Totoka River Break, break, break
24 Posts
Ooc — Van
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Unaware of the harm that her prolonged absence continued to inflict upon her father, Stelmaria had turned the last leg of her journey – meant only to span a handful of days – into a weeks-long detour. She now stood on the westernmost, silt-laden bank of a long and winding river, its surface which had been unremarkable at a distance beginning to show a flare of spectacle as the sun started its descent beneath a thick layer of autumnal overcast.

She breathed deep and watched the reflective waters burn brighter, brighter, brighter–
618 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Vercingetorix could just. . .be anywhere. That was one of the perks of being a ghost—instant teleportation. The million-mile-high club was pretty sweet, and he was wondering if there was a way he could leverage some of those goodies here on earth.

Teleportation, clearly. But he liked the sea. He didn't really want to be anywhere else.

Plenty of babes to be found on the beach—

Case. In. Point.

Can't beat the view, right? Verx remarked, sauntering up to her with a smile.
Common · Trigedasleng
24 Posts
Ooc — Van
Though entranced by the glittering waters – surely one of its last shows as the skies would soon turn to its indefinite seasonal overcast – Stelmaria did not miss the rise of the wind, its sultry whispers. Telling her something. She perked up as if hearing a voice and looked into the face of her unseen company.

She looked straight through Vercingetorix.

There was nothing there for her to perceive. In an unconscious way, she had felt him, but now that she was alert, her senses detected no part of him: not sight, sound, scent, taste, or touch, should he try it. Stelmaria simply was not open to the presence of ghosts.

She looked out over the river once more, aware that she might have been hearing things, but this seemed like a great opportunity to superimpose her own desires onto the hidden voice. Claim this place as my own, you say? Stelmaria chuckled. Why, riverland, I had no idea you were so eager to see a queen rise.
618 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He immediately knew that she did not see him. Otherwise, she would have ogled— LOL just kidding.

But really, the unfocused nature of her gaze really marked that he was invisible to her, and she began to speak, and he knew it for sure, then.

Ambitious little wench!

Oh, for sure, Verx played along, grinning. Why not go for it? Nobody here, anyway.

He cocked his head, curious. You got any followers?
Common · Trigedasleng