Sunspire Mountains Are you my brother?
22 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
hoping for my new little boy to maybe join Epoch <3. @Reyson @Meadow @Tamar

Alekxander had been traveling here and there for a bit now, after leaving his family a month ago, in hopeful search of an older brother. He didn't know any of their scents though, but he hoped to recognize one of them if he met them. He reached a mountain range, not unlike the ones back at home, and they intrigued him, knowing his brothers were born in mountains too, they may reside here. Hopeful, Alek picked up on the scent of wolves, and with a pep in his step and a wag in his tail, he tracked it down, to where he found what smelled like a pack border. He then sat there patiently for a minute, before remembering what his father taught him about manners. He then went out and hunted down 2 rabbits, one of his favorite creatures to hunt, before resuming his position by the border, hoping to meet someone friendly. The young boy didn't want any trouble
Sun Mote Copse
563 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Epoch had, in many ways, become a quiet place of reflection, it felt. Days had turned to weeks—and while Meadow did not trust the silence, there was a certain reprieve in it.

So during a casual lope along the borders, she was surprised to see a youthful man, reclined nearby—poised in a seated position, waiting. She watched him a moment, studying the darkness of his pelt, the way in which he held himself.

Only when the breeze shifted and potentially revealed her presence to the stranger did she croon a greeting, honeyed eyes resting to his features, and trying to ignore the temptation of two rabbits sitting at his paws… torn between hunger and nausea. “Hi, there,” she offered.
22 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Alekxander excitedly got to his feet, but then realized that could come off to strong, so despite his excitement wanting him to stand, he made himself sit again. "Hey!" he said, his excitement still coming off in his voice though. he was happy to find another wolf after a long time of traveling and not having many social interactions, which his young mind needed to thrive.

"I'm looking for my brothers, or a place to stay. Do you happen to know of a big black wolf named Void or Ryon, or a big white wolf name Shard or Kye? My mom told me that was my brothers names and appearances last she saw them. I dont know if they're anywhere near here but I had to leave my family as per the way we run, and males leave at 1 years old, which i turned last month. So now I'm here, looking for a new start and maybe a new family. I'm kind of scared to find my brothers though, my mom wasn't very nice to them and I dont want them to be jealous that I had it better than them, so even if they are around here, I don't think I'm ready to meet them just yet." Alek said, going on basically a rant about half his life story.
Sun Mote Copse
563 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
He bounced up—an excited greeting—and then sat back down. He asked if she knew his brothers—

—and then he didn’t stop for her to answer. Void seemed remotely familiar, but nothing she could truly place… Particularly because that day she had been rather preoccupied. But still, she could mention…

.. No, nope. He was still talking. His life story, perhaps. She blinked at him as he continued on—a dispersal wolf. My, he was an excitable one, wasn’t he?

Finally, she held up a paw, mouth forming a soft ‘whoa’ but not spoken out loud—honeyed eyes lightly amused, but bordering on wary. “Why don’t we start with your name?”
22 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Alek was about to go on but when she asked him for his his name he paused, open mouthed. "Oh. Right. Uh, my name's Alekxander, but you can call me Alek." The energetic young boy said, his feet still constantly shuffling because he wanted to be up and bounding around. "I brought these rabbits as a gift, my dad taught me to show respect." He said and nosed them a little closer to her.
Sun Mote Copse
563 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
She withheld the smile that threatened her lips as his enthusiasm remained, but he managed to slow himself down a moment. Meadow, she introduced herself in return, gaze drifting down to the rabbits he presented. 

Thank you, she murmured, noting the gift as gracious gesture. But I wonder if you can clarify you’re intentions. You mentioned wanting to either find a new home or your brothers, but then said you didn’t want to find your family…?
22 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
He dipped his head in a friendly manner when she gave him her name. "Pleasure to meet you, Meadow." He said.

Then an answer to her question. "I don't.. know if im ready to find them yet. They don't know i was ever born. Our mom abandoned them at a young age many many years ago and i dont even know if any of them are still alive but i cling on to the hope of maybe finding one of them because I know they are strong and probably pushed through together but I don't want them to be jealous of me having a good life and our mom being good the second time and them maybe hating me..." Alek said, barely breathing during this whole explanation, so he ended it panting.

"So, right now, i really just need a home and maybe to find others who know of my brothers and can help me find them when I'm ready. Sorry that im confusing." He added.
Sun Mote Copse
563 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
There was a lot to unpack from that entire statement by the boy.

Meadow blinked—he was young, and it showed. That was okay—but it did take a lot for her to bite down on her tongue and either ask him the ‘why’s of wanting to even bother with a family who might not be supportive, or even one who didn’t know of his existence.

That was something he would need to figure out for himself.

“Look…” She paused, brows knit together, wanting to help him—but not sure she could in the way he wanted. “You seem like a good kid. But our pack needs members who can assist in pack matters… their time and resources.” Epoch had good hearts at its very head—she couldn’t imagine Tamar or Arsenio turning anyone away in need. “So if you can offer that, I’m sure we can offer you a home. But I can’t promise anyone is going to make it a priority just now to find your brothers… At least not right now.”
22 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"I can hunt really well. And I'm actually very strong. I fought off a pack of three foxes on my journey here. They did get a good scratch on my shoulder and side but they all ran at the end of the fight and I made it here alive. So I'd say I'm capable." Alek said.
Sun Mote Copse
563 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
She gave him a quick study with her gaze, and then at the mention of an injury, the she-wolf tilted her muzzle, gaze roaming to see what he spoke of. 

Okay. Want me to take a look at the injury? I can put a poultice on it, maybe… Help it heal faster. She paused, considering her words. Welcome to Epoch, Aleks.
22 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
"Its kinda old, from a couple months ago, so I think its ok now, but thanks for the offer!" He said, turning to show her the freshly healed wound. The fur still needed to grow back over the scar but it should be normal again soon.

Then when she welcomed him to epoch, he smiled. "Thank you. Do I need to do anything else or am I just kinda in the pack now? I can go out hunting again if the pack needs. I like hunting. And I can bring these to the pack too first, if you just show me where the camp is." Alek said, realizing he didn't know exactly where their center was located.
Sun Mote Copse
563 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
She peered at the old injury with mild scrutiny—he was correct. It seemed fine—something that would simply continue to heal on its own. With a nod, she sidestepped, an ear flicking toward him as he continued to speak. “As long as you contribute and stay out of trouble you should be fine,” she offered, amber eyes studying him. He was young… Naive, even. But he seemed like a good kid. Hunting would be a good start, but she would leave it to him to begin to determine just how he should contribute to his new home.

“Follow me,” she offered at his request to see the pack, and there the petite she-wolf would begin to show the dark youth his new home—at least until he figured out what he wanted to do about his brothers.
22 Posts
Ooc — Ryder
Alek followed, excited at his new beginning