124 Posts
Ooc — xynien
For @Ava Amara <3 other tag for ref! Assuming some tiny knowledge based on OOC discussion, just their OG names for nowww
Three of four — and now to the place of their dawning, to the sea to find that final missing piece. Anathema scarcely allowed her siblings to stray from her sight. @Hierophant; @Ava Amara


Accipitra, She called her softly, pressing her nose to her sister's dark shoulder. Accipitra. This is you. This is us. We'll find them soon, I hope. Tzedeq. @Saint. Our Saint. Her voice was nearly a hum, serene in a way it had never been before. Anathema. Saint. Accipitra. Hierophant.

Black waters in their veins, and they belonged together. Always.
my darkness is shining
221 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
they walked tri-fold, three siblings reunited to a single hydraic head. ava breathed in rhythm with them, she walked in step with them — even the scintillating glint of sunlight off her pelt rippled in pattern with her siblings. 

anathema turned and spoke in reverence. accipitra. her nose pressed to the crowfeather black of ava’s pelt. 


the very name baptized by blackwater power. 

ava’s gaze travelled shakily to the blurry image of her siblings; how their pelts seemed to streak and shimmer, weaving together in a visual braid of oneness. for a moment, the pressure of her headaches was lifted as she held that old, familiar, uniquely foreign name to her breast.
124 Posts
Ooc — xynien
The Anathema.

More than a name, more than a title. Anathema to the world; Anathema to herself and to the God whose eyes would always pass over her. What God would peer into shadow when He held in His hands the power to create light? A thousand little lights to blink and dance and brighten and dim and die. Sweetharbor. Rivenwood.

Shadows faded, but they never died. Only went away for a little while.

We're going away, Ana murmured half to herself, unsteady even as her gaze sharpened; lucid for a moment but clearly pained by it, frightened of it! Tears filled her eyes. She closed them and took a deep breath to gather herself.

God didn't want us there. Not anywhere. But we'll find Him, too, won't we? Steadying again; serene again. We'll make Him want us.
my darkness is shining
221 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
they were going away. tears glinted in her sister’s gaze like glittery opal. the sight of them stirred worry in ava’s breast. 

she nosed her sister gently, stifling the bitter laugh that might have sprung from her throat had she a voice. god? what did god have to do with anything? where worshippers did not live, gods faired no better — and ava was no worshipper of an idol that had only ever caused her hurt. 

her sister’s voice steadied. ava turned to take in the breeze, which carried a note of saltwater tang in it. together, they would build their own god, a god worth breathing life into.