Profile of Akhtar: Quick Facts
Played By: Box
Basic Info
Full Name: Akhtar Mirzadeh
Subspecies: Canis lupus familiaris| Saluki
Size: Medium, Athletic
Sex: Male
Gender: Cis Man
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 5 (May 15th, 2019)
Birthplace: Outside the Teekons
NPC Guidelines
Leading worship, playing with children, answering questions
At a Glance

Profile of Akhtar: Details

Grizzled and silvered, with wide set eyes in a soft brown shade. Seen more and more now with a black rabbit’s fur around his neck. Face often holds a lazy smile.

judgemental and vain, himself is of the most importance, every decision is made to forward his agenda and his wants, spoiled rotten but bows his head to those who bare their teeth. a true, mouse-hearted coward of a man.
The child of a king and a commander, brought under the rule of a cruel lord who usurped his parents. Forced into priesthood under gods he was not born to, but came to worship as his own. Was left for dead, but survived.
Ahu his friend, maid, and conspirator
Pack History
Birth- 09/03/21

Profile of Akhtar: Additional Information
Registered on January 18, 2022, last visited August 26, 2024, 02:31 PM

·Speaks Farsi and Arabic fluently, English mostly fluently, and Latin semi fluently, and is passively familiar with Ancient Egyptian, mostly greetings and prayers
·Worships the Egyptian pantheon
· Floaty, bouncy walk.
· Incredibly religious and very very superstitious
·terrified of scorpions
·Often accompanied by a keen eyed nightingale, called Andesha, who acts as a forward scout and spy into the courts of Akashingo

Fair warning, Akhtar kind of sucks as a person, as a man, and as any kind of moral priest. He’s not a good guy! I don’t agree with any of his actions!
Art Credits
Signature image from sculpture made by Gilbert Bayes, drawn fullbody by me, avatar by siv from unsplash
Akhtar's Signature
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