Wapun Meadow A bed of flowers, a good place for a nap
91 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
All Welcome 
All Welcome!

A sparsely clouded sky littered the fields with broken shadows. The fading daylight ushered in a comfortable evening. The weather grew warmer with each passing day as summer loomed just over the horizon. With the Sunspire Mountains to their rear, a small figure broke through the shadows. 

Vale trudged through seemingly endless ocean of wildflowers. The air fragranced with their aroma, it was one of the few things to uplift her mood. She had crossed through the mountains on a whim. Vale was unable to pinpoint the origin of such a feeling. Homesickness? A need to prove she could? The reason didn't matter. She did it. With freshly calloused paws and a familiar ache to her limbs, she passed through the range.

The rapidly fleeting sunlight set the wildflowers ablaze with a warm glow. A part of her desired to lower herself into the embrace of the petals and watch the stars take over the sky. To let the cool earth cradle her and let the dull throb within her paws ebb away as she closed her eyes. But travel did more than exhaust her scrawny body. It made her ravenous.

Through the floral air, she could scent other animals. Something edible had to be somewhere in the meadow. Beyond flowers of course. She knew better than to quell hunger pangs with random grasses, stems, and petals. It would never sit well. Disregarding her weakened legs, she lowered her head. Purposeful. Her eyes of sweet honey hardened with focus. Be it hare, bird, or even a mouse. She would ebb away her pangs with the warmth of some unlucky animal.
with every heartbeat i have left
141 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Taktuq spotted the stranger before she spotted her — or so it seemed. The Modir peeked out with hazel eyes from behind the wild grasses, nose working to work out any scent she carried, beyond those watering smells of rabbit and herbs.

But she came up with nothing, and Taktuq wondered if she might be a new recruit of Swiftcurrent Creek. She had at first mistaken her for that girl, Jasmine, until she had noticed she carried herself quite differently than the dark little ranger.

Taktuq rose and neared the girl with lighted step. Though her belly continued to grow with the promise of Kvarsheim’s new life, it didn’t yet get in the way of hunting or much of life at all, despite being noticeable, even to her.

There are hares in the fields beyond, she hushed her voice to the stranger, an invitation in her quiet words and the glisten in her eyes, care to help flush them out?
91 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
The meadows manifested a stranger. A silver woman with a graceful stride. Announcing herself with her voice, she drew Vale's attention. As she neared, Vale loosened her posture. The hardened focus melted away into a politely lax demeanor. Her head lifted to regard this new wolf, ears cupping forward.

This woman carried an invitation upon her lips and an appraising look to her eye. Vale's own gaze drew across the silver stranger. Bigger than she was, the newcomer was strong and dignified. The curve to her flanks kept no secrets of her condition. Vale's head tilted slightly, pondering if this woman was associated with a pack of these lands.

She didn't dwell on that thought for long, answering the question quickly, I would be happy to! The eagerness of her own voice brought a rush of warmth to her cheeks. How desperate could she sound? With a friendly sway to her tail she closed some of the distance between them, taking a position in line with the stranger's shoulder. If you lead, I will follow.
with every heartbeat i have left
141 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
The girl met her with the warmth of cordiality, and Taktuq met her with a smile. Here, she got a better look. Petite and well kept, with a leanness that spoke of a traveller’s life. And she held no scent to her. Nothing but of the woods and mountain rocks.

She must have come from the West.

Regardless of where she was from, she was here now — and with enthusiasm! Taktuq laughed with understanding - she still remembered the days she had travelled alone - and beckoned the stranger with a nod of her head, even as she joined her.

They are often nearer the forest, she explained, as she began to lead them towards Fox’s Glade, but not so close that the foxes get them. Recently, she had begun to find burrows nearer Bearclaw Valley as well, but she did not frequent those. Are you better at flushing or catching? The sending or receiving end? To her, the stranger looked quite capable of both.
91 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
A smile tugged at her lips as she is met with laughter and kindness. A grace she herself hopes to give others. She followed attentively. One ear turned, attuned to their periphery.

The prospect of a shared hunting expedition — if one could call hunting hares an expedition — gave Vale a second wind. The newfound vigor did not replace her rationality. Much time had passed since she last partook in a coordinated effort. Even if she wasn't concerned for her own hunger, the thought of making a fool of herself twisted her gut into a knot.

Urging herself to regain the focus she had only moments before, she looked sidelong at the wolf besides her. She was already following in the step of this stranger. Why not continue to follow her lead? 

Catching. Her silver stranger would start the pursuit, and she would see it through.
with every heartbeat i have left
141 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Her smile held. Then I will flush.

As they fell in step together, Taktuq signalled for the stranger to keep in pace at her side, rather than follow at her heels. The burrows would be a good lope away and since they were walking there — after all, where was the rush? — they would have time to talk.

Are you a dispersal from a pack beyond the mountains? she nodded to the Western range that rose behind Swiftcurrent and split their valley from the flatlands on the other side. She knew some came from farther away, like her father and his family. Either would be of great interest, for each story was often one of new beginnings, and new beginnings often brought stories with the promise of hope.
91 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Vale quickened her pace to keep line with the other woman's shoulder. A lax smile to her own face in return to the pleasant company the stranger offered. She glanced briefly back to the mountain range when it was gestured to.

In a sense, yes. But I'm from farther beyond, outside the wilds. Vale's eyes returned back to the silver wolf. Heard about the Teekons from wolves that passed by our borders. Thought it would be a good place to go.

Vale tilted her head, a question of her own coming forth in turn. Are you another traveler or you are of a pack on this side of the mountains? It was asked in good faith and her expression matched the sentiment. Vale suspected that the wolf was apart of a pack, but she knew better than to be too presumptive.
with every heartbeat i have left
141 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Farther beyond, outside the wilds.

Taktuq piqued her ears in interest. She knew of the world beyond, mainly of  snowscapes and taiga, but Vale did not look to be from these places. She had an earthy way to her. Perhaps she was from the mountains, or from deserts like the ones they had in the south.

It has become a good place, Taktuq said, even as she thought briefly of the witch who haunted the Creek. There would always be bad blood in the world, but at least Ursus was gone. They had posed a greater threat than any fear stricken by a single madwoman. There are many who come and go. Perhaps one of my kin made mention of this place to you, and you did not know it! a smile graced her lips. How ironic that would be!

I was once a traveller, but I am now Mother of Kvarsheim. We claim the land beyond that forest, she gave a gesture to Fox’s Glade, which they approached, and we are always welcome for wolves of good heart to join our family there.

Taktuq looked to Vale with invitation in her eyes. She had a good feeling about this one, and she knew a lone wolf could not stay alone forever…
91 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Twitching ears would be a betrayal to someone hoping to hide their interests. Vale, however, was a curious creature that remained unabashed in the opportunity to learn something new. And from what she observed of Taktuq, that was a mutual trait. 

I have not been in the Teekons too long, but I think I would have to agree! Overall it has been pleasant, Vale remarked with earnest. Her thoughts reflecting on her brief, pleasant encounters across the Sunspire Mountains. There are kind wolves here, she gestured to Taktuq with a dip of her head, yourself included.

Mother of Kvarsheim. She turned the title over in her mind, appraising each word of both it and the invitation bestowed to her. An uncertain thought crossed her mind. Would it be contradictory to leaving her home in the first place to find herself in a new family so soon? Her eyes flickered between Taktuq's and the growing trees as they neared the edge of the meadow. 

Vale did not know the names of these trees. Nor the fields that she crossed through. A stranger to the Teekons wanting to find value in a new place. Could she really expect to gain the most of her time here on her own? If she were going to live in the Teekons, she would need a home.

Vale returned her gaze to Taktuq, a smile to her face. If you would have me, I think it might be time to settle down a bit. It'd be hard to appreciate this valley fully if I just breeze though, wouldn't it?
with every heartbeat i have left
141 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Her time had been pleasant! A testament, she hoped, to how the wolves had changed over the years they all had lived here. They’d worked to sow peace in the Valley. Perhaps the wolves beyond the mountains did the same.

Taktuq tipped her head with a shy smile at Vale’s sweet words. Thank you, she said, when I was young, there were wolves in this Valley who were not so kind, but those wolves have gone, and the other packs who live here now — Silvertongue’s in the Hollow, and Akavir’s along the Creek, work with us to ensure the safety of every wolf who lives here.

Vale would learn more of these packs in time. Though she gave pause to Taktuq’s invitation, she only betrayed the signs of one who quietly considered. Still, the Modir hoped — and soon enough, those hopes took life.

Taktuq’s smile brightened and she laughed. It would be hard — to appreciate this Valley and the lands beyond. Even a world-worn traveller needs a place to call home. And perhaps once she’d settled, she might even like to be a ranger or a scout for them — though these words could come later. Vale would have a full life in Kvarsheim, and already, Taktuq yearned to bring her to Gunnar, and Tauris, and every Brodir and Systir! If not for the hunt she would have howled to make her known to the rest. But as it was, we are near the rabbits now, and when we catch one, let the meal be your first as a Systir of Kvarsheim.
91 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Systir. A foreign word with an easily discerned meaning. Vale's tail swayed. The words Taktuq spoke were absorbed with a quiet excitement. She took note of the history that was briefly glossed over. There were three packs in the Valley. She would have to be careful with her wandering, then. If peace had been sewn here in recent times she would not dare to rip it at the seams. 

Vale shared Taktuq's smile. Would she find what made a home to her here? Watching the Modir brighten, she hoped so. 

Vale paused and let her jaw hang slack. Tasting the air, she glanced to the trees to see if their leaves would betray the wind direction. 

Hopefully we'll be chanced with two. A meal to share. a spoken wish but Vale would share even if they managed only one. She slowly began to widen the space between herself and the Modir. Watching the silver wolf in her periphery, her steps were light. She wouldn't run lest it disturb any rabbits below. She did not stray too far, but a working distance in order to follow her new leader's direction.