Bearclaw Valley Teddy Bear?
Bearclaw Valley Resident
39 Posts
Ooc — Raven
All Welcome 
Hoping for one of (or both of) the pups - @Athalia @Amneris. Adults - @Ameline @Ancelin - are welcome to join. Open for anything :)

The bear had dwelled within the valley for many a moon, and in that time a varied bunch of souls has drifted into the valley. Some for a day, a night, but others had not departed, and seemed to have no intention of doing so.

Drust had kept his distance in the past, but this day he made his way in the direction of the group of residents that had shared his and the Miko's home the longest.

Urgency was absent for the bear's stride as he journeyed to the other side of the valley, following his nose towards souls unknown.
*This boy is a wolf - - - Not a bear - - - Common mistake*
*Drust's name is unknown to others*
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the big guy.
ameline had told him about the roar-man, the bear-man, but to actually see him had the young rogue's eyes near bulging from his head;
"wow!" he said aloud, unable to help himself.
the man's massive step caused him to lumber. ancelin dropped down from where he had been hunting among moss-stippled stone and followed at a great, respectful distance before he weakly cleared his throat and called, "hello?"
the dude was massive. he was indeed a bear; ancelin could see hardly how he was a wolf at all!
Bearclaw Valley Resident
39 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The bear was brought to the stones that littered the entrance of the valley. The scents of many weaving in and out. If this area was their homestead or simply the area they traveled most coming and going from with the valley Drust could not discern. A bit of effort applied to the situation and one could figure it out, but his lack of urgency continued.

That was until he heard a voice from between the rocks tossed in his direction and his muscles tensed.


A note that Drust had heard often played at the beginning of many strangers' songs. 

He turned his head towards it and saw a male wolf covered in patches of camo upon an ivory canvas.

The bear's large cranium nodded in this new soles direction and a puff of air chuffed from his nostrils in acknowledgment.
*This boy is a wolf - - - Not a bear - - - Common mistake*
*Drust's name is unknown to others*
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"i'm ancelin." did the guy speak? "my mate and i are here, and our girls." why even go into a story about how they had been found if they belonged to he and ameline?
"we hunt in the valley. you're welcome to join us for a meal sometime." tail waving slightly, he considered how bearlike again this man was.
Bearclaw Valley Resident
39 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The male in camo began to speak a menagerie of tones, none of which sank into the skull of the bear.

A swaying tale and amiable expression allowed Drust to relax his tensed muscles.

Yet another within the valley that had yet to look upon him aversly. Though his muscles were eased a confused look dropped across his face and furrowed his brows. Looking the male over, waiting, searching.
*This boy is a wolf - - - Not a bear - - - Common mistake*
*Drust's name is unknown to others*
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
400 for you! <3

was dude a bear? a wolf? there was a definite and immediate language barrier, it seemed. ancelin frowned a little. maybe the guy only spoke in the language that keiko had used.
"um. eat," he mimed, "with us?" and pointed back into the valley, deeper, where they usually gathered.
Bearclaw Valley Resident
39 Posts
Ooc — Raven
He watched as the camo man lifted his paw to his mouth and proceeded to act out his intentions. It was not something Drust understood fully but the physical languages were easier to interpret than those auditory.

The bear watched as the man gestured off into the valley with an inviting expression.

Drust looked off into the valley then back at the man. He nodded his large head in agreement and stepped forward with the intention of following.
*This boy is a wolf - - - Not a bear - - - Common mistake*
*Drust's name is unknown to others*
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ancelin was surprised; right now? but was pleased at how easy it was.
he led the gigantic man out of the small templeweald into the greater portions of bearclaw, and there called out to @Ameline, @Athalia, and @Amneris: that the white bear-man was to hunt with them now, share kills, and perhaps their excursions.
that they would be one.
Bearclaw Valley Resident
39 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Shorter post to keep Drust active while we wait for others. Happy to continue with just Ancelin and Drust if needed :)

Drust followed the camo male into the valley. His snout scented the air vigorously, searching for what it was Ancelin signed would be eaten. When the male began to slow and lifted his head high, howling out, Drust turned his head to the side confused. Awaiting what or who would happen upon them next.
*This boy is a wolf - - - Not a bear - - - Common mistake*
*Drust's name is unknown to others*
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
fine by me, or i could start us a new one? <3

when no one came, ancelin sighed with faux annoyance. "they're probably off hunting with ameline. she's an excellent mom to them," he boasted, moving deeper into the forest. "c'mon, big guy, i'll find you something from the caches."
Bearclaw Valley Resident
39 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Thanks for the thready. Sorry for the delay. A lot of IRL events going on. Definitely should have another thread in the future.

The bear was unsure what to expect. The camo wolf's call appeared unanswered and Drust could see the subtle displeasure in his expression. 

But the pair did not stay stagnant for long as Drust followed the male further into the forest and to a local cache. The bear remained warry but allowed himself to enjoy a bite to eat.
*This boy is a wolf - - - Not a bear - - - Common mistake*
*Drust's name is unknown to others*
Bearclaw Valley
Rex *
614 Posts
Ooc — ebony
no worries! this can be my last post! i hope everything works out <3 would love to have a new one anytime!

they would eat and ancelin would continue to talk, mostly for the company. it was good to be in such intriguing shadows, he decided, wondering what exactly had happened to make this fellow look just like a bear.
had it been later in the year, ancelin might have offered him honey.