Wheeling Gull Isle when life’s moving too fast, we can make this dream last
202 Posts
Ooc — tazi
His nose swivels as they come upon a field of pale purple blooms. They are flowers! His eyes widen, so familiar it is!

“Smell Ami!!” He gasps, overcome by the revelation. He reaches down to run a little dark paw over the tops of the lavender. They tickle his toes.

Judah is entirely unaware of anything Caracal is feeling. He is not old enough to see his father as an individual- he is an extension of himself. He is a god. Gods feel no pain or aches or sorrow, make no mistakes, commit no sins.

Caracal slows, their destination reached. It is time to disembark. Caracal might have feared his son’s reaction- but Judah slid calmly from his shoulders and down into the soft earth at his paws. His father has already shown him there isn’t anything to fear here.

“Papa- ?”
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RE: when life’s moving too fast, we can make this dream last - by Judah - July 16, 2023, 11:54 AM