Wheeling Gull Isle when life’s moving too fast, we can make this dream last
202 Posts
Ooc — tazi
He nods his head and a rattling giggle vibrates his chest. He squeezes his daddy’s neck as hard as he can. Daddy was the biggest and strongest and bravest wolf he knew! Of course he could defeat the monsters, daddy could do anything!

But there was a problem, because daddy wasn’t always there. Sometimes daddy was gone from the den, or out with Gramma, or sleeping. And that’s when Leviathan came the most: when daddy wasn’t there.

“Papa, when you asweep he come. Or when I look an can’t fine you. Don leabe den, das when he come, stay home Papa?”
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RE: when life’s moving too fast, we can make this dream last - by Judah - July 11, 2023, 12:55 PM