Dragoncrest Cliffs li kòmanse
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
876 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille laid a white shell beside sobo's grave. "manmanm lakay li."
perhaps he might hear her where he had gone.
the sun was setting when the obsidian finally rose. she kissed the dirt of her brother's resting place and then moved to where erzulie had been buried, upon the battlefield where she had made her final stand.
her throat hurt. she draped a trail of kelp leaves over this one, her tears falling free and silent. "@Chacal pral vin yon manman byento." her chin trembled. "i cannae believe you will not be here to see dem."
mireille cradled the dirt of the grave in her arms and wept quietly against the grains.