Lion Head Mesa charcoal
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
arsenio was in her every waking moment.

tamar did not avoid the guard. she found it desperately difficult not to lift her head several times a day as they worked alongside one another, not to raise her eyes to his own.

pharaoh would kill whomever she lay with. 

the fellahin made her way toward the alcoves where the mazoi slept, seeking the polite young wolf who satsu had so commanded. @Sakai.
94 Posts
Ooc — Maria
There was lounging and then there was whatever the young gentleman was currently doing. With all fours in the air, Kai wriggled around with some intensity to satisfy an itch that was otherwise impossible to reach with paw. It was somewhat working. Dust and dead shrubbery, which he had collected to place in his room for comfort and a bit of decoration, stuck to his back as the mazoi rolled back over onto his stomach.

It wasn't until Sakai was done rubbing the sleep from his eyes did he meet a glance with one of the fellahin. The same he had seen next to Satsu when he had made his introduction to the Queen. Curiosity raised his brow and cocked his head. "Hello." He called from the darkness of his quarters. "I know who you are, but we haven't fully met. I'm Sakai."

The wolf looked expectantly at the small coyote as he stretched his front legs lazily, waiting for her to speak her name.
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
sakai was covered with small bits of debris.

on wooden legs she approached, crouching in a bow. "tamar, mazoi." this close she could catch his scent, the shadows of akashingo and the presence of their ruler.

her pale eyes rested on his face for a moment. "the queen has sent me in service to you."

if allowed tamar would begin to gently preen his coat free of its clinging flotsam.
94 Posts
Ooc — Maria
No one had ever looked to him as a superior before, so having Tamar approach with a bow was slightly amusing. However, through the pleasantries, Kai kept a serious face. It was as if he were playing a part and he felt out of practice. The fellahin mentioned their intentions, as instructed by the Queen, and this made the man even more curious. Service? What would he possibly need service with?

Lifting himself on all fours, the grey coated introvert shook himself loose of what debris he could before stretching out the rest of his body. "Service?" He questioned, taking in the full appearance of her. The golden warmth of her dainty frame directly contrasted with his robust one. 

"I'm afraid I can't think of anything I might need at the moment." Sakai paused for a moment, then sat down on his haunches in thought. "I have been kind of bored, though. Don't know many wolves out here... or coyotes for that matter." His ignorance to the idea that coyotes were really any different from wolves was either endearing or foolish. "Want to keep me company for a bit? Tell me about yourself."
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
sakai was very tall.

tamar kept her head bowed as his shadow fell across her body. when he settled, she did the same, wrapping red-gold plume around her paws. it was becoming somehow apparent that sakai did not understand his place in their hierarchy — and to what he was entitled.

"i will stay," the maidservant said softly. again her gaze was raised to his face. "what would you want to know?"
94 Posts
Ooc — Maria
Her eyes focused on his and he got a nice look of their color. Pale russet, complimented perfect by her fur. He grinned as she sat with him, never really having been so easily able to hold a prisoner of his ramblings so easily. This was nice. The man did prefer most of his time alone, but this was nice. 

She asked him what he wanted to know. So, he would have to be dominant voice in this conversation. That was fine by him. "I suppose we can start from the beginning. Ever play twenty questions?" The boyish grin eased into just a small smile as his tail thumped on the dusty ground. "Where are you from?"
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
twenty questions? tamar shook her head.

"i am from deep in the desert," she answered softly. "i know the sun well." she looked into the friendly face of sakai, her eyes landing for a moment upon his jawline. "where is your home?" tamar asked, daring.

he was not like sihaya. she found she did not understand the young noble at all.
94 Posts
Ooc — Maria
Her words helped him place her beginnings a little better, and therefore helped him understand a little more about who she was outside of her duties. The man loved making connections and whether this was simply because this was her duty or not, Kai appreciated the openness of the conversation. "You can go deeper into the desert than this? Remind me to never visit your homeland, the sun and I aren't exactly friends." The wolf laughed lightly, feeling that damned itch between his shoulder blades begin to flare up again. 

It was true, where he was from there was mostly rain and heavy clouds overhead with only special appearances by the sun. The lush greenery and humid climate was the very opposite of his home now. "I'm from a forest far away from here." The wince from his itch was thankfully interlaced with the wince from his past. "Listen, I actually need help with something." Slowly as to not bump into the petite lady next to him, Kai lowered himself to lay flat on the ground. "I have the most annoying itch on my back and I can't seem to get it... could you help me?" Light eyes looked up to the woman, almost pleading and holding a tiny bit of embarrassment.
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
tamar caught her breath when she realized what he had asked.

the innocence of it surprised her. she had expected at any moment that the mazoi might ask —

her lashes fluttered.

"yes. of course."

stepping forward, she began to rake her teeth through his pelt, seeking the itch. when sakai had confirmed its location, tamar settled into her scratching. in time she pulled her muzzle away and added her paws.

"i did not see forests until i came here." she pressed her weight into his spine for a moment. "the desert where i was born is sand for as far as you can see. there are very few trees. and you must travel days to find meat or water."

tamar paused. "my people are not easily found."
94 Posts
Ooc — Maria
Tamar's sharp inhale was not lost on him. Sakai smiled gently as she approached to help with his plight. The culture of Akashingo suited him, the sexuality of the pack itself was an entity all of its own and he felt it from his first meeting with Jawahir and Ramesses. Kai had been known to enjoy the company of those around him, but just spoken consent wasn't enough for him to act on desire of the flesh. The lover wanted his partner to truly want it and to see it in their eyes... not for the act to be in their job description. Still, he found pleasure from what she was offering him and grumbled happily. 

"That's great Tamar, thank you." He groaned with a twitch of his hind leg right as she landed on the spot that was just out of his reach. Kai pressed his back slightly into her for more pressure to be applied, but it wasn't long before she was using slight paws to knead into him. Oh, hell yes.

Of course, while he was in complete bliss Sakai was listening to her backstory. "I see. Tell me little one, do you enjoy the trees more than the sand? Also, does everyone give great back rubs where you are from?"
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she dug her toes deeper into his ruff.

"i miss the sand. but i have come to enjoy the trees, mazoi." sakai was friendly. tamar felt as though he would find her answer fitting.

there was an amused hum in her throat. "as far as i know, i am the only one of my people to know this skill."

several things had been taught to her once she had been in the hands of the traders.

she plied only one of them now. "what do you prefer?"[/i]
94 Posts
Ooc — Maria
The soldier nodded in agreement. Trees were such a wonderful thing. So many different sorts, some changed with the seasons while others stood true against time itself only to grow larger in size. Sakai felt like a changing tree himself as of late, wanting to bud and bloom into the adult he wanted to be. So long had the young man been wandering alone, but this place... it gave him purpose.

"I guess I haven't seen too much of the sand to say for sure." Eyes were closed now as the giant felt completely relaxed at the paws of his fellahin. "I can tell you, my body does not enjoy too much heat. So I don't know if I would choose the sand over the trees." Rolling his head to the right and then to the left in hopes of finding a few deep 'cracks', the man paused to look up at the servant. "What brought you here?"
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
tamar stopped her motions for a moment.

"my father had too many daughters to feed."

sea-coin had paid her way to akashingo

"the queen has given me a fine home," she said dutifully, resuming her massage. "and you are not displeasing to serve, mazoi."
94 Posts
Ooc — Maria
The pause of her movement not only lifted Sakai's broad head from a relaxed position between his paws, but also lifted his interest. He was sure there was more to this than she had explained, but the summary would work fine for now. Gently pulling away from the masseuse to roll fully on his back, the lounging man felt rundown and tired from his recent overnight guard shifts. The blades of muscled shoulders scraped against the solid ground in pleasure, snout pulling back from his company to point to the wall behind him for a moment in an elongated stretch.

Coming back to Tamar again with a croon of his neck, there was mirth in Kai's face. He felt amused that he was actually looking up at the tiny girl for once. She reminded him of his soft spoken sister from his past life and felt a strong urge to make sure she was happy and safe. The pale wolf sighed in thought, white eyes focusing first on the fellahin and then drifting to the opening of his quarters. "I'm glad you have found a good home, Tamar. I intend to keep it a safe space for you."

Stone faced Sakai thought back to his blood sister and how he had failed her.
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"thank you, mazoi."

he was facing her now. sakai had handsome and pleasant features. but tamar did not know what she might do if he asked her now for more.

but the fellahin kept herself close and arranged near him. his face smoothed to rock. "what are you thinking?" she maidservant asked despite herself.
94 Posts
Ooc — Maria
This is the last for Sakai! I can start a new one for us if you'd like.

The tradesman chuckled lightly at her question but his face stayed hardened in thought. Often times Sakai was unable to pinpoint exactly what was on his mind and his thoughts were usually a blur, but not today. "My sister." There was no amusement to his words for once, no witty comment and no further explanation. His gaze had found its way back to the opening of his den, looking as if to see her again. Darker than him, but not by much.

"Tamar, I must excuse myself. You've been great company." The assurance was coupled with a genuine smile and bow of the head before hardening again and slinking from the dwelling. He needed to go for a run.
843 Posts
Ooc — ebony
yes please! u could set it before she leaves? <3

tamar would watch him go with some trepidation.

he was a pleasant man after all. she did not want to see him harmed. 

and she wished to hear of this sister. tamar would wait to hear this from him.