Firefly Glen Blue Masquerade, Strangers look on
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni

What was with all these males wanting to stick to the shadows. That wasn't any fun. Tch. Alaric shook his head. He left the wolf of granite and stone and headed towards the one with colors of snow and ice, with purple eyes. Them eyes man. Alaric grinned. 

He raced to the man's side and nudged him hard. Tch. You shouldn't be out here. Those eyes are killer. Any girl would love em. Unless guys are more your style.

He shrugged and easy shoulder, then grinned his ornery look showing through, those green eyes of his blazing. I'm Alaric by the way.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
There was a friendly figure who drew close to Kannoyak. The man was dark of fur and cheery in his demeanor. These men were charismatic, something that the white hunter was not accustomed to. He would see their gifts for what they were. Women would enjoy a man who could carry himself with his tongue. To some, this reflected intellect.

Kannoyak’s plum gaze turned to the obsidian stranger.

Is that why this one was summoned?

Had the men been gathered to make husbands? White fox in new snow would have been proud that her son had been called to join them. Kannoyak’s eyes fell on the Moonwoman. She was curious to him.

This one is called Kannoyak. The white hunter nodded his head. Cotton grass in green leaf.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric had not came to the teekon for a bride. And he wasn't quite sure why he had been summoned. He was an odd man out. There were less women than men. Any fool could see that. So he had decided to push the other's to their own happy ends. If it was in the cards for him, okay, but he wanted the others to be happy first if they could.

Alaric grinned. Yessir. You are here to be husbanded. Pretty ladies, strong ladies, all of clan of moonglow. I think you'd have a good pick.

He shifted and stood next to the male in a sense of comadrie. Is there one that takes your fancy more than others. I'll introduce you if you haven't yet. Maybe break the ice. Score you a date.

Alaric chuckled. Well met Kannoyak. *Cotton grass in green leaf* I like that real well. It suits you.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
*gobbles up the Danni threads* >w< You are one of my favorite people!

They were to be made into husbands for the women. How fortunate that he had been called to them. The man was not certain why he had been considered. The summoner’s voice had been unfamiliar, luring. He could only assume that the other white hunter had informed their chieftain of the hunt they had shared.

When the dark man inquired about Kannoyak’s tastes, the plum-eyed wolf regarded his company coolly. There was no reason to lie to this man.

This one is not certain. There are many fine women.

But why would the dark man forsake his chances? With his charm and approachability, it would have been an easy feat to make a wife of one of the women who had gathered. Kannoyak drew his tongue across his whiskers in thought.

Does Alaric see any that he likes? the pale wolf asked in a warm rumbling voice.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
*blushes* thank you. You are one of mine as well.

Alaric was new to this whole thing, but it was a fun time at the very least. This guy. He was as serious as smalls over there in the shadows, but at least he had a friendlier demeaner. I mean glaring around, not liking the nicknames he offered. He wasn't entirely fond of it.

This is true. There are.

Alaric chuckled. They're all pretty and probably have winning personalities, but I'm new here. This is only my first and second day in the pack lands. I feel a bit like i'm encroaching i go after some of these pretty ladies. If it happens it happens, but I'm good to play wingman. So who we talking to first?

He stretched and bounced from foot to foot, eager and excited. Eyes flashing. Jaw lined in mirth.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The dark wolf said that he was new to those lands. Kannoyak thought it curious that they shared this. Alaric went on to say that he did not wish to encroach. The white hunter thought that this was a curious thing to admit aloud. He had come, had he not? It was understandable to remain in the back, reserved. To remove himself entirely from the options was not only foolish, but it was also unnecessarily selfless.

Kannoyak looked to each of the women that had gathered. He did not have eyes for them in that way. They were all beautiful. They were all entrancing with their bright eyes and lithesome figures. The white hunter felt out of place, suddenly.

Perhaps they will decide for us, Alaric.

In the little river village, men and women were free to find their mates. Some sought the services of a matchmaker. Some found their footing on their own. Kannoyak was not certain where his preferences fell.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric was one that wasn't sure what he wanted. He wasn't sure if he was ready for the love and the babies and the responsibility that came with it all. Could he do it. Abso-freaking-lutely.

Alaric chuckled. perhaps they will. That seems to be the consensus anyway. Judging from what's being done. I'd say they have last choice as it were, their decision is final.

Alaric had been in a pack where love was found if it was wanted. But it wasn't sought after by many. It had been largely familial with the older parents having children.

What do you like to do? You hunt? Tell stories? I'm a story teller, trader and healer myself.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Yes, this should be the way.

Kannoyak had no interest in a courtship that was not agreed upon by both parties. Children could not be born into such conditions. A union formed by understanding and trust would bring forth strong pups who would grow into strong men and women. It was the only way, for the white hunter.

This one is tradesman. Hunter, tracker, and pathmaker.

It sounded as though Alaric had a strong spread of skills to offer. Kannoyak could only boast for the skills that he had mentioned. In the little river village, hunters were most prized. The plum-eyed man had been considered one of their strongest, for he had helped to forge the trading paths between his village and the others.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Love and care or nothing, right?

Alaric was wild and crazy and impish on a good day. However, he had grown up with parents who had loved each other fiercely despite their differences. And it had made him a little more open to love than others. It was not something he sought out. Figured it would find him when it was good and ready, but he would settle for nothing less.

Pathmaker? He didn't know this trade and it intrigued him. There wasn't much to what he did. He sprinkled a few herbs on some wounds. He told stories with his whole body, and he traded sometimes with his whole body.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Kannoyak nodded his head.

Pathmaker creates passage from village to village. Paths for traders to follow to safety.

It had been a long process. He had worn himself weary by the end of his first journey. The three surrounding villages were stretched out. Some paths were not viable because of the natural terrain and the danger of the unpredictable weather. The white hunter had spent more than two years creating the trading paths. He had earned the approval of his people.

Long days alone. Dangerous trails. It is a rewarding thing, being pathmaker.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A grin licked up along the side of his maw. Then i guess i owe you thanks. Perhaps you made some of the trails i've traveled on in my trading.

Alaric had walked for days, sometimes weeks to find villages. Then he had spent three days in each one if he was allowed. Trading furs, trading stories, mostly stories. Offering any healing to wolves that were wounded or sick. This was how he survived. He'd get food, small trinkets to trade at other places. And he made good friends.

Sounds like it. So you're a respectable type of guy eh? Well then any wolf be lucky to call you theirs.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
This one was curious to Kannoyak.

You share many compliments, dark one.

Did the man come to this meeting place in search of a wife or a husband? Though he did not walk with the white coat of the little river village’s people, he had a sharpness in his green gaze. Alaric would not find difficulty in a mate. The southern villages seemed to be occupied by wolves of all size and shape. Kannoyak had scented coyote on the air, as well.

What do you seek in these lands? A broader question. This would allow the dark man to expand on what he wished to talk about and leave the rest unsaid.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He grinned, green eyes alight with an inner fire. What's the point of being able to speak with pretty words and not share compliments. 

There was a grin on his face then, impish, charming. Alaric had been called here, he wasn't even sure why he was here, but here he was and finding all sorts of fun things to get into and fun people to meet. 

Not sure. Guess I'll find it or it will find me? What about you?
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Hmm, Kannoyak mused at the man’s question because he did not know the answer. Compliments were straightforward things in the little river village. It was a way to acknowledge skill without creating ego. They were hunters and protectors of their land. Some were healers and bone-readers. Though their paths were different, they all served their people. Compliments did not assist in this, Kannoyak thought.

Alaric confirmed himself to be a come what may kind of man. The white hunter nodded his head in understanding. He could never venture into the world without a plan. It was necessary – focus was a driver to keep him moving forward.

This one seeks good hunting grounds, Kannoyak said, a small smile finding his pale snout.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric and his sister, both loved compliments. Amalia was a bit more free with her's than Alaric was, and she wasn't as flirtaeous as the black boy was. But it was alright. Why not make someone feel good if you could for a small period of time that you engaged them in conversation.

Alaric made a soft hmm noise. He tilted his head and moved his feet in place, thinking. I like to share stories and heal others. That is what I do and i'm good at it. I think anyway.

Yes that could be a goal to share as much of his arts as he could with those in the teekon. Share the words that made children giggle and laugh, that made women swoon and search for a hero like in stories. To heal those hurts that the world had already beaten down. If he could give a little good back. Well then it was worth it.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Alaric spoke of his skills. He believed that he was good at telling stories and healing. The white hunter listened, curious.

Plum eyes darted to the other man’s face.

Let us hear a story, then… and this one will tell you if you are or not.

Kannoyak could not think of a better way to confirm one’s skills. He was a patient man and he did not expect for the dark wolf to feel pressure. His eyes remained fixed on his company’s face. In this moment, Alaric had all of the white hunter’s attention.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric's green eyes lit up and he danced for a moment and ten nodded. Let us tell you of a little star and his mother.

Alaric shifted and moved around the wolf. Eyes alight with a fervor he didn't often show. There once was a little star and his mother. 

He mimed a mother looking over a bright little star and motioned towards the sky, as if standing guard over teh entire world. 

This little star was always sad and blue, for so many other stars would tease him of his size. 

He prowled around, acting as if he were laughing at a star, then showed a crying child and the mother consoling, a pat on the back. 

Now the little star would watch the other stars and the moon so carefully. His biggest dream was to be the brightest star in the sky.

He motioned and looked out around as if staring intently at something, a paw on his nose as if thinking hard. Then pretended to sleep and dream.

So mother star she says. Oh my little star, every star is unique no matter how bright they shine. No matter what.

He mimed consoling a child and talking so seriously to them, with gentle smile on his face. 

Little star believed his mother and from that day forward he believed in himself, no matter what and he lived happily ever after, growing to be the brightest star in the sky.

He mimed brightening up the world with a brilliant smile, all teeth and big eyes and then bowed his head and muzzle to the ground with a wag of his tail.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Alaric told a story about a small star and its mother.

Kannoyak listened, eyes fixed on the trees furthest to them. The story was simple and kind. It sounded like something that should be shared with children. After a warm conversation with the mother, the little star shone brightest in the sky.

The white hunter was not certain of its validity. He looked up, regarding the heavens with some small flicker of skepticism. Not all stories were truth, he knew. Kannoyak wondered how many young wolves had been diminished by similar taunting. Would this tale have aided them in growing to something greater than their insecurities?

This one believes you are a fine storyteller.

The white hunter spoke plainly, though he wore a small smile on his lips.

There are pups in my village that would have enjoyed it. To be the brightest star.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He had more adult stories in his repertoire and longer stories, but this one had simply wanted a small taste of what Alaric could do. He hoped he hadn't offended by sharing a small story for children.

A grin lit up his face again, alight in those evergreen eyes and he dipped his muzzle down, covering the side of his snout in a sign of bashful playfulness. 

Thank you. I hope they would learn from it too. But sometimes the joy itself in the telling and the listening is enough. I like to see their eyes light up.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The dark man seemed fond of his chosen profession. There was a certain pride in following the passion of the heart. Kannoyak could not fault him. They were cut from different cloths, but he understood the fulfillment of a job built on love.

You will have children, then? And you will share your stories with them.

The white hunter thought that this would be an attractive quality in a man. If the women from the little river village had ever heard of Alaric, they would flock to him with beautiful eyes and plush white coats. They would listen to his tales and rejoice at the meanings in them. The women in these lands would surely be the same.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric was proud of himself as a wolf. He enjoyed that he had tasks he loved. Story telling, Healing, trading. Beautiful tasks he felt. Loved those skills.

Well it depends on who I end up with and if they want children. But I can share stories with any who likes them, even if they are not my children. It would be nice to share the stories.

Alaric didn't know if it was attractive. He always had gotten just fine with both genders. Had many lovers. He liked to share his stories with any who would listen. All were part of a bigger lesson. He liked that.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Should you not seek to find a mate with wants that align to your own?

Kannoyak thought it curious that the storyteller would say that his answer might change, depending on who his heart found. The white hunter wanted children. He wished to be a father, to teach, to guide, and love. It was difficult for a man with few words to be well-versed in romantic affairs.

Perhaps he did not understand Alaric. Such consideration for a partner was admirable. Kannoyak was stuck in the ways of his village. He knew he must be more understanding of the opinions and choices of others.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric chuckled. Well sure, but the heart wants what it wants. What if i fall in love with a male? Or i meet a femme who cannot bear children for some horrible reason? But i still love tbem, then they should come first. No?

Alaric wanted chidlren, he did. But he also knew sometimes the world worked syrange and they may not be in his future for whatever reason.

However, he also knew you didn't need children to feel fulfilled. Just look at him right now. His life was full, he was content and happy.
276 Posts
Ooc — Teo
You have considered many things, storyteller man.

Kannoyak was certain that he had never thought this far into the one he might marry. The green-eyed wolf had brought up good points. Life had a way of offering twists. The white hunter had learned his lesson at an early age when he had nearly been gored by a white-furred mountain goat. The scar at his chest was a mark of that day and a reminder of the lesson.

Prepared for anything, it seems.

The pale figure was deep in contemplation, now.
604 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric shrugged a shoulder. I have seen many things. I may not have many years on my body, but i do have miles, lessons and meetings.

Alaric didn't spend much time thinking into the future, except in quiet moments when nothing held his attention. However, he was wolf who was short sighted in some areas and long sighted in others. It was both a blessing and a curse.

YOu can never prepare for everything, and you shouldn't try.