Duck Lake it heals and it haunts me.
232 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
All Welcome 
The lake was quiet that morning, in spite of the vast number of waterfowl settled along its edges and skating across its surface. The sun was barely beginning to peek up at the world from over the horizon, setting aglow the fine mist that blanketed the land. As Yami stepped softly along the banks of the lake, she did so with no intention of interrupting the peace and serenity of the coming day, but to slip seamlessly into it and become part of the setting.

Her world had been tumultuous as of late. She had been a hurricane, equal parts rage and misery. She longed for the eye of the storm. She didn't try to fool herself into thinking she could find happiness there--that was something that felt so far out of reach, it may as well be as impossible as a fantasy. She just wanted contentment. She wanted nothing more than calm, at least for a time.

So, the Ostrega slipped into the water, smooth as a serpent gliding across the surface. She shut her eyes as she sank in up to her shoulders, breathing deep, trying to do nothing more, and nothing less, than exist.
104 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
Abel, however, did not seek to blend into the tranquility the lake provided. His presence was disruptive. His footsteps were heavy, though he meant them to be light. It was a necessity, he believed, one he failed to do in the midst of his panicked state.
When he slept the night before he was back in that prison. The bear-adoring wolves circles around him with their horrifically distorted faces. Their presence overwhelmed him. 
When he woke that morning he was reminded to put as much distance between him and them as possible. Another necessity he’d lacked in achieving. In truth he had hidden away most days, too afraid to move through the open fields lest he be captured again. But the adrenaline his nightmare gave was enough to push him into a hurried jog for that morning at the very least.
He’d failed to notice another wolf wading in the lake until he’d stumbled on his own feet and onto the bank. He gasped once as he fell and a second time when he took notice.
She’s one of them. He swiftly jumped to that conclusion as he stared at her like a deer in headlights. Abel stood cautiously and slowly began to creep backwards. He could only hope she hadn’t seen him yet.
232 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
It seems that peace and serenity were simply not meant to exist in Yami's world. No sooner had she begun to drift than a cacophony of sound arose nearby. She turned to frown down the shoreline until she spotted the offender and paused. A young wolf stood there, staring at her as though she were wielding a knife at his throat. Her frown turned to startled confusion, but changed swiftly back again.

"The hell is your problem?" Yami asked, bitterness in her tone, "Can't you see we're all trying to have a peaceful morning here?" She rolled her eyes and scoffed. Kids were such self-centered jerks.
104 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
His jaw clenched when she caught sight of him. For a moment he thought to run but the idea was quickly cast aside when he realized he could not. As desperately as he wished to slip away from sight, the child was frozen in fear. Fear that was shielded with frustration as she spoke.
My problem? he repeated with disbelief. My problem is being chased by crazy wolves who killed my mom — But Laurel wasn’t dead wasn’t she? The one eyed man’s slip of the tongue came to the forefront of his mind. It gave him an ounce of solace then, but ultimately could not stop him from going on his (now tearful) diatribe.
— and- and kidnapped me and my sister. And now t-they’re gonna kill me for running. God, why did he have to run? His voice began to raise into awkward cracking and choked up sobs. And now I’m alone. A-and I don’t know what to do. I’m tired and I’m hungry. So- so  sorry for ruining your peaceful little bath you- you ass!
232 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Whatever Yami had expected the young wolf to say, this was not it. She stared blankly at him as he ranted about murders and kidnapping, utterly bewildered. Was this kid for real? ”What in the fuck…” she murmured quietly to herself as she gazed scrutinizingly at him. She was about to scoff and disregard it for childish dramatics. But then she noticed it. There was real panic there, real fear in his eyes. Could he be telling the truth?

She frowned at him thoughtfully. Her next inclination was to tell him that sounded like a hot fucking mess and send him on his way. After all, these crazy wolves (if they existed) probably wouldn’t look kindly on her for helping their prisoner escape and she wanted no part of that drama. But again, she paused as she studied him. Hydra never would’ve sent him away. The thought stung. She hated herself for thinking it. She hated more that it drove her next actions.

”Ugh… fine,” she said finally, clearly exasperated, ”Come on. There’s a nest further down the shore. You like eggs? Cause that’s what you’re getting.” She trudged out of the water and up onto dry land again, not bothering to look at him as she began to head towards the nest.
104 Posts
Ooc — Y2K9
Wh- wha —? The irritation falls from his voice in an instant. He stared up at her. Teary eyed and confused by her… offer? Demand?  He didn’t know. All he knew was that she was talking about eating something and that was enough to get him to follow.
But - but wait! You can’t eat eggs! Yet he still trails behind. Tentative but eager nonetheless. Are you tricking me?!
232 Posts
Ooc — Stevie
Yami hadn’t planned on stopping again once she’d started to head towards the beat, but his comments definitely made her pause: she slowed to glance back at him, her face contorted in obvious confusion. Was he being for real?

”Uhh… no,” she responded to his accusation before shaking her head and setting forth again with him trailing behind, ”Have you never eaten eggs before? Were you raised by squirrels or something?”

She didn’t care much to hear the answer, but she listened for it as they walked. It wasn’t far from where she’d been swimming, but she hadn’t been hungry when she’d passed it by. And more than that, she hadn’t wanted to interrupt the peace by causing a ruckus. Things had changed now, though, and when she came upon the pair of ducks crowded around the nest, she didn’t hesitate to bare her teeth and rush them, driving them away as they cried out in fear and dismay.

Once they were gone, Yami turned back and stepped up to their abandoned nest. She searched it to spy six eggs nestled together. She brushed away the lost feathers and stood back, wondering now if the boy would innately know how to eat them or if he’d try to swallow them whole. The latter would certainly amuse her.