Sun Mote Copse it's the wind blowing free; it's the end of a slope
431 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He bumped his muzzle against his mom's shoulder, understanding the lapse. Then, cocked his head. Where is Towhee, anyway? he asked, curious. 

Killdeer looked around the copse and continued, And how is it here? How's Meerkat and all her family? Are you happy here?

If he made the decision to go to Moonspear, maybe Fennec would be happier by his side. Not that he sought to take wolves from his aunt. . .just if they wanted to. And maybe Fennec wanted to.

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RE: it's the wind blowing free; it's the end of a slope - by Killdeer - June 25, 2024, 12:40 PM