Broken Antler Fen Nothing compares to when the smoke settles and you're the last [m]an standing.
backwater peon
627 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Teya didn't know if she wanted to be caught; the longer that Reyes ran, the more he felt the need to sink his teeth in to something, or find more forest to trash, or something to replace the ache inside of himself brought on by emotions he couldn't properly face. 

He ran, his steps pounding on the solid paths or sinking in to soggy fen water, which Reyes dragged and kicked away with new lunges. Each time he saw a flash of Teya's copper fur he tried to gather his speed; each time she slipped away from him, gaining ground or wheeling in a sudden direction that gave the impression he was close, but not close enough.

Soon thoughts of Towhee had been replaced by Reyes' need to win. He wanted to catch up to her or cut her off, whichever came first. Reyes' lungs burned, but he wasn't the kind to give up easily.
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RE: Nothing compares to when the smoke settles and you're the last man standing. - by Reyes (Ghost) - August 14, 2021, 08:33 PM