Wheeling Gull Isle the wind is strong and the water deep
I will carry cross and song where I don't belong
65 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
All Welcome 
Nearly drowning had taught Simeon two things:

One, that his actions could lead more than him in trouble, and

Two, he needed to learn how to swim.

First, he'd have to gather up the courage to try. Since John had saved him and Dee, Simeon mainly stuck to the inland of Sweetharbour. At night, in his sleep, he sometimes dreamed of water swallowing him whole -- or worse, of water swallowing up one of his brothers or sisters, while his paws shook in molasses from the island's edge.

Unable to save, unable to help.

He told no one of these dreams except for Psalm, because Psalm didn't talk, and the look in the big turtle's eyes was so nothing that Simeon could read any emotion into them. And, on the brave days he wandered down to the tide pools, he liked to think Psalm was listening, and that the squint of the turtle's eyes was wisdom or compassion or maybe even a mutual understanding or something.

The tide pools were on his mind today, and, looking around to make sure nobody would follow him, he slipped out of the densite and walked until he reached Psalm's shore. There he crouched and talked to the turtle, Sharing the things he felt he just couldn't -- wouldn't! -- share with his family. If word got out he was scared of the water -- !

I bet you were never scared of the sea, Simeon said to the turtle, who narrowed its eyes like it was laughing, knowing, and at this, Simeon found himself giggling too, or maybe you are, and that's why you stay on the island all day.

Maybe that meant he would, too.

But he thought of the landbridge, of the vague hilltops beyond, and his smile fell with a heavy sigh. I've gotta learn how to swim someday. What if someone else got stuck out there and he couldn't save them? I just... don't want them to see I'm scared.

One never learns how the witch became wicked...
153 Posts
Ooc — xynien
As careful as Simeon was to ensure his solitude, Ana had a quiet way of shadowing the island's other residents. Her experience with Judah had made her curious. There was a warmth there that she had only ever felt from her littermates, a sense of companionship that was otherwise denied to the darklings. She knew better than to approach Malakai or Dinah —

But Simeon was a mystery to her. So she trailed him at a distance, watching until he approached the turtle they called Psalm. Ana tilted her head. He was talking to it.

Curiosity stoked, she crept forward with a few questioning clicks.
[Image: dhk9v7o-83704696-b956-4a94-a816-aa3a54f2...AZGdsy85K4]
It's a danger
I will carry cross and song where I don't belong
65 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
I'm the biggest brother, see? he continued on to Psalm, unaware of the little sister who shadowed him. There was a clicking somewhere in the hills, an insect, probably, in the rocks somewvere. He didnt turn around to look, well, the oldest, anyway. And that means a lot, I think. Means I --

The clicking grew louder, and it was only then a familiarity washed over him.

Ana! he exclaimed as he turned, ocean eyes wide with surprise, whatcha doing all the way down here? and how had he not noticed her? And had she heard what he'd been telling Psalm? And what if he'd done something stupid again and she'd followed him into it, like Dinah?

Warmth flooded his cheeks, and he tried to push the feeling away -- alomg with all his vulnerability -- with a grin, you've met Psalm, yeah? and he gave a good gesture to their turtle friend.

One never learns how the witch became wicked...
153 Posts
Ooc — xynien
The biggest brother. The oldest. Ana was unaware of the significance of this, but would hold onto these snippets of overheard conversation. She watched Simeon until he noticed her.

And when he did, he started to act very strangely. She thought so, at least, and crept closer to sniff him all over. He didn't seem sick, and he was talking about Psalm, so she went to sniff the turtle next.

It smelled even more strangely than Simeon was acting! Ana got as close as she could, staring directly into Psalm's eyes for a moment. Then her jaws split and she reached for the turtle in slow motion, seeking to fit her mouth gently over its face in a very lazy mlem.
[Image: dhk9v7o-83704696-b956-4a94-a816-aa3a54f2...AZGdsy85K4]
It's a danger
I will carry cross and song where I don't belong
65 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Ana didn't seem to catch on -- at least, not in what she said. If anything she thought him sick, the way she sniffed about him. Heh, came his nervous chuckle -- but she offered him nothing beyond her initial inspection. It wasn't really a surprise. She was always pretty quiet and hard to read, unlike Dee, who he could talk for hours with, and who never really left him wondering what was really on her mind.

Thankfully, she went to Psalm next in her familiar quiet way, and, Woah! Simeon laughed and started forward. Had anyone ever licked Psalm before? That sight would be burned in his memory forever.

But the turtle seemed unfussed by his little sister's antic, and Simeon stopped short of scooping Ana up in his arms and shielding her from any turtley retaliation. You kissed a turtle and lived to tell it -- first I've ever heard of! he laughed again with a cheeky smile, either you're good at kissin', or she must be extra lonely.

One never learns how the witch became wicked...
153 Posts
Ooc — xynien
The turtle didn't seem to mind Ana's invasive inspection. Simeon, on the other hand, expressed his surprise — and the girl realized belatedly that she had done something odd. Something strange. She clicked uncertainly, but her brother didn't seem mad at her, and so after a moment she relaxed.

But the turtle had tasted kind of funny. Ana made a face and stuck her tongue out, wiping at it with one paw. That didn't help very much. So she took a mouthful of sea-water, forgetting for a second how salty and inedible it truly was. That was worse! Ana immediately spat the mouthful and began to cough, spraying the ocean water all over Simeon in the process. Yeah, that's what you get for being a loving brother, Simeon: baby spit.
[Image: dhk9v7o-83704696-b956-4a94-a816-aa3a54f2...AZGdsy85K4]
It's a danger