Sun Mote Copse it's the wind blowing free; it's the end of a slope
435 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Her ear movements did not escape him. Crap, had he not told her about him being a father and all? His own auds shifted back sheepishly—but now he had the chance to tell all.

I know, he murmured, pressing back against her touch. I think about my father—I wish he'd been there more, when I was a kid. I can't miss this time.

You can't ask for a better one.

I'm sorry, Ma, Killer replied, shaking his head. I don't think I ever told you. I. . .a couple of women and I, uh, made love. And they got pregnant. They're both at Moonspear. I dunno how many of them are mine, really, but I guess I'll assume that they all could be?

He laughed softly. I guess I couldn't ask for a better purpose.
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RE: it's the wind blowing free; it's the end of a slope - by Killdeer - June 05, 2024, 09:30 PM