Lion Head Mesa needy boy speeding off in a limo stretch

308 Posts
Ooc — Twin
:DD mental/reader note: ambiguously dated to before the travels

a set of long black nails clicked against the sandstone floor.
she was better than this, and she knew it, made it clear in the way she looked at him with a squinted gaze of pure disdain. the position of jodai was coveted and gave her great power within akashingo — she had earned her place, done the work, and this little emasculated mass of worthless meat thought it was within his right to defile her home.
if she looked closely enough, she could have perhaps recognized him, but there was not even a hint of this now. she scoffs as she leans back against the wall the way a detective would in a chair, eyebrows lifted tauntingly, though the rest of her face remained taut. so, little boy, she hums. are you going to sit there and pout? or are you going to talk? speaking may even buy you freedom, you know.
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needy boy speeding off in a limo stretch - by Drusk - May 14, 2024, 09:10 PM
RE: needy boy speeding off in a limo stretch - by Zaahira - May 15, 2024, 11:41 PM