Moonspear the smallest steps bring about the most lasting change.
614 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Penn had decided to hang around until Fenn got there. He hadn’t been very forthcoming about their relationship, but the expression on his face suggested that Penn was just as smitten with his sister as he had been when they were kids. He’d intended to pay close attention to his interaction with Fenn when she arrived, but when the moment came, Fig found himself almost entirely disinterested in Penn Blackthorn.

Fig hadn’t bothered trying to figure out what he would say or do when he saw his sister again. He was smart enough to know any plans he made would almost immediately go flying right out the window. He watched her approach, noting her body language just as easily as he always had. She was nervous. She was happy. She was terrified.

Penn approached her after she said her hello in one of the smallest voices Fig had ever heard her use. He watched him press his muzzle softly against her cheek as he passed her and saw his lips move to whisper something indeterminable to Fig (I’ll be around) before slipping away.

Fig watched him go for a heartbeat or so, then he moved with sudden, determined purpose towards his sister. There had been a time when he’d wanted to shout at her for what she’d done. Now could’ve been his chance. But of course, he didn’t. He had stopped being mad a long time ago. All he wanted now was exactly what he went in to get—a great big hug.

”Hey Fenny,” he said, a smile erupting across his face as emotion flooded him.
-Signing.- | "Speaking." | -"Signing & speaking."- | "Mouthing (inaudible)." | Thoughts.
Fenn is welcome at all times and will in fact make me sad if she doesn't show up.