Ocean's Breath Plateau If There's a Way
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
All Welcome 
As they began to move in she did not bother noting the border, but she did begin to point out the caches that she remembered or knew about. The dens she did not think would be this close to their southern border and would most probably be higher up on the plateau, so she could wait to point out those when they reached them - those that she knew about anyways. She did not try to move them up all at once, instead going in large arcs along the base moving them north and south in a zig zag that would broadly cover much of the territory. When they reached the portion of their border that butted up against the plains she motioned to them "The Iktome plains are unclaimed, but they make for a good hunting ground." While they might compete slightly with loners it did not seem like many other packs liked to organize large hunts so Heph felt fairly comfortable going there to track herds by herself or trying her luck with any of the particularly old or young that she was able to detect. "Ground's a bit trecherous but good sightlines." The latter was a fact easy to verify but the former one that Meylodi might have to wait to discover.

All welcome but please let Meylodi post first :D
"Hurt any o' 'em and yer gonna 'ave me fangs at yer throat."
182 Posts
Ooc — Kai
The lady wolf followed behind Meph, her long strides keeping up easily. The sun at her back, warming her gently - a subtle breeze. She sneezed with so many scents about. The smells were overwhelming; a hunger gnawing at her belly, not for food, but for adventure. 

In the distance, off the plains, she thought she scented the faint scent of deer. It had been many months since she'd last tasted such a creature, and many more since she'd been a part of a hunt that felled one. 

I come from ta far north, her r's rolled slightly from time to time, a chuckle on her breath. Meylodi couldn't remember when she'd learned the common tongue. Me paw pads' been cracked an' hardened since I was a wee lass. Thank ye fer ta warning, though.
May you live as long as you want,
and never want as long as you live.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded her head, tough paws would help a wolf near anywhere in their wanderings even if that had not been to what she referred. At any rate, they were moving on already, the other wolf keeping up well with the pace she set, she had spent months exploring very nook and cranny of the territory both with and without the number of canines currently residing within Moontide. She pointed out more caches as they made their way up, the dens whose locations she knew although they were not many. Understandably many of the wolves were still digging them out or finding sites that suited them. They were beginning to gain in height but still had not reached the truly breathtaking scenes of the plateau that allowed them to look out over some of the other territories nearby. Her tone was conversational and light, she was enjoying the other wolf's company even if she was less than sure what to think. "I think this coast is as far north as I've been." She was a wanderer and she enjoyed the prospect of lands to the north, perhaps there would a crossing to the see to the east or west though she had not seen one. Then again, before Moontide she had notre ally seen the ocean at all.
"Hurt any o' 'em and yer gonna 'ave me fangs at yer throat."
182 Posts
Ooc — Kai
'Tis nice enough ov'r there, she shrugged, the motion lost with her trot as she continued, coming up beside Meph now with ease. A look on her face and she was clearly enjoying herself - a smile on her muzzle and golden eyes memorizing . An' I do wan' ta s'plore a fair bit before settlin' down anywhere. [q]Ya don't get the views o' ta sea ya get 'ere, though. Shame - it's really pre'y. 

Ya speak as if Moontide's a newer pack 'round these parts. Is tha' righ'? If so, she seemed to have come at a good time - what was one more wolf for a while, until - with hope - a litter was born or until Void and herself set off to scout lands for their own pack's territory.
May you live as long as you want,
and never want as long as you live.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph nodded, voice fond as she recalled the sight with ease. She would often survey the forest below as well as the bay before venturing downwards - while she doubted whether she would be able to spot individual dangers or intruders it did give her some relief to know that something like a fire or an entire pack would have a harder time approaching the shadow of their village. "mmm good as the mountains, it'll be better when we reach the edge." She continued the large zig-zags up the plateau, pointing out more landmarks and features, but spread out their pacing so that they did not pass the same scenery twice. While she wished to give a tour that would allow the other wolf to navigate in a very general way there was too much land to go into much detail.

She answered the question easily, good humor lacing her words. In many ways it had felt like forever since she had decided to settle down, things were changing and shifting beneath her quickly and while she was an adept traveler over most terrain even she found it somewhat startling at times. But these were changes that she was glad to see. "Yes. We started the process of settling only a few months ago and then less than two months past we finalized our claim on the land. Well, I say we, but Rodyn did most of the heavy lifting." Heph let out a chuckle at that comment, but it was true. Rodyn had worked hard to turn Moontide into a safe place and burgeoning hearth for Samani. He had had help though and the pack was a reflection of many efforts, including the help of Moonglow.
"Hurt any o' 'em and yer gonna 'ave me fangs at yer throat."
182 Posts
Ooc — Kai
Both of the two - herself and her mate - wanted a pack of their own; she knew that much. It had been a dream of hers since she was little, bubbling to the surface when she left her pack and went off on her own. Willing to tide herself over within this one until such a time came about, Meylodi listened closely. Every bit of knowledge was interesting and full of new things foreign to her. 

The thought of it taking months to form a pack gave a bit of worry in her thoughts, though she did not appear so in form or voice. All members o' a pack are importan'. Just hope I can learn somethin' useful while I'm 'ere. Don't wanna be a la'y lookin' pre'y an' not doin' me fair share.
May you live as long as you want,
and never want as long as you live.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph let out a chortle. "That's true." But her voice was fond nonetheless. It might be difficult for someone to imagine, it was not that she did not feel valued. Rodyn and Samani had both made her feel welcome, her skills useful, and any contributions she made meaningful to the pack. But the alphas of Moontide were also her friend and she was proud to see his work especially reflected in their borders and caches.

She nodded her head and her eyes glimmered at the description, but her voice was warm. "I'm sure you will if it's something you'd like to do." While Void and Meylodi might wander for a time before finding a place to settle she was sure that they would stay long enough to meet a few wolves and perhaps pick up a few things if they wished. She offered a bit more, as if to explain her confidence in her own assertion. "We have wolves with all sorts of skills about whatever you'd like to learn. Fighting from Void. Rodyn was first hunter in Moonglow and he's a skilled ambassador and scout. Samani's a hunter though she's visiting Moonglow now. Mojag knows quite a bit about the creatures and the land and the sea, and a bit of healing too, helped me out when I had some trouble. Iiana's a fierce hunter. I'm a bit of a hunter and wanderer too. And whatever we don't have you're welcome in Moonglow and Moonspear's borders they have many skilled wolves as well." Void may have told her about the open door policy, but if not it was worth mentioning.

Moontide was still a small enough pack, and while Heph enjoyed the feeling of intimacy and friendship that came with that there were challenges that made their relations with their sister and mother pack advantageous. Well established as it was she was sure Moonglow had many skilled in various trades if there was any knowledge that Moontide was lacking and Meylodi wished to know and she would not doubt Moonspear's prowess either. Aiolos was in Moonglow as well, and he had the bearing of an older and experienced fighter so she had no doubt that if she wished to test her skill Meylodi would find plenty of challengers.
"Hurt any o' 'em and yer gonna 'ave me fangs at yer throat."
182 Posts
Ooc — Kai
Aye, she nodded, a hint of excitement in her tone, the tip of her tail giving a wag of approval at Heph's words. She had many opportunities to learn what would be useful to any pack she'd find herself in... this one included.

More importantly, she found herself in a very favorable situation that even her natal pack couldn't give her - the chance to find out what she was good at on her own, with wolves willing to teach her. Moonglow... an' Moonspear, ya say? Soun's a lo' like Moontide - I 'eard o' sist'r packs, bu' 'round me ol' land ya rea'y di'n't see many. Mos'ly family ones, passin' down ta land an' such ta their children. Or... bein' overthro'n. Ne'er rea'y a dull moment up north. Meylodi's voice chuckled. 

I hope on' day, I got me own children ta han' land o'er ta.
May you live as long as you want,
and never want as long as you live.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph thought on that, in a way the packs were like family and like most wolf families they had a hierarchy. Moonglow was the mother of both in more ways than one, although she did not doub that Rodyn and Samani had made their own decisions and each village would have its own idiosyncracies their bonds were not easily broken, nor was such a break from family desirable in their case. "Hmmm well Samani and Sialuk are both daughters of Kukutux, the Moonwoman of Moonglow. But I'm under the impression that they forged their own path out of their own strengths and connections with the blessing and allyship of the Moonglow." Those things were not small by any means, but they did not diminish the force of both character and action necessary to bring both to fruition.
"Hurt any o' 'em and yer gonna 'ave me fangs at yer throat."
182 Posts
Ooc — Kai
There be a lo' o' hist'ry 'round 'ere, tha's fer sure. 

Aye. Pack hist'ry is fun an' all, but all o' it's makin' me 'ead swim a bit. Ya can tell me more la'er, if ya wan' - all soun's fascinatin' like. Ya say yer a hunter o' sorts? Can ya teach me what cha know? I'm a bi' rusty af'er so long on me own. 

Can I post the next thread? For a hunter trade? :)
May you live as long as you want,
and never want as long as you live.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Time had eased them into dusk and it would be past nightfall by the time they reached the plains but it seemed as if the other wolf was ready to hunt and Heph was more than happy to take a nighttime stroll. The herds would be more alert, but she enjoyed a challenge and they could see what was possible to rustle up. "Sure, let's head to the plains and see what trails there are." She flashed a smile and began heading that way. While it would be harder not to twist something in the dark she was confident in her own skills and had explored the area sufficiently that she was fairly sure she could manage. She had enjoyed showing some of what she had discovered about the plateau, finding her efforts of exploration paying off if unexpectedly.

Sure! Iktome plains is what Heph planned but feel free to post it anywhere