Sunset Valley rabies awareness pro-am fun run race for the cure
burying them there while we carry on.
358 Posts
Ooc —
this woman’s compassion intrigued the priestess. qiao would likely have never extended such knowledge to a man, but she was curious what this stranger would make of it. 

come, the crone motioned. do not touch her. the sickness that killed her is very old, and very fatal. it has many names - but my kind called it ukugula. had she been human she would have held out her hand to guide lilitu around masquerade’s body. it would be best to bury her. you can dig, i hope.

she did not know what motives lilitu served, but in that hour it did not yet matter. qiao set to worrying the ground with her claws, preparing a shallow hole not so far from masquerade’s body. while she dug, she looked about her for any sort of tool that might help shift masquerade to her grave without risking transmission.
[Image: OTLS5SY.png]
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RE: rabies awareness pro-am fun run race for the cure - by Qiao - June 19, 2024, 11:28 PM