Sunset Valley rabies awareness pro-am fun run race for the cure
burying them there while we carry on.
359 Posts
Ooc —
blackened earth tilled with long pulls of each of qiao’s limbs. lilitu worked besides her, her breath jagged. 

it is the smell. qiao motioned to the body and stopped. the heavy scent of loam dispersed between them, but there was another lingering scent too. it was sour, a distant cousin to death — with a strange heat to it. and the condition. look at her mouth. she motioned to the red rime that frothed the dead woman’s jaws. 

she resumed digging. a shallow pit would be enough; once it was a satisfactory depth she motioned for the shadowed woman to stop. show me your hind paw. qiao turned, inspecting the offered digital cushion for any scrape or cut. use this one — do what i do.

qiao backed up to the dead woman, raising her hind limb to the body’s spine. once lilitu was in place, qiao gave a mule-kick aimed at the body. after several such blows, the body moved just enough that gravity took care of the rest.  in a cloud of dust and scree, masquerade fell into the pit. 

qiao spun and peered down from the lip of the pit. rubble was already falling around the stiffened body. it was a shame this body’s bones were cursed; she could have used them. 

now came the harder part of their task — pouring disturbed loam back into the hole. qiao worked until a mound appeared, and then she surveyed their work. that’ll do. come, i will show you our camp and introduce you to @Stormchaser.
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RE: rabies awareness pro-am fun run race for the cure - by Qiao - June 20, 2024, 08:10 AM