Broken Antler Fen Nothing compares to when the smoke settles and you're the last [m]an standing.
backwater peon
627 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
I trust you. The woman claimed, while also heeding his request.

You'd be the only one, Reyes said with a huff, resuming his pacing for a few seconds, only to deflate again. Kicking at a stick he hadn't yet snapped, breaking it and throwing it out of range of his teeth. One half went one way, one half went another. He stared for a moment at the trees as if they were somehow to blame.

She just — she makes me so — letting out a snarl Reyes gouged the earth with his claws and circled around so that he faced Teya, his body spiked with emotion, his eyes unable to look upon her face.
Messages In This Thread
RE: Nothing compares to when the smoke settles and you're the last man standing. - by Reyes (Ghost) - August 14, 2021, 07:24 PM