Silvertip Mountain dark clouds
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
i'm alright with moving the date on this to the present, since it has kind of sat lonely for a minute and all

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A great cathedral of stone stood tall before her, its spire reaching for the clouds and its slopes looking imposing as ever -- as any mountain should. She had loitered first in the hot springs, warming her chilly bones, then worked her way here under the afternoon's cloudy skies. Now, the fledgling sage peered skyward with a critical squint of her green eyes.

She proceeded with caution yet no real boundaries rose to greet her as she went north then eventually began to loop back towards the south, but this time even closer to the mountain. There were wolf scents, some less prevalent than others, but no markings told her to keep out despite knowing that had pack had once claimed this mountain. She wrinkled her muzzle and continued to loiter near the mountain's foot. There was a forest not far from here, too, one that looked deep and impressive and was only a stone's throw from her present location.

Amekaze was reminded of home somewhat, but these places lacked the same majesty in her eyes. She continued on, skirting just along the mountain's base, following it roughly to the southwest.

[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
'allo =D


A minute pause in his journey found the blanched wolf wasting time atop one of the many mountains he'd encountered since his first return. His morning had been leisurely, occupied with little more than casual strolled along dangerous trails, but for a short while now he'd been perched on a gaggle of rocks that let him peer regally across the open plains beneath him. It was here that he first noticed an onyx pioneer navigating a route not too distant from the one he'd been on...and though she was yet at a distance her coloring made his mind temporarily slip toward false assumption.

His breath caught in his throat. "Koo-!"

The she wolf turned her face to regard the path as it twisted away from a steep drop off. He knew instantly that her identity was not of the companion he'd left behind some months ago but a stranger entirely; his harkening was squelched before it cradled the last of her name. He was not angry at the misunderstanding but felt instead a twinkling of embarrassment on his own behalf. Surely she'd heard the utterance and though perhaps he was mentally stunted...or worse, perversely sending lovebird calls her way,

"I thought you were someone else!" he called out before the misunderstanding could gain much momentum.
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
hihi! thx for joining
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She had traveled inhibited for a while now, even though her expectations were different. Amekaze had hoped to stumble upon a Tartok wolf or two to investigate them further but evidently, they had moved on. A pity, she had seen their leading female not even that long ago, and her curiosities had been peaked once more.

So she set the notion aside. Packless as she was, times like these of roving in solitude were very frequent. When the subtle hint of wolf scent rode the winds, her focus was quick to shift. Not long after, he called out and made her hackles rise up defensively. Her paws stopped and she listened, ears quivering his way intently but.. what he did say seemed incomplete, and not something she recognized. In fact, nothing about him was familiar and her lips turned downward. Amekaze was quiet and guarded while he explained.

She squinted at him and had marginally relaxed some to move a few paces closer to him. This wasn't the first time she had been mistaken for someone else, which was beginning to make her suspicious. Evidently her look (at least from far away) was common enough around here. Ah, she chuffed, straightening her posture and lifting her muzzle. Who did he think she was? Do you seek someone here? she asked, watching intently.

[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Not a problem!

Oddly enough he lamented having mistaken the femme not because he'd been wishing for Koontz (though part of him had been) but because he felt he'd done the she wolf a disservice. Blundering an identity to him was akin to ill manners; he wished to convey the notion that although she was not perhaps who he'd hoped to see her apparition was an entirely welcomed distraction.

"If she showed up I wouldn't hesitate to see her," he answered with a timely nod of his head. "She lived in the Plateau over yonder last I'd seen...she isn't there anymore though." Ax's heart gave a little quake as he verbally announced what he'd been internalizing since the beginning. Koontz was gone and he had no way of tracking her. The little introvert had disappeared...and likely forever from his life.

"Problem is all you pretty girls around here are black as coal like her," he mentioned with a wayward smile. He was past the tittering age of blushed cheeks and colorful synonyms to convey his opinions. He'd always thought Koontz was attractive and, in lieu of their similarities, it was only natural he thought Amekaze was too. "My name's Ariston," said the wolf from his little perch. "I apologize for having disrupted your peaceful walk."
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
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Frankly, Amekaze did not know all that many wolves who looked like her or really think of it when she saw other black-furred females. Then again, around here, she knew few faces in the grand scheme of it and did understand that all black wolves probably looked about the same from far enough away.

I see, she replied and did not ask any further about the wolf he was looking for. Amekaze had initially wondered if they had been one of the wolves who lived on the mountain when it had belonged to Tonravik, but since that was not the case, she saw little reason to delve further.

She replied first with a soft 'tch' sound at his mention of pretty girls. Her squint stayed put as she peered up towards him, impassive in her expression despite his attempt at flattery (she guessed?). Perhaps you will find her still. I cannot say I know many others with my look, though, she replied noncommittally.

Then, noting his name, she figured she ought to give her own. I am Ame, and it is fine. I came here looking for Tartok's wolves, but it seems they have disappeared, too. She didn't know if this would mean anything to him, but cited this as her reason for being here.

[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Her abrupt dismissal of his compliment rolled off his back as easy as water. "I hope so," he chimed with a bright tone that forsook the revelation he'd just had about her. He didn't feel it impertinent to mention his added hope of finding Koontz and her not wanting to chew his ass from sun up to sun down. The details of her finding those of likeness uncommon was little more than a cliff note in his mind; to him that equated to mistaking an identity less frequently.

"Nice to meet you, Ame," he replied sincerely. But her mention of Tartok, specifically that they'd also disappeared, made his head tilt quizzically. "That's two packs so far that'd I've heard vanished within the last half year," he speculated aloud. His brows pinched in thought and he tried analyzing the information...but unfortunately his internalizing yielded few results. "First Dragon Watchers and now Tartok. Any idea why, Ame?"
2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
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Amekaze could see his charms, although it would take more than just that to wholly impress her any. It was his hopefulness that she found almost heart-warming, even here amidst the winter's chill and with the topic at hand not the most pleasant -- of lost wolves and packs.

Likewise, she replied in turn, and splayed her ears. Two lost packs, which now that he mentioned it, she realized it was true. Dragon Watchers had never concerned her any, so they had been more forgettable to her. I do not know, unfortunately, and I have found little evidence to suggest any explanation. the dark Rikudou explained thoughtfully. I had seen their leading female not all that long ago and all seemed well, but I had always got the sense they were a private lot. Which meant that if their territories had been thin on hunting, she likely would not have heard about it as an outsider.

On a few occasions she had met their wolves and grown curious of them, especially with their mentions of strength and a mountainside territory, yet she had never heard all that much about them. Here she had come hoping to gain more and instead only found they were gone.

It seems packs have a steady turnover here. I feel like I am learning of them coming and going more often that I should be.. her muzzle pointed towards the ground in thought. Amekaze valued stability and had come from old lands where packs rarely dissolved to nothing only to be replaced mere weeks later. It was odd to her, but perhaps that was just how it happened here.

[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
"Mmm," he hummed aloud as Amekaze's judgment fell upon him. He had no way of either confirming nor denying the privacy of Dragonwatchers after he left but they must not have made too much of a ruckus; all evidence toward their existence was limited to the words of strangers. There were no monuments or straggling members. It was him and him alone...the final testament to the Dragon's were ever around to begin with.

Her wayward comment of the area's frequent coming and goings made him smile wryly. "You and me both sister," he agreed with a fervent nod. "My parents were born and raised in the same litter was the first to ever leave. Maybe we're the newest generations of vagabonds." When she looked down he looked up and out instead...tracing the contours of the land around them. "I think I really do like it here though," he murmured. "If I can't find my home I'll make one again...and this time I won't run just because I start balding from the stress."

set by Emy

2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
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This inconsistency in the resident packs was all the more reason for her to be wary of joining a pack. It seemed that too often she heard of them coming and going without cause, or, similarly, members expressing their vague dismay over their pack's health as she had once with Bon Dye. Even despite the winter's harshness, and how cold and lonesome it was at times, how could she pledge her steadfast loyalty to wolves so shifting as these?

So she continually hoped she would find her fellows somewhere, for some had to be different than the rest before them. Hm, it seems to be so, she replied with a thoughtful sigh and idle shift of her tail. The new generation of vagabonds was not a title she had sought for herself and yet, here it was, an oddly fitting designation for her.. and him as well, apparently.

Amekaze found she could relate, but he added something else, enough to make her curious. It is a good place. My travels stalled in this area -- they drew me and and have not sent me away, exactly, either.. She exhaled. Truth be told, she could not say why exactly. But, she had never seriously considered creating her own home if she never found one. There were the occasional times when she wondered if it would be easier that way. You say again? she quipped with an arching brow, looking to pry just a little more if she could.

[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
His prior status was not one he inherently sought to hide but it was not a topic he wanted to brag about either. Realizing his wording hinted at the past came a beat too late; Amekaze's question made him smile tiredly.

"Dragonwatchers was my pack," he admitted. "Their leader, the one I assume you met, was supposed to be my protégé. But I bit off more than I could chew and the duties were too great. I was sent-" he broke off and shook his head. It sounded like he was placing blame on poor Koontz. "I left back for home to recover my wits. But by the time I returned they were already gone."

Would he have jumped right back into the pilot's seat? Likely not...though the dynamic between he and the ex-beta would've been juicy. "I'd like to try again someday," he admitted with a nod. "But not until I've done a bit more growing up."

set by Emy

2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
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He confirmed what she suspected might be true -- Dragonwatchers being his, and all, but she had not wanted to jump to conclusions without knowing for sure. Amekaze bobbed her head, murmuring a soft "hm" sound as she did, finding his.. acceptance of it almost curious. He sounded straightforward, despite admitting where he had encountered his mistakes to a near-stranger. Amekaze could not say what to make of it just yet.

Not only that, but his desire to try again. This "biting off more than he could chew" had not off-put him from the role entirely. However she could agree with the need for more growing up. She did not feel compelled for leadership, and her age may have been a part of it. Amekaze was used to well-aged, experienced alphas and knew that she paled in comparison. Maybe it will only make you stronger in the future, having done what you had. I am surprised that they could not wait for your return -- assuming they understood you might, but I don't know their circumstances, exactly.. she mentioned, relatively impassive, with a roll of her shoulders. I intend to continue my walk. Do you have business elsewhere? she asked, glancing to the path before her. I do not mind your company, so if you are not preoccupied.. she added, so not to seem like she was trying to be rid of him once she realized her.. somewhat course phrasing. It was an invitation even if it didn't exactly sound like one.

[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Finishing this! I would love a new one with you once you have the time =D

"You're really nice," he observed aloud with a quick grin. This was of course directed at her reassurance. But the invitation, despite its temptation, was met with a small shake of his head. "I'd better not go wandering off with a pretty girl like you," said the wolf with an unabashed chuckle. "I might not be so eager to return to the pack life." His voice lowered to a whisper as if they were two companions sharing a big secret. "I've got a weakness for kind ladies too. You're double trouble in my book."

The flirtation, harmless to him, was as natural as breathing. Obviously he wasn't taking into consideration what the recipient of his affectionate words would think...and he did not linger to discover the truth. "See ya later, Amekaze!" he called over his shoulder with an accenting chuff in goodbye before cantering back from where he'd come.

set by Emy

2,114 Posts
Ooc — gerra
ahh sounds good :D
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Amekaze chuffed softly and let her ears splay out to the sides. She was not sure how to respond to him, despite his complimentary words -- "really nice" was not something she heard a lot of, not that she spoke with many others, anyway..

But, when his voice dropped to a hushed tone, she swung her wears back forward, and it was his words that arced a brow. She, again, was unsure how to respond immediately. Well then, it would make for a curious turn of events if so... she replied and flicked her tail. Amekaze hadn't planned to lure him off but took his decline in stride all the same. Farewell, she whuffed as he took off, and she went on her way as well.

[Image: 5ifpFkc.png?1]
i want to bleed in the 「r a i n

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