Gyrfalcon's Keep Salty dogs
-Peace in your Violence-
372 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Dreven Led @Atka Tshimshian up from the snowforest and into warmer, balmier sands until that wind hit you and that was enough to drive the air right from your lungs. He stood overlooking the ocean atop a cliff. The occasional glance to the falcons that made their home up here. He didn't want dive bombed. That would not be a good day.

He huffed gently and shook out his fur. Letting it smooth back down. What was to come he didn't know, but it was nice to have the little moments inbetween.
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
They had traveled far, but their were no complaints from her. Atka hadn’t realized how much she’d missed the briny air. The harsh wind against her face was welcomed. 

❝Feels like home.❞ She said in a breathy voice.

The petite woman closed her eyes and sighed. Atka smiled, though the moment was almost bittersweet. It reminded her of her old home; there was always much to think about with that. Here they were, seeking out their own home now. She thought on that for a moment longer before looking to Dreven. Was the wind making him miserable, or was his face simply relaxed? Atka didn’t know but the faint grin she expressed hadn’t faded.
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]
75 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Each day, Thyra performed her duties, having received the word that Hjóðrfell would be established on the land where she had found Asvoria. Already, special landmarks had begun to be discovered, purpose given to each for their use and meaning. She pined for the trees that had grown as she had grown, and the wolves who had run with her through her childhood- but here, at least, she could grow with faith. 

Until her mother arrived, she would have to fulfill the role of a sentry, though the title fell heavily upon her narrow shoulders. For a few days, she had little to worry about, other than cutting her way through the woodlands and up into the mountain range where their borders were to be established. 

When she caught the scent of other wolves on the crisp mountain air, she sent up a call for Asvoria. She made her way up the slope, catching sight of a pair of wolves with praise in their eyes as they scanned the Keep. The birds had not seen fit to hassle them- which Thyra saw as a good omen. 

"Hael og sæl!" She greeted them. She finessed her posture so that her muscles were loose, though her balance was squared; she allowed her shoulders to be drawn back, pushing forward her chest a bit, and pressed her ears forward in curiosity, but let her tail wave gently as well. Like night and day they were- the mammoth man with sable fur crossed with scars and the woman petite and pale. As varied as their features were, Thyra saw two wolves in the same light, equally deserving of hospitality. She paused, to assess their greeting- a means of deciding which language to use, and how they should be addressed. 

"Heil og sæl" - "healthy and happy," a common greeting in this culture.
Old Norse | Common Tongue
-Peace in your Violence-
372 Posts
Ooc — Danni
There had been the faint scent of another or two others on the lands, but there was no claim established that he could tell yet. However, he was ill at ease for a brief moment.

Before he could answer Snow, another voice rang out. Tattered ear swiveled and large body turned and he immediately took up a position of guard, blocking Snow from view. Though he kept his body language neutral otherwise, just blocked her with his own.

The language was one he had heard, but he didn't know what it meant, so he shook his head.

We don't speak it, Earth Girl. he said quietly.

He watched Snow out of the corner of his eye and kept a close look on the girl too. But he offered a dipp of his head in greeting.

I was told to go ahead and thread. Asvoria be in later perhaps <3
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
Atka ears turned to the strangers voice. Dreven's subtle movement was swift and calculated, but she felt no need to be on edge. While she could not understand the young woman, her tone didn't carry any malice.

❝Hello,❞ Atka offered back, moving to stand beside the behemoth.

Her side brushed Dreven's, hoping her vague hint to settle registered with him. Now that Atka could see them, she briefly looked over her. The earthy girl greeted them with friendly body language and Atka returned it. Her tail waved lowly behind her as she glanced towards them, waiting to determine whether or not they spoke the same tongue.
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]
75 Posts
Ooc — Jess
The man stepped forward, casting a great shadow over his companion. Thyra found him similar to the mountain peak to the East; great, dark stone that blocked the wintery forests below from light once the sun sank behind it. Her posture did not reflect the sudden shift in his energy, but maintained that of an individual who was calm, but secure. His words were gentle, and he coaxed a slight uptick in her chin when he offered her a nickname. She liked it. 

"It is all well, I speak your tongue," She said. The woman greeted her, peering out from behind her protective companion. "Hello!" She chirped. There was a light, pleasant accent to her voice. Her inflections rolled, like foothills near a mountain range. "I am Thyra Torbinsdottir. I am settling here in this stem of mountains and forest with my packmate, Asvoria Biornsdottir." She said. There was a touch of pride to her voice, but a bit of hesitance as well; after all, they were only two wolves, and it was an ambitious piece of territory- but if this was the will of the Old Gods, it was the way it would be.
Old Norse | Common Tongue
-Peace in your Violence-
372 Posts
Ooc — Danni
He eased his stance at Atka's touch and then stared with interest at the girl. Wondering what she would have to say.

She tilted her chin upward, he gave a soft chuckle and then waited.

There was an accent to her words. Proof that the language she had greeted them with had been her original. And the one they shared second.

Dreven tilted his head. Dreven and this is Atka. He moved further so that Atka could move further into the light to speak with the girl. He would let her choose if she wanted to find out more of this land and stay or not. He eyed the falcons again.
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
❝Nice to meet you, Thyra.❞ Atka added after Dreven, ❝Beautiful place you've chosen to settle.❞

Her words were followed by a sweeping glance around them, before she looked back to the delightful girl. The charisma and kindness appeared to come naturally to Thyra. Atka wasn't sure how the rest of this interaction would go, was Dreven interested in this place as well?
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]
75 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Receiving simply their names was a indication they were likely friendly; any others who wanted to claim this area, or those who at least sought to have it preserved as neutral ground, would have said so. The man shifted, and his eyes shifted to the birds, and she smiled faintly. "Thank you for your names...And- I do not think they will harm you. They do not have young yet that they would need to protect, but you are wise to be wary," She assured him. "I think they will know our faces, if we are peaceful with them. And if strangers come, they will perhaps act differently; with them, we might have a view of our land from the bird's eye." 

She was optimistic, but she did truly believe that the birds might provide them some additional security. Dreven might look upon them more fondly if he knew they could potentially be considered helpful. 

Atka spoke, complimenting the land. She could see beyond the intimidating birds that perched on the cliffs and soared above them. She did not seem to feel as worried about them- perhaps a mark of her bravery and level-headedness. "Yes, it is- I think it will make a good home," She said, her tone amenable. She was not a proud creature, but she would not shy from accepting praise. "Do you have a home, or are you searching?" She asked next.
Old Norse | Common Tongue
-Peace in your Violence-
372 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Atka seemed interested in the place, so he looked around in a newer light. Taking in the places and the areas.

Giving them treats now and then won't go amiss either. Small entrails, chunks of meat. Fish. They will grow accustomed to you, but then you have the fact they may grow to bold and demand food at every meal.

Dreven had no issues with birds par say and if this Thyra could get them trained as he had stated, they probably would grow to be an amazing addition to their border patrol of sorts. However, they would need to hide any young. He looked over Atka, she was not in season, yet, but she had talked about it. And he would give her that if it was what she wanted. He smiled softly.

She was optimistic, but she did truly believe that the birds might provide them some additional security. Dreven might look upon them more fondly if he knew they could potentially be considered helpful. 

Dreven lifted his head. We are searching.
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
76 Posts
Ooc —
figured it was about time to toss this one in! whoever was originally next in the order, please follow this post with your own. the order will continue this way. 

Searching, Asvoria would echo in this tongue, despite it being unknown to these strangers.

She had been watching afar, observing these newcomers to see how they bade with an introduction from one of their own. There was no initial aggression. No threat. But this didn't decide whether the gods welcomed them or not.

No longer hidden, the small woman slunk further into view, placing herself at the right flank of Thyra. This is sacred land. She informed them, though knowing well her companion would have told them similar things. Why have you come? Though her tone was not stern, nor scornful, it demanded honesty. Yes—they had not threatened their claim, but they still walked upon it uninvited and unannounced. This would not be forgiven if not done for honest reason.

Old Norse | Common Tongue
— —
Hover over text for unknown tongue translations.
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
Atka tensed as the small woman approached. Her demeanor was different than Thyra's, but she reminded herself this was their home. It would be normal for this stranger to be firm in this interaction. Atka opened her mouth to reply, but her jaw remained slack as she lost the words. She turned to glance at Dreven for a brief moment before inhaling a sharp breath.

❝As Dreven said, we are searching.❞ There was a pause in her speech again until she looked back to woman. ❝We weren't sure if this area was home to others.❞

❝If we are not welcome here, we can make our exit.❞ Though her words were straightforward, Atka made sure her tone was soft.
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]
75 Posts
Ooc — Jess
While the wanderers might have felt more pressure put upon them when Asvoria arrived, her appearance stirred Thyra to wave her tail and smile. Perhaps she should have been more stern, to show some sort of solidarity with the high priestess' solemnity, but she couldn't help it. The process of meeting new wolves who might have some interest in joining them was exciting! 

She looked to Asvoria, hoping not to look too pleading, but she had a good feeling about these wolves. The man might make a good soldier- he was certainly built for it! And she liked how polite Atka was; she seemed motherly, in a way. It was not her place to pass judgement, though, so she remained silent, watching and listening.
Old Norse | Common Tongue
-Peace in your Violence-
372 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dreven met her gaze, if she looked close enough she could see the fire there. The want to live and thrive and be everything he hadn't been, because this woman obviously wanted honesty, so she could have it. All the darkness that played there at his edges. He moved closer to Atka, his flank pressing against her side as she looked at him, there was a dangerous edge there at the cusp of his body, any who knew him within first meeting him would see it. But Atka tempered it with all her goodness. He averted his eyes then, he had not meant offense, he was simply showing her what she wanted.

As Atka said we are searching. I came here from a different land than this, where there was darkness and death and evil things. Where the gods were begged and cursed all in one. I want something different, and i want to be where Atka is happy.

He took a deep breath. He hated speaking like this it was irritating, but he continued, a low hum of questioning in his throat. Sacred. What gods do you follow priestess?

He looked around him and then said softly. Only a priestess or a priest, a shaman, would say that a land is sacred. My father was this way.
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
76 Posts
Ooc —
The demeanor of both man and woman differed greatly. One was kinder hearted, while the other appeared stone cold, clearly affected by some trivial points in his life. To which he later explained. The place where he had come was indeed far different than here.

He had questions for her. Those of which she was more than happy to answer. We come from a people known as vikings. But unlike those of old, we do not ravage, enslave, or demand fear. It was once a common thing to worship the many Norse Gods of our time... but in our previous clan, they dismissed the old ways and traditions. It is in this place that we will begin anew, and keep the spirits of the old gods and goddesses alive.

Then he mentioned the talk of priests and priestesses. I am priestess, She assured him. I was taught in this way from a young age. It has come to be my fate that I will be high priestess here, to govern and teach. Would he ask for more, or perhaps request to stay? Asvoria could not tell yet if any of this appeased either of the duo, but she hoped it had. More bodies equalled growth, and she was certain both would be accepted unto these ways.

Old Norse | Common Tongue
— —
Hover over text for unknown tongue translations.
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
Atka remained quiet, an unreadable stare on her face as she considered every word exchanged. She had swallowed back the ache that rose in her throat when Dreven had touched on his past. Dreven needed a place to heal.

Atka listened to the priestess carefully, a frown gracing her expression as she explained what had happened to their previous home. Her gaze turned elsewhere as she listened, periodically looking to Dreven.

❝If you would have us, we would love to learn your ways, learn of your gods.❞ She spoke, tail swaying behind her.
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]
75 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Dreven looked like the sort of wolf who could be very dangerous, if he was not in a good mood. But at his side was Atka, the very picture of benevolence. She tempered him, Thyra thought. And he seemed to lean on her to help him find more peaceful ways. When he moved to her side, he seemed to take on her gentility, grounded by having contact with someone who was as peaceful as a dove. 

Her ears flicked back when he mentioned the land from which he had come. Thyra knew that there were places that relied on violence for gain- but she knew that there was a better life than that and she felt proud that her ancestors had chosen to move away from that sort of lifestyle. She held in her chest the hope that their new lands might provide a safe harbour for the wolves who sought a peaceful place to life, and gods to pray to.
Old Norse | Common Tongue
-Peace in your Violence-
372 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dreven didn't think he was able to be redeemed. There was no goodness left, but he did know that he could treat Atka well. That he could do what she wanted, even if it railed against all the darkness that curled into his soul. That was something he could do. He always had been able to play the perfect companion, this time. though he wanted to be the perfect companion for her. Give her whatever she wanted. She wanted to stay here, then hell. They'd stay.

He dipped his head. As Atka said if you want two more able bodied wolves willing to learn you have them.

Then he looked around, taking in the area. There were caverns dotting where the falcons lived. And he felt as if it could be good here. Perhaps.
Dreven is a mature character. He is often filled to the brim with suggestive words, comments and the like. He also swears a lot. If you cannot hand this, or if it makes you uncomfortable, please don't hesitate to send me a pm and I will try and tone it down for our thread.
76 Posts
Ooc —
last from me!

Both had willingness to stay. To learn. To be one with herself and Thyra. This pleased Asvoria.

If it is your want to stay, I will not turn additional numbers away. Not with how much they needed them.

She turned to Thyra then. Lead them to the caverns so that they may pick their sleeping place. Then back to the man and woman. You will have plenty of time to rest and settle. When you are ready to do so, find me so that we may speak more on what path you intend to take here.

Old Norse | Common Tongue
— —
Hover over text for unknown tongue translations.
245 Posts
Ooc — bee
last from me! thank you for the lovely thread <3

Atka couldn't refrain from smiling as Dreven followed up. Her wandering eyes fixed on Asorvia as she spoke. The priestess welcomed them, and the snowy woman took in another deep breath.

❝Thank you, Asorvia.❞ Atka profusely nodded her head before glancing to Thyra.

The kind young woman would show them to their home. An uplifting place to heal, learn, and support others is what Atka yearned for; she hoped this was it.
[Image: dcm9zur-d3aafd96-e9dd-475b-8fff-3c9c9da5...N13Rk97sII]