Lion Head Mesa saucy
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
All Welcome 
Down the red-rock halls and around the bend of the Well-Spring, lie a collection of hollows known as the Caverns of Delight

It is here which Naberius trotted along, with a high raised tail and head, desert roses and fermented berries clutched within his jaws. He could smell the servants within the surely now, they could smell him too. 

And which might seek to accompany their Lord this night?
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
The fellahin quarters are hidden well underground, and Inji had slowly grown accustomed to this. Slowly, she'd begun to decorate hers — mostly with wildflowers, perhaps a bedfur neatly tucked in the corner of her bedchamber. It felt odd to have such room, such privacy all to herself.
And still, she was not always alone. Men saunter the halls in search of companions, and up until now, the windswept girl had kept to herself. Nerves, or perhaps a lack of desire.
But as Tuna had said — it was all part of her job.
And so, she greets the neb as he passes by with a charming grin. Lovely roses you've got there, she chirps, gesturing to the blooms within his narrow jaws. Customer service mode activated — big eyes, coy smile, alert ears. who gave them to you?
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
The Neb has heard of the newest Fellahin, though yet to have set eyes on her. What a beautiful sight to behold! Pale tones, thin and light figure and with a pair of bright, exotic colored eyes. They are wide with interest along with a pair of perked ears, set just right on him. 

Settling the bundle (and the berries) down between them, he lifted his head back up with a lick of his lips. Why, I plucked them my very self! Near the river off the Serpent Lake. He explained, I had thought to give them to one who might enjoy my company this night. His eyes assulted her then. A new servant of Akashingo, perhaps Naberius would be the first to open their new gift to the lands.

And here she was, smelling and looking of pure blood. Unknowingly of half his own heritage, too. There was so few of pure-bloods in this land. Such a shame that she held the title of servant among them. Still, he figured his father would have been less likely to fall over dead should Naberius introduce him to his peasant-bride then wed a dog. But nevermind that!
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
He leers; she had heard tale of that lecherous gaze that men often give, piggish and cold-blooded. And yet, not once had she felt it before — never had she watched as it traversed her taut figure, still with remnants of youth; pure. Virginal.
Oh, how delightful, eyelashes aflutter, she leans forward on the balls of her feet, arching a bony spine. I wonder who that lucky gal could be?
Warmth prickles at the tips of her ears. Flirting was an art she had yet to master — she silently prays that she pleases him anyways.
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
She is young. Her air happy and innocent as she leans into his direction. It is the same whimsical air which @Toula held herself with, but regarded herself with a far less royal stance as the role which their Queen had been born into. Still, this young woman was at least still near womanhood (breeding age) while Toula had just barely crossed the threshold of a yearling.

Inji practices her flirting on Naberius and he drinks it up greedily. You, I think. He reveals, pawing at the desert rose at their feet. Why not show me a good place for them in your quarters? He suggests, offering a small tilt of his head before lowering his muzzle to lift the bundle again into his mouth and waits. He does not think she would deny him the company.
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Her eyes widen, incandescent with pupils blown. Up until now, she'd assumed she was merely being cordial — when she'd worked as a food server, the men were receptive to idle chatter and the fluttering of eyelashes. It earned her good words from her supervisors and better cuts of meat, if she were lucky.
But this.
This was something she had little knowledge of, if at all. There is implication here. She thinks of her auntie, her mother; and then, she thinks of the Queen, of her promise that she mustn't do what she did not wish.
She panics internally as the stinging rot of his gaze burns into her gut. She decides to play naive; perhaps he'd go easy on her. She needed to think about this as to not upset him.
That's very sweet, she trills, ears airplaning humbly. you can set them just beside my bedfurs. While I'm up, would you, um, care for some wine? Maybe a cut of meat? I can... bring it back here?
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Her hesitation, the stammering of her words and most certainly, the way her eyes widened into two giant lavender full moons, it led Naberius to be almost nearly certain this was not the kind of services she had ever done before. With the moving sands and summer breeze, there had been whispered of a place, a place fitted with pleasures further north. It was one of many things which had attracted this man here. These were named the Caverns of Delight too, after all. 

This girl, straddling on the outskirts of womanhood, she played the role of servant well. She likely shook out bedfurs, fetched meat from caches, rubbed backs and the like... Even now she asked if he required refreshments. But Naberius, even in his own younger age, was quite seasoned in this particular act. He knew a virgin when he saw one. He was now only more intrigued. 

His peachy-orange gaze narrowed a bit and he settled down both the roses and fermented fruit he had been carrying. I have all I need right here. His eyes watched her carefully but his paw smacked down onto the cluster of fruits he had brought in. Would you like some? They are quite delicious and I specifically, am proof that they do well to ease the nerves.
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Oh, no thank you, I'm alright, she shakes her head fervently, smile flashing in a way that sets her cheeks alight with a rose-pink flush. She needed a sober mind. There was no getting around this now.
Despite the Queen's words, she cannot quite shake the feeling that she should not piss off this man. Perhaps she would not have to go too far beyond the realm of what she was used to — maybe she had been presumptuous. She could give him her simple company, right?
She draws into the cavern she had begun to call her own, easing down into a high-shouldered sit atop her bedfur. Come, sit with me, my neb, she keeps her smile, ears attentively perked. Her tail pats the ground. I'm happy to offer you my company.
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
She rejects and he shrugs, taking it upon himself to enjoy the berres then on his own. He watches her come into her little hollow and settle onto the furs, offering him a placement next to her. He does so and happily stretches out onto his belly, back legs kicked back behind him as he munched on a few berries before looking back to her. 

I see you have settled in well. He commented as he took note of the furs as well as the desert wildflowers within. Tell me, where had you come from before Akashingo? He began by learning of the newest Fellahin. She was sweet and accepting of his company. Even mildly flirting, but she had yet to hint that she might be interested in his true and firstly obvious reasoning for coming this way. So for now, they talked. Naberius liked talking as well, but not as much so as fornicating. She was truly missing out at one of the greatest pleasures in life!
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
He asks questions about her! Perhaps she truly had thought wrong.
And oh, how delighted she is to answer them. I come from a family of hard workers, she begins with a happy scrunch of her nose. I-I'm not from, y'know, high-class lineage or anything, though. My mama and daddy sent me here to seek better work prospects.
She lets out a deep exhale, deciding to follow his lounging with a position of her own; half on her side, resting upon her elbows, knees tucked up to cover her softened belly. Surely, she assumed he would have followed the curve of it with his gaze, and she remained cautious. Perhaps to him it would have been enticing. What of you? Are you from Akashingo?
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Inji's tale was small and simple. A lowborn woman, sent to these lands with the hope of a better, grander life then the one which they had lived. And have you settled happily here thus far, under Queen Toula? Her answer would be yes. He knew it would be. None would speak ill of their Queen even of there was ill to speak. Fortunately, Toula thus far was a kind Queen, unhardened and unbroken by the cruelty of the world around her. 

She comes then to settle at his side on the pelt. Seemingly becoming a bit more comfortable in his presence, now that Naberius had decided to give it a rest, a moment. He was a horny fellow, but he wasn't rapey.

She asks of him, then, and he answers just as happily as she had, to speak of his own path here. No. I come from the south. The Land of Sun and Sand. While my brother prepares for his seat to throne, I had decided to journey north- to explore, to learn and to expand the name of Cyrus by perhaps finding a wife. I have many lovely sisters and think I would enjoy many daughters the same. He grins. Do you think you would want pups, one day?
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Yes, I have, she gives a short nod. Queen Toula is very lovely. I like to think we've started to strike up a friendship, y'know?
He talks of his own history, the land he comes from; which is decidedly not Akashingo, but it sounds as if it is similar. He plans to find a wife here, have children.
Inji pauses. Maybe, I don't really know yet, she gives a gentle shrug of her shoulders. I haven't thought about it much, if I'm honest. to that, a small giggle.
She had nearly forgotten that he had probably not come here to talk philosophy with her. She couldn't quite tell if her assumption had been right — she feels his eyes, still.
Inji shuffles so that her forepaws are tucked neatly up under her chest, and her eyes search him; trailing from the set of his face down his spine and to the feathered tail that rests adjacent to her own. She swallows. Is this... all you wanted, sir? her voice is quiet, eyes wide.
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami
A 'hmmm' had passed his lips and a little shrug when she mentioned the possibility of her and Toula's friendship. Perhaps so. It would be lovely to think, but Naberius also felt that such youthful innocence in Toula, it was unlikely that she didn't feel everyone could be friend to her. 

Then, her own shrug. It is with an uncertainty if she would one day want children. She was just barely into her own sexual maturity herself and it would make sense that she had not yet thought that far into her future. Some, however, just knew even at a very young age what they wanted in their life and they strove for it. Some lived in the moment, day by day. Naberius would like to think he was a little of both. 

She tucks her front legs under her then, trailing the length of his hunter's build with those lavender eyes. No. He admitted, his sunburst eyes searching her expression. I planned to have sex with you tonight. And he spoke it so without an ounce of hesitation. Though she had come to him first and regardless, was glad for the woman's company, how bitter sweet it was becoming. 

[Image: 5d4f8de8888012b92d2c01697019ad718ce9b817.gifv]
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: suggestion, sexual themes

He planned to have sex with her.
So she had been right the first time. At least he was honest.
Oh, blink, another blink, and then a small, wavering smile, teeth glittering as her tongue passes over them. There was no avoiding this now, was there?
She thinks of Toula's kind words, the innocent insinuation that what is required of her is only what she wishes. And then, she thinks of Tuna; if they want you, they'll have you.
And have her he would.
She must swallow her nerves. She gives her best sultry, soft look, ears swiveling until they turn to face him. A nimble paw is then outstretched to rest upon his wrist as she slides closer, arching her back; and slowly, her mouth is drawn up behind his ear. would you still like to, neb?
104 Posts
Ooc — Vami

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Sexualness

After a few hard blinks, she gathers herself and paints the perfect picture of soft shyness and innocence. Though if she were such innocence, Naberius imagined she would not be sliding closer. Would not be whispering into his ear with words she spoke now. If she worn a veil to hide her true feelings, he would not care. She was the perfect blend of what he craved this night.  

He growls in response, one deeply set in his chest and as he rises, a stripped forleg lifts to move over her back and pull her closer until she is pressed firmly against him. Come, let me show you. He coos in smooth whisper. It's quite fun. 

Fade here I suppose!
From the land of Sun & Sand, 
[Image: oasis-desert.gif]
143 Posts
Ooc — Twin
this was VERY fun thank you!! naberius is a joy i love him <3 :D

And show her he will.
She is clumsy and a prickled pile of nerves beneath him, although any discomfort or headiness is swallowed and tucked far from where he may be able to detect it.
She did not have to do it. And perhaps some part of her truly did want to beyond what was obligatory of her. At least for a fleeting moment, in her own heated glory, she took pleasure where she was allowed.


When he leaves her in repose, a heap atop her bedfurs and exhausted in a way she could not comprehend, the child inside her weeps while the woman rejoices. And she herself is somewhere in between.