Moonspear When I see little lights in the shadows
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Alaric stood at the edge of the cliffs. He hadn't been able to sleep. In the shadows of the earliest and latest hours, he watched as the stars danced along the shadowed eaves of rocks and trees. Thr moon cut a pale thin circle of space, brightening up the night with her light.

He held her gaze, green eyes taking in all that lay bare bwfore him. And he felt small and big and everything in between. And he smiled.
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Talisman stirred awake before dawn. When he couldn’t get back to sleep, he unwound with a yawn and decided to go scrounge up some breakfast. As he navigated the slopes in search of a trail, he caught sight of Alaric standing on a bluff off in the distance. He immediately made his way over to him.

Hey, Alaric, he greeted, biting back a yawn as he sidled alongside the healer. Good not quite morning.

He followed the other man’s gaze upward, toward what appeared to be a full moon. The young coyote stared at a moment, thinking it was rather apt for the two of them to stand here, admiring their home’s namesake.

Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you—well, anybody, but I think you would definitely know—a question, Talis said after a few moments, dropping his pale eyes to Alaric’s swarthy face.
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric's ear rotated as he heard the tell tale shuffle of another on his trail. Green eyes cut to the side as he met the face of the coyote Talis.

Heya Talis. How goes it?

Alaric shifted his focus from the moon to Talis. Rotating his body so he could answer 

Ask away. I'll do my best to answer.

Was it a healing question? Or perhaps a question anout Moonspear otself? Were the babes okay?
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Alaric swiveled to face him, his eyes glowing like emeralds in the moonshine. Talisman grinned, dipping his head in deference. The healer was always willing to share his time, knowledge and supplies. The coyote was so grateful to him.

I was just wondering, how long does it take? Between mating and birthing? I’m sure somebody’s told me this but I forget, he admitted with a soft huff of laughter.
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric saw no reason not to share what he knew. No matter the being he was sharing it with. And Talis was an eager learner. He liked to know things.

He thought about the question. About 9 weeks. 9 sets of seven days and nights. Sometimes it can earlier, sometimes later, but usually right around there. You have little ones due?
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
For some reason, the inquiry that followed Alaric’s explanation made the back of Talisman’s neck feel warm. He self-consciously raised a rusty forepaw to rub at it as he considered how to tactfully answer the question.

Ah, yeah, I am, he replied, awkwardly but gleefully. He cleared his throat, then just admitted outright, I mated with Sialuk… and Kusuma… and a lady named Moonshadow… all around the same time. Well, Sialuk was a few weeks earlier than the other two. I think that was about a month ago now? And the others were maybe two weeks later?

He chewed at the inside of his cheek as he did the math in his head. How many weeks were in a month, though? Was it four? Or five? Talis shook his head.

I’m really excited to be a dad, he said.
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric smiled at his self conscious rub.  But good for him. He was getting what he wanted. And he didn't know many of the names. But Sialuk he did. He wondered briefly how Argent and Elentari felt about it? Then reframed his thinking. It was not his place to ask.

I'm happy for you. Little ones are a lot of fun. And though I don't know the others. Sialuk is good wolfess.

She was a little strange sometim3s, but she held Alaric's respect.
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Alaric didn’t appear to judge his promiscuity. Talis smiled sheepishly, once more feeling great gratitude toward the man.

Thank you. So, Sialuk’s might be here in another month or so? Maybe by the next full moon? he questioned, gazing up at Luna herself. I can’t wait. I mean, I can, but you know what I mean.

He laughed awkwardly, the noise trailing off into a thoughtful hum and, eventually, silence. Talisman was so eager to meet his children. He knew they might belong to others besides, though he didn’t mind sharing. As long as he got to be a dad, he would be thrilled!

Hey, I know it’s still early but I’m pretty hungry. Wanna help me find some breakfast? he asked a couple moments later.
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric had no room to jusge anyones promiscuity. He himself was no saint. And besides Sialuk had always been this way. She searched for lovers during her seaon.

A soft nod. Yea. And she went fairly easily and quickly last year. So she may even have them early. Only time will tell.

A gentle laugh. I do know what you mean. They are not even remotely mine and I always look forward to the little ones being born

A shake of ruff. Sure. What are you hungry for? Lets see what we can find.
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Alaric’s remark gave the impatient coyote hope, though it felt wrong somehow. His reddish tail flicked thoughtfully.

How early is too early? he wondered.

As for what sounded good to break their fast, he paused a moment to ponder. It was frigid on these slopes, particularly while it was still dark. A hunt could warm their blood. But he was actually feeling pretty lazy.

Maybe we could find some berries or something? Grab some cold cuts from a cache? he mulled aloud.
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric frowned in thought. The earliest I am okay with is a week. Anything before that they could be malnourished, not built properly or just too small. Prone to sickness.

A nod. Sure thing. I have some berries and possibly a goat haunch near my own sleeping spot. Shall we?

The bard stood and shook his pelt free and easy smile on his face.
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Talisman’s pale eyes bugged out for an instant before he realized Alaric meant a week early, not a week total in utero. He nodded his head as if he understood Alaric’s concerns, though he didn’t need to fully comprehend to agree. As impatient as he was to meet them, he of course wanted his children to come out as healthy as possible.

Goat with a side of berries? Wow, that’s a bougie breakfast. I’m in! Talis said cheerily, returning the councilor’s grin as they fell into step.
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Talis looked frigjtened for a moment. But Alaric saw the momwnt it dawned on the other male what he meant and he fought a grin. Not everyone knew things like him and sometimes some of it got lost in translation.
He had thought he had been clear, but he hadn't been at first.

Then he did laugh,  eyes crinkling at the corners. Full bodied and warm.

You are settling in well, Talis. It's good to see.
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
I am? he questioned, lips tugging into a small smile at the reassurance even as doubt clouded his pale eyes. I still haven’t really spent any time with Maggak. Sialuk asked me to get to know her kids, Talis explained. And I hardly know the others close to her. I did meet her, er… Argent.

His voice trailed off awkwardly at that. The coyote still felt a little strange knowing he’d bedded a taken woman. Obviously Sialuk had welcomed his advances but what did her lovers really think about that? About him? Despite Alaric’s words, he didn’t feel particularly established in Moonspear.

But, uh, thanks for saying that, he added with a twitch of his reddish tail. I’ve always struggled with finding my place and feeling like I belong anywhere. And I do feel like I’m much more accepted here than anywhere else I’ve tried, he murmured, thinking of The Tribe and even Muat-riya.
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric gave a sift noise of listening. Maggak will take some time to get to know you. She is a good girl, but not as open as Acrux.

Alaric looked at him, making note of the awkward pause. He stopped moving. 

Do you worry about it?

He wasn't aure if he could be if help here. This seemed like a cinversation perhaps Sialuk ahould have with the coyote, but Alaric was willing to try and help. He didn't know how Argent or Elentari felt about the other lvoers, but they had to be alright with it he imagined.

Alaric nodded. I wasn't part of anything until i came here if you can believe it. I made my living traveling pack to pack for years.
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
I mean, Talisman said, hesitating for a moment before adding, yeah. But I just figure it’ll take some time and effort.

Alaric mentioned traveling prior to settling in Moonspear. Talis could believe it because he, of course, had done something similar.

I was a nomad until very recently. My dad and I traveled together until he found a new mate. Then I went off on my own. I wasn’t really sure what I wanted for a long time. I thought I wanted one thing but then it wouldn’t work out and… well, anyway, I eventually realized I wanted to be a dad more than anything. And I think it’s gonna work out for me here.

His lips pulled into a smile as he thought of Sialuk and Kusuma. There was Moonshadow too, the thought of her making his smile falter a little. Talis didn’t regret sleeping with her, though he wished she lived closer. It would’ve been nice for all his kids to be in one place and grow up together.

But what about you? Like, what’s your take on pups of your own? Do you have any kids…?
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric nodded. You are right. It will take time and effort. Good luck.

A true smile as he continued his pace now. Talia seemed to know what was needed. Alaric could really not tell him more than that 

Alaric made a sift hmm noise. He was glad the other male was getting what he wanted mostly. Somrtimes it took awhile to figure out what you wanted. Even alaric himself was unsure Exactly what he wanted.

Alaric blinked and chuckled. Probably somewhere.

He took a breath. Don't get me wrong. I love kids my kids everybodys kids. It doesnt matter to me. But have I raised any. No. I am a true trader. Meaning i have even traded pound of flesh for a meal a place to stay. Some women want children but no man. I offer that service as well. Do i wish I was involved yes, but if it isn't what is wanted

A small shrug. Not everyone would agree with him and that was okay..
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
His mouth pulled into a thoughtful moue as Alaric spoke. He and his father had been self-sufficient for the most part, though they’d traded from time to time. Talisman also thought of Inji, who traded her body in a sense. Sometimes, he still heard the voice whispering in the back of his mind, calling him Zafra. He would never judge Alaric’s choices, though the last few words out of his mouth tugged his lips down into a frown.

I guess that’s how it’s gonna be for me with Moonshadow’s kids, since she doesn’t live here. I told her she should consider it but she hasn’t come by, so I doubt that’s gonna happen. She told me she’d come find me once the babies come, although now that I think about it, how will she be able to leave them? Hmmm, I know where she said she’s staying and thanks to you, I know about when they’re due, so maybe I’ll go find her when the time comes.

He blinked, pale eyes finding Alaric’s. Talis knew he was monologuing a bit and shot the wolf another sheepish look. He then glanced around them, wondering if they were getting close to the healer’s ulaq yet. The thought of some food to go with this fellowship had his stomach pinching with hunger.

Congrats on 500!
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
thank you. I'm terrible at remembering or watching those lol

Alaric shook his head. She won't be able to for the first few weeks. Eventualky she can, but not at first.

Alaric grinned and stepped into the space his own scent pervaded. Stepping over the bare patch of ground he was planting.

Don't mind the mess I'm digging a spot for a garden to grow herbs.

It wasn't long before he found the cache and goat haunch dropping it to the ground. Head and shoulders stuffed into his small den mouth, pulling berries from its innards.
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
The healer’s sage words made up his mind: Talisman would go find her shortly after Kusuma gave birth. He felt a pang at the thought of leaving his little ones—including Sialuk’s, who would be a couple weeks old by then—but it would be worth it to visit their younger half siblings!

He carefully sidestepped Alaric’s up-and-coming garden, meaning to ask a question about it until the healer put food in front of his face. Then all other thoughts fled the young coyote’s mind as he readily tore off a chunk of meat and began chewing. Talis chased a bite with a few of the berries Alaric provided.

Thanks, man, this is the best breakfast I’ve had in a while. I may have to go back to bed, sleep it off, Talis quipped between bites.

As if cued by his words, the nearby rocks suddenly began to glow. The coyote peered over a pale shoulder, squinting against the glare as the sun peeked over the horizon to the east. It threw the Sunspires into sharp relief, though he didn’t look long. His pale eyes never did well in particularly bright light.

Facing Alaric and their meal again, he blinked some spots from his vision and dipped down to continue filling his stomach, sunrise warm on his shoulders.
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric was pretty sure he had no idea what this spring was gonna bring for anyone. But he'd be ready with whatever ailments he needed to fix or help.

Alaric chuckled. A good nap is always wonderful after great food.

Alaric would let the coyote eat furst then he'd take some. He wasn't that hubgry actualky. But it was nice to have sunrise and friends. Especialky cute ones. Which Alaric wouldn't deny the coyote was a cutie. No wonder Sialuk had loced on him.

A small smile and Alaric turned his gaze back to the sunshine. Closing hia green eyes to let the warmth trace freckles on his face. Content in the moment.
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
When he felt full, Talisman sat up to lick his chops. He saw Alaric sunning his face and smiled, tail thumping on the cold ground. He hated to interrupt what looked like a peaceful meditation, so he waited him out.

Whenever the healer’s eyes reopened, Talis said, Hey, thanks for breakfast, then paused and wondered, What all are you going to grow there? as his eyes strayed to the nearby patch of soil.
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He felt gaze on his face. So green eyes opened wuth a smile. A lick along muzzle.

He tilted his head towards the garden. A small hum in his chest as he thought sbout it.

Definitely some Chamomile, lavender, I'd love to find some yarrow. I'll put some berries over along the tree line. Maybe some sage, rosemary and mugwort.
184 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He didn’t know a lot about medicine and next to nothing about planting a garden. The nomadic lifestyle hadn’t exactly lent itself to tending such a thing. Yet he’d heard about some of these plants, in no particular capacity. He was curious what each of them offered in way of healing.

Mugwort? he repeated incredulously, laughing. What a hideous name. What’s that for? What’re any of them for?
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric had made it a conscious choice to learn of herbs nad plants and how they helped. And well in his family. You started learning at literal birth. Even his sister who was not fond of medicinal anything knew her fair share.

A laugh left him and he dipped his muzzle down. Eyes twinkling. 
I had an uncle mugwort. We called him uncle muggy. the tease came off his lips without thinking.

Mugwort helps with stomach problems, chamomile for cough, yarrow pain and infection, sage and rosemary too. They all do different thibgs depending on how you use it. Some you can eat, some you can eat and put on your wounds. Some only put on your wounds.