Sun Mote Copse it's the wind blowing free; it's the end of a slope
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Killdeer had a decision to make.

His heart had been divided into thirds—one at Brecheliant, where his half-siblings resided; one at Moonspear, where his children grew; and one here, where his beloved mother and grandmother now called home.

No matter the effort, he could not divide himself into thirds, nor could he be three places at once.

He must choose.

He must choose.

After some time on his own, wandering and musing, he returned to the borders of Meerkat's pack and howled for @Towhee (or at least someone to let her know he was calling for her) and—to his surprise, finding her scent—@Fennec as well. 

His tail wagged involuntarily, thinking of the pair. Yet sorrow sought to drag him down as well; what if he never returned? What if he chose other obligations over them?

Killer sank his teeth into his lower lip, not hard enough to draw blood—but enough to counter the pain of setting such a huge part of his life aside.
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it's the wind blowing free; it's the end of a slope - by Killdeer - May 30, 2024, 11:28 PM