Broken Antler Fen Nothing compares to when the smoke settles and you're the last [m]an standing.
backwater peon
627 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
They ran and ran, the girl a weaving hare before the redcoat; but then they came to an opening which seemed built to welcome them, and she turned to face the oncoming stampede that Reyes had become. She bristled and watched him, and he only slowed so as not to slide across the wet fen grass or fall in to her.

Heavy breaths plumed from his nostrils, much like a bull chasing a twirling brega after being goaded. The fen gave way to her agile figure while Reyes paced to slow himself, feeling a heady adrenaline rush from the run and an overall humming in his skin. He watched Teya exclusively; his expression a mix of tired, greedy, even triumphant.

Reyes hadn't noticed how close he'd gotten to her; his breath pulsed across her shoulders, as he was near enough to grab her if he wanted.
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RE: Nothing compares to when the smoke settles and you're the last man standing. - by Reyes (Ghost) - August 14, 2021, 09:05 PM