Stone Circle and put it all back together again in the quiet of my private collection
patron saint
are we all lost like you?
253 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
In the silence of waiting, he caught a familiar voice, and Merrit turned, allowing the flick of his ear to direct his whole body like a rudder on a ship. Ezra. But before the child could do much more than open his mouth, a higher voice rushed in, and Merrit drew his mouth in a subtle smile as he shifted his attention to his sister.

"Letti," he murmured, his voice warm as he offered a gentle lick across her cheek. Meanwhile, his thoughts turned back to his brother. Merrit knew that Ezra was something of a protector, a guardian, and a provider. Apart from that, he knew very little else. In many ways his brother was an enigma, yet out of all his siblings, Merrit found a want to emulate his brother the most, and he straightened himself a little taller when he turned his way and looked up to meet him. "Can I tell you something I made?" He meant his question for the both of them, and glanced to his sister to let that be known, though his eyes favoured his brother the most.