Stone Circle I learned long ago 'bout a better way of killing birds.
with every heartbeat i have left
141 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
It became more and more apparent that Sanja was pregnant, and from what Taktuq could see, without a husband to guard or tend her.

Not to mention, little Bjarna, as she now knew her, had found her way here, too. And there were others here, too. Others who made their home around the solace of the standing stones. Extra paws - yet still so many young mouths to feed.

Taktuq carried a rabbit in her jaws, and thought to bring the prey to Sanja before she thought of caching it away.

She found the woman beneath one of stones in the circle itself - a usual haunt for her, or so she had observed - and for a moment Taktuq could have convinced herself the woman’s shadow was that of her mother, or her aunt.

But Taktuq blinked the vision away - her mother was dead, and her aunt, well, she tried not to think on that - and chuffed around the rabbit in her mouth to alert Sanja to her approach.
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RE: I learned long ago 'bout a better way of killing birds. - by Taktuq - August 05, 2022, 12:42 AM