought back. I thought she was an intruder so I attacked her. They were all very mad at me. I did apologize, but I had thought she was an intruder, really I did.

AMalia frowned in thought. That probably makes me mean though doesn't it, attacking someone without bothering to ask. But she crossed the borders....

Amalia grew silent then, thinking the dark thoughts that had pushed her from moonglow.

Things just weren't the same after that.
177 Posts
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No, she hadn't. She still wasn't sure to make of this one. Still, a name was a fairly small expense. "Moss." She said simply. She didn't bother telling Amalia her full name- she clearly knew stones well enough that she might be interested to know that she'd actually been named Moss Agate. She didn't want to open any conversations about herself. 

Apparently, Amalia had had some issues- but being a guardian herself, Moss wouldn't condone trespassing, either. Obviously, she was only going to be getting Amalia's side of the story and in it, she was only half accepting responsibility for the incident. It seemed terribly important that she be forgiven, or at least understood for her mistake in judgement, but she was going to the wrong wolf. Moss didn't really care what Amalia had done, or whether it'd been a mistake or not. It wasn't her problem. 

Moss wouldn't have hesitated to attack a trespasser, but something didn't feel right about validating Amalia's concerns. It felt like she was fishing for redemption. Moss simply grunted. She didn't like over-sharing. 

"I'll call Lestan." 

Maybe he would be the better wolf to talk to, and maybe he would give her the answers she was searching for, and listen to her talk about her feelings. She tilted her head back and loosed a fairly abrupt howl, hoping @Lestan would come along and relieve her of her duties.
-Not all who wander, are lost.-
735 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Amalia shrugged and shifted. Thank you. Moss. I can leave if you think he's busy and i'd hate to keep you from your duties.

Amalia smiled her eyes dancing. I'll just come back a different day. Can you tell him Amalia stopped by please? I'd appreciate it.

If the other was amenable to this agreement she'd hop up and leave now. Go find something else to do. She felt as if she clearly annoyed this she wolf, or at least spoke too much. This was in the past and she had only been explaining. It no longer was an issue.
177 Posts
Ooc —
tag for reference. Thanks for the thread! :D
She would've been willing to wait in silence, however, if Lestan didn't appear promptly, she would likely enjoy simply tracking him down and delivering him a message about yet another girl who'd come to call for him herself. Amalia seemed happy enough to be going on her own, so she grunted and nodded. 

She watched, making sure the girl left without looking back over her shoulder or appearing too suspicious, before she turned, and went to hunt down @Lestan for herself. She'd deliver the very brief message to him, before resuming her duties as guardian.