Suggestion: Temporarily relaxing pack forming requirements
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238 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
EDIT: I was asked to make a poll for this, so please vote here!

I brought this up in Discord first, but essentially, I'm suggesting temporarily relaxing the member requirement for forming a pack from 8 unique members to 5 or 6 unique members.

I suggest this solely to help boost morale IC and give a helping hand to packs that are trying to form in the wake of losing a number of unique members (and a larger number of characters) across the game. Getting 8 unique members together for a pack feels difficult right now. This would also necessitate temporarily changing the disband limit, but I do want to note that preventing packs from disbanding isn't the reason I'm suggesting it. I think packs that aren't doing well should disband, but I also think new packs forming brings a lot of excitement and inspiration to the game, and I think temporarily loosening the restrictions to allow packs to form a little more easily for a little while could benefit the game right now.

I wouldn't be opposed to a permanent change in the number of members required to form a pack, either, to make things a little more casual. But I know there's a lot of fatigue with rule changes right now, which is why I suggest it as a temporary measure.
Messages In This Thread
Suggestion: Temporarily relaxing pack forming requirements - by Alyx - February 02, 2021, 07:04 PM